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Marks of armour.

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Hi all,


I have a question regarding which marks the armour is.


I know that:


Red scorpions upgrade - mk IV

Raven guard upgrade - mk VI


but i don't know what the tactical squad set contains or what the marks look like. I know it contains parts of VII and VIII but thats it.


so what other marks our out there in sets and what do that look like?




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You should take a look at teh collectors miniatures on teh GW website - rthey have Mks 1 through 5 as models...


Mk1 is essentially power-pants type armour - not a sealed unit, only the torso and shoulders are somewhat protected.


Mk2 is a pretty premitive suit as is Mk 3 - Mk 3 is heavily protected frontally and allows no movement in the head *designed for full frontal assaults


Mk4 is as you stated the Red scorpions build - the most advanced suit available actually, apart from maybe mk 8


Mk5 was all rivets and studs - it is Heresy armour, made from the cheapest and most readily available materials due to logistics issues during the heresy - key here is bulky cabling outside the armour


Mk6 is teh chest plates with the cabling in teh palstic box (3 cables meeting at the belt buckle) and no kneepads, with the beakie helmet, although this is really interchangeable with Mk 7 which is essentially the standard Astartes armour we see in the plastic kits (helmet crest central, shortened face plate, shoulderpads symmetrical with trim, kneepads, chestplate generally with aquila)


Mk8 - errant armour - there is one in the tactical box normally used for the sarge as the helmeted heads do not fit (the high collar) but this is just the Mk 8 chestplate - Mk 8 also has better knee joints and wrist guards extending beyond the wrist to the back of the gauntlets.

There's a similar article in the librarium.


Looking at the bitz, the beaky head is MkVI, the rest would be MkVII if I'm not unmistaken.


Torsos, I'd say most are MkVII variants, the one without cables, with eagle and skull has abdomen protection similar to that of MkVIII, but without the neckguard. The one with four cables towards the middle has the lower part which looks like MkVI but middle that looks awfully like MkV.


AFAIK there are only MkVI and MkVII legs, the latter with separate knee armour.


Backpacks are MkVII.

One of the Masters of the Chapter is in mk3, as is Chronus. There's also a mk3 chestplate and helmet in the BA death company box.


FW Red Scorpions have mk4 and there is also a mk4 helmet and torso on the Black Templar upgrade sprue and a mk4 helmet in the death company box. One set of legs in AoBR is mk4.


The missile launcher marine from AoBR has a variant mk5 helmet. You can convert mk6 or mk7 legs to reasonable mk5 legs by adding studs and cables.


Bear in mind that Forgeworld is about to release a bunch of pre-heresy armour marks.


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