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Iron Gauntlet 5th Challenge

Brother Argent

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" If your Chapter truly is so good, then tell me a story whelp. Tell me of your Chapters past."


Challenge the 5th (And Last)


The last Challenge has been laid down. And in this one, I want you to tell me a story. Probably the easiest Challenge and it has been left to last.


This time 'round I want you to write a story of your Chapter. The reason that this was left to last was so, if needed, you could write the story as an account of your battle. Of course if you choose this option the words that you write for the battle rerport will not cout towards the word count for this piece.


Three ranks as per usual:


Bronze: Write 1000 words of a story for your Chapter

Silver: Write 2000 words of a story of your Chapter

Gold: Write 3000+ words of a story for your Chapter.


Note that these dont need to be complete stories, although that would be nice. Post them in the Short Stories forum as you cokmplete them.


This Challenge will end on the 23rd of September, like the Fourth one, so dont procrastinate like I do.


Vow as follows:


I, (INSERT NAME HERE), of the (CHAPTER NAME HERE) accept the fifth challenge and vow to complete a story detailing how totally awesometacullar my Chapter is. I vow to help my fellow Challengers do the same thing. May I get cursed by the Emperor for the umpteenth time if I procrastinate again.


Hit me up with any questions people. Its nearly over. Results will start appearing soon. I think I'll hold off wit hthe Signatures now till the Challenges are all complete. Just gotta hear back from Sigismund whom has volunteered to take on the job of designing the Signatures for us.

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I, Shinzaren, of the Shadow Keepers, accept the fifth challenge and vow to complete a story detailing the total badassitude of my Chapter. I vow to help my fellow Challengers do the same thing. May I get cursed by the Emperor for the umpteenth time if I procrastinate again.
I, Maleagant, of the most righteous and glorious Archangels Chapter, accept the fifth challenge and vow to complete a story detailing how totally awesometacullar my Chapter was, is and ever shall be. I vow to help my fellow Challengers do the same thing. May I get cursed by the Emperor if I procrastinate again.

I, Argon, of the Absolvers (no relation to that filthy traitor of the blasphemous renegades known as the "Oblivion Knights" ) accept the fifth challenge and vow to complete a story detailing how crazy awesometacullar my Chapter is. I vow to help my fellow Challengers do the same thing. May Khârn claim my skull for the Skull Throne if I procrastinate again.


I don't play around :tu: .

I, Madwolf Shadowmane, of the Hounds of the Hunt accept the fifth challenge and vow to complete a story detailing how totally awesometacullar my Chapter is. I vow to help my fellow Challengers do the same thing. May I get cursed by the Emperor for the umpteenth time if I procrastinate again.
I, Dark Apostle Thirst, Lord of the Wraiths and Founder of the Shadows, vow to write two stories, one for my puppet warband and one for my shamed chapter. May the Dark Gods sow anarchy into my attempts to mold thes Astartes should I fail to complete this oath.

I, Lysimachus of the Iron Gods, accept the fifth challenge and vow to complete a story detailing how totally awesometacullar my Chapter is. I vow to help my fellow Challengers do the same thing. May I get cursed by the Emperor for the umpteenth time if I procrastinate again.


(Again, I'd like to add that, if possible, I'd personally really appreciate a 4-month time scale as opposed to 2, but having said that it doesn't seem to be a problem on the 5th Challenge as the above vow doesn't mention any date at all... :( )

  • 4 weeks later...

"I cant get it done" he says, "Not enough time" he says. And yet he is the only one to have not only posted his story but completed the Gold Challenge. So knowing that for the fourth challenge you say you cant get it done in time but we'll get some gigantic 10,000pts Apocalypse battle with a full moving Flash animation battle tracker and scratch and sniff blood smell. ^_^


Anyways, good job. I'm yet to start either the fourth or fifth challenges myself yet so, here's hoping.

So, guys, what's happened since I was awa-


Ooh, another challenge I can join in with. ;)


Right, let's have at it. Ahem hem:


I, Acemund Debonair, The Space Marine equivalent of a Wandering Bard, accept the fifth challenge and vow to complete a cosmic saga centered around one of the many chapters renting space in my brain. I vow to help my fellow Challengers with the composition of their own tales. May I get my features slapped off of my face by the Emperor and all his chosen sons should this task prove too great for me. ;)


Hmm, I've got a month to do this in? :)

Damn, I should've been paying more attention. Thank the Emperor I just thought of something cool I can do with the Rift Lords. ;)

Oh my, he has returned...


Good to see you back around Mr Debonair. As for time frame, thats okay, I haven't started yet either and I've got so very many things on in the next few weeks. It will be like a race to the finish.


I'm like a ninja - I turn up when no-one expects it. :lol:


I take it we have to put our stories in the Short Stories bit of the forum?

EDIT: Yeah, just read that we do have to do that, making this entire post pointless.


Evidently, I sometimes turn up like a very silly ninja indeed.

Oh my, he has returned...


Good to see you back around Mr Debonair. As for time frame, thats okay, I haven't started yet either and I've got so very many things on in the next few weeks. It will be like a race to the finish.


I'm like a ninja - I turn up when no-one expects it. :D


Evidently, I sometimes turn up like a very silly ninja indeed.

You turn up.. and turn into something called an Adeptus Domus. 'Scratches head' I'm assuming that is a forum specific mod?

I believe the Adeptus Domus are members whose selfless contribution to the B&C community are recognised by getting a spiffy title.



It actually translates into "Forum ninja". ;)


I don't really know where the title came from, but hopefully the AdMech take notice of the promotion and finally tell the local Techmarines to hurry up and fix my jump pack. :D

I'll start work on my story next week, to stay on topic. You know what the weekends do to my schedule. ;)

Well this is the last challenge of Five that started in January this year. Once this one finishes up I will take a fine tooth comb over the whole lot of the Iron Gauntlet to see whether I will run one again next year and, if so, how I can improve on this one. The 2010 Iron Gauntlet was essentially a test run for the possibility of future challenges. I have, from this years, seen MANY things that I can improe on and am ashamed to admit that the Iron Gauntlket hasn't run any where as near as wel as it could have or should have due to, for the most part, my lack of commitment and an over abundance of RL issues. If I run one next year it will be much improved (i hope) and I will hopefully be able to stay more commited.


Its been a bad year for me with a lot of things and for that I apologise but, hopefully, I'll get things in order soon and next years Iron Gauntlet will utterly eclipse this years.

And here it is, though it's no where near as good as the Iron Gods entry :rolleyes: That's problem with this time of year, I procrastinated this story, and now I am getting into the start of the new semester, with lots of papers and free writing required ^_^ Just banged this one out over a day between some homework. Sorry if it's boring. I decided to show a non-battle side for once, I dunno how it'll work out. Anyway....

Link Goes Here!

Heh, well I may not be the most dependable IA writer on the board, but I know my storytelling fairly well. Perhaps not even the technicalities and literary terms, but I know a good story when I read one. I have a couple of decent Imperial Guard stories.


The one I've written for the Blazing Sons so far, which is just a tiny excerpt from a larger conflict, just lacks a certain 'something' that makes it a compelling read to me.


Maybe I should just stop whining and write something new! :)


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