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Iron Gauntlet 4th Challenge

Brother Argent

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The veteran squints at you through his one good eye.

" Well thats all well and good, these so called 'heroes' of your Chapter. But what of the rest of your Chapter. Tell me, whelp, what battles has your Chapter won. Give me a report of your Chapters pitiful attempts at victory. Or a crushing defeat, as is more likely..."


Challenge the Fourth


Yep, its that time again. I've finally got off my ass long enough to formulate the next two Challenges. This one is an easy one for those whom actually play games. For those who don't, not so much.


For this Challenge you are required to post a battle report fought with your Chapter. There is no specifics on the details of the battle. Fight it between two squads if you want, or between 10000pts Apocalypse forces. Whatever, it doesn't matter.


Three awards as usual:


Bronze: Post a battle report on your chapter.

Silver: Post a battle report on your Chapter and one item from the following list.

Gold: Post a battle report on your Chapter and two items from the following list.



- Beginning and end fluff of 500words each.

- Turn by turn maps of the battle

- Turn by turn photos of the battle.


Because I'm starting it later then I was going to I'm going to give you two months for this one. That means the due date is September the 23rd. Post your battle reports in the Battle Report forum and then link them back here. Just make the following vow then link your report to it when its complete. Be aware that if it isn't linked from this thread then it will most likely count as a failure.


I (INSERT NAME HERE) of the (Insert Chapter name here) take up your fourth challenge and vow before my brothers and sisters here to complete a battle report on my Chapter and post it here before September the 23rd. I will assist my fellow challengers in this challenge and will bear the signature of shame should I fail.


As usual post any questions should you have them.

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I, Shinzaren of the Shadow Keepers, take up your fourth challenge and vow before my brothers and sisters here to complete a battle report on my Chapter and post it here before September the 23rd. I will assist my fellow challengers in this challenge and will bear the signature of shame should I fail.
I Maleagant of the most noble and ancient Archangels Chapter take up your fourth challenge and vow before my brothers and sisters here to complete a battle report on my Chapter and post it here before September the 23rd. I will assist my fellow challengers in this challenge and will bear the signature of shame should I fail.

I, Lysimachus of the Iron Gods, take up your fourth challenge and vow before my brothers and sisters here to complete a battle report on my Chapter and post it here before September the 23rd. I will assist my fellow challengers in this challenge and will bear the signature of shame should I fail.


As an aside, is there any way we could have the usual four months for the last two Challenges like we did the others? I'll still do my best if that can't be done, but it's just that the only person I game with is my brother and we very rarely get time to play (played 1(!) game of 5th Ed so far). Anyway, the point is that we both have our wedding anniversaries in the next two months and our sisters wedding in August too, and a whole load of other stuff in September as well and I just don't know if I can arrange a game smack in the middle of that busy period? :(


Like I said, I still want to take part in all the Challenges so if it can't be done, I'm still in, but I just don't really like signing up for something I'm 99% certain I'll fail at!

I, Madwolf Shadowmane of the Hounds of the Hunt take up your fourth challenge and vow before my brothers and sisters here to complete a battle report on my Chapter and post it here before September the 23rd. I will assist my fellow challengers in this challenge and will bear the signature of shame should I fail.


I may be setting myself up for failure. Between now and Sept 23rd I will be moving across the United States. I am traveling to an area with a greater chance for a game though.

  • 1 month later...

Well, it's not quite what SP talked about here:


So knowing that for the fourth challenge you say you cant get it done in time but we'll get some gigantic 10,000pts Apocalypse battle with a full moving Flash animation battle tracker and scratch and sniff blood smell.


but I've managed to arrange and play a game for the 4th Challenge! Link to Battle Report


Edit: Now with pics!

Hey just a quick suggestion Silver Phoenix, I think it may be a good idea to post all the challenges in one combined thread, so that slackers like me can actually remember what we have to do :tu:


You may have this suggested before or a better idea in mind, i am simply offering advice.


oh yea, I , Master Exorcist of the Panther Lords take up your fourth challenge and vow before my brothers and sisters here to complete a battle report on my Chapter and post it here before September the 23rd. I will assist my fellow challengers in this challenge and will bear the signature of shame should I fail.




PS: the Iron Gauntlet, and similar projects on this site is what makes B+C great, kudos to you Silver Phoenix!

I, Lord Reven of the Night Angels, take up your fourth challenge and vow before my brothers and sisters here to complete a battle report on my Chapter and post it here before September the 23rd. I will assist my fellow challengers in this challenge and will bear the signature of shame should I fail.
  • 3 weeks later...

I'm thinking of throwing this and the fifth challenge open for a bit longer, if no one objects. As I believe that only Lysimachus is the only one to post a report. I'll confirm a date if no one has any objections in the next day or so.


I want to see some more reports and stories peopel! (That and I have my own report only half done at the moment.) Still, let me know if anyone objects.


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