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Iron Gauntlet 5th Challenge

Brother Argent

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, so I've run into problems in real life. Again.

Recurring theme or what? :lol:


Anyhow, I won't be able to finish this challenge in time, either.

As per my vow, I am going to get one almighty slapping by the Emperor and his boys, so I'm going to go look for some good gumshields. :D


Hopefully nobody else suffers the same fate as me this time! :lol:

I'm in the same boat as Ace. I won't be able to complete my story. I blame the large amounts of procrastination and writer's block.


Anyways, my skull will be claimed for the Skull Throne by Khârn soon, so if you need me I'll be running away in terror.

Have to join the above. betweeen Voice Script writing, the Sons of the Daemon, the Wraiths, and other projects both within and without the internet I've always chosen to put this challenge on the back burner.

As much as it ashames me I think I might be in this boat too.


I'm thinking of running the Iron Gauntlet next year, but with a completely different format. One that will, hopefully, keep people more involved and more commited. I feel I have let people and the idea as a whole down this year and hopefully the Iron Gauntlet 2011 will run much better.

I'm thinking of running the Iron Gauntlet next year, but with a completely different format. One that will, hopefully, keep people more involved and more commited. I feel I have let people and the idea as a whole down this year and hopefully the Iron Gauntlet 2011 will run much better.


(Peers over some handy half-moon spectacles at SP)

Let down? Hardly. This has produced some of the most entertaining and inspired ideas we've seen in a while in these parts.

Oh, and the Stonebound, who sort-of-nearly-kinda worked. :)


EDIT: Bah, I'm sure that name was highlighted in bold when I typed it. The internet ate my formatting!


I'm darn sure looking forward to the next Iron Gauntlet. Now we have a better idea of what to expect and the mind-boggling amount of dedication it takes to get this stuff done. Plus I've got the rest of the year to pick a chapter to enter next time. :lol:


I think I'm going to need an Epic Gumshield for failing this time - rumor has it all the Primarchs (from back in time) are being brought forward to take turns slapping me. :) Maybe I'll convert a gum shield out of a Land Raider. :P

I'm in the process of planning and preparing for the next Iron Gauntlet already. The rough idea will be the challenge of getting the IA done will last for the entire year and every month there will be a smaller challenge dedicated to either: painting, playing or the ever important fluff. It will be the number of these challenges you complete that effects whether you get an overall gold, silver or bronze gauntlet.


Thats the rough idea anyway. I'm not happy with how this year went, inbetween RL issues and flagging interest as well as the general fact I left challenges running too long so people forgot where they were at with them. The whole thing is WIP at the moment. Hit me up via PM if you have any concerns or suggestions.


Oh and dont forget two days left for this challenge and the fourth. Then I have to try and sort out all the rankings and get onto Sigismund about those signatures.

I'm thinking of running the Iron Gauntlet next year, but with a completely different format. One that will, hopefully, keep people more involved and more commited. I feel I have let people and the idea as a whole down this year and hopefully the Iron Gauntlet 2011 will run much better.


(Peers over some handy half-moon spectacles at SP)

Let down? Hardly. This has produced some of the most entertaining and inspired ideas we've seen in a while in these parts.

Oh, and the Stonebound, who sort-of-nearly-kinda worked. :ermm:


Quoted for truth. The Iron Gauntlet gave me the motivation I needed to get back to work on the Oblivion Knights. Now they're slightly better than they were before. That, and I was able to develop some fluff for them, which is always nice.


I'm darn sure looking forward to the next Iron Gauntlet. Now we have a better idea of what to expect and the mind-boggling amount of dedication it takes to get this stuff done. Plus I've got the rest of the year to pick a chapter to enter next time. ;)


I'm also looking forward to it. Given all the chapters that have caught my eye in some way and the ideas for DIYs floating around in my head, I'm sure I'll have something to enter.

Well Im glad that it seems to have suceeded in some ways but that just makes me more determined for next year to be better by a long shot.


Oh and for those trying to complete the fourth and fifth challenges, you've got a day or so (cause of Time Zone differences) to get it done so get cracking!

Just thought I'd add this...


Even though I have failed all of these and likely even this last one... without entering it officially even...


I had a blast and though I will never participate in a challenge that involves painting mini's nor creating battle reports I did enjoy at least contemplating the other three challenges.


1st challenge: This was far from a failure as it forced me to put to word the skeleton of the Void Reavers and forced me to see the flaws and gaps that needed to be corrected.

3rd challenge: This one was a blast contemplating what sort of rule set would be needed to represent a Void Reaver's force on the TT. Though none beyond BFG showed any promise I still had fun.

5th challenge: Still going and even if I don't post it you have once again driven me to put to word a project that existed largely within my mind... Void Reaver - Time of Shadows.


In short I failed them all and enjoyed every minute of it. I look forward to next year. Keep up the good work, Silver Phoenix.

We are Eternal - My entry for the Challenge


And as a side note if no objects too violently I might throw this one and the fourth challenge open for a bit longer. To give those whom posted above a chance to get some work up. A thousand words is all it takes people. I'll decide on an actual date a bit later if people dont mind the idea.

So I came late to the Iron Gauntlet Challenges, appearing right as the 3rd one was ending. I still managed to throw in an entry though :P I was wondering if I could get a link to the First and Second Gauntlets. I know the competition window is closed, but I think I would still like to try them, for me. If that's ok?
We are Eternal - My entry for the Challenge


And as a side note if no objects too violently I might throw this one and the fourth challenge open for a bit longer. To give those whom posted above a chance to get some work up. A thousand words is all it takes people. I'll decide on an actual date a bit later if people dont mind the idea.


Aha, so I might yet avoid having to perform a sector-wide search for my teeth. :D

But since the weekend is bearing down on me, I'll have to make a proper effort over next week rather than in the next couple of days - if the challenge remains open that long.


The Iron Gauntlet's been a lot of fun. I only took part in the first challenge (and the last one, time willing), but I came pretty danged close to having a Librarium-worthy IA.*



*The Stonebound aren't quite dead yet, by the way. I'm just deliberating over what to do with them. :lol:

I'm thinking of keeping it going till October 23rd. Any objections?

Nope, I might be able to finish it then.


Also, although I did fail the Lords of Shadow, I was able to get a clear picture on what I want to be and the only reason I haven't yet just pulled out their complete IA is becuase I've been working on the Wraiths of Darkness. Geuss who they were born of? That's right, the other chapter, the Vengeance of Corax, and they are the better for it. I'll drink to this being successful, if not within the time limits ;) It really helps raise awareness about the Liber and drasticly improve the chapters that are being worked on.

So its decided. This Challenge and the Fourth will be on till October the 23rd. I'm not taking no signups, this is just an extension for those till trying to get their story or battle report finished.



Hopefully I can now find the time to fend the rest of the world off long enough to turn my rambling into something coherent and post it. :lol:

  • 5 weeks later...

Nuts. Missed the deadline. :ermm:

Reckon the Big E is gonna come down on me like a ton of bricks this time...


Problem is, a lot of the stuff I was working on included things I haven't ironed out in the IT I was basing the story on... and not really having the time or (right now) the motivation to get them ironed out. :P


On the other hand, I can come back to this and write it up for next year's Gauntlet. :P

Indeed. I'm going to start working out results as well as nutting out next years Iron Gauntlet. I doubt I'll be able to get proper signatures for the challengers this year as my Sig artist has vanished. Still We shall press on. Next year shall be bigger and better then before, by all means.


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