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Kayvaan Gard and Ventris Gard

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Apology for bad quality and use of flash but it was required to get the details to show. Was flash white affecting it or not see it at all.

Ventris Gard



Note the narrative in his storm bolter's clip as it has no washes nor dry-brushing it. Freshly loaded and ready to fire but his bolter itself has seen action before!

Kayvaan Gard




He wears the shield in the form of a pavase. Something I think would be sensible if you use heavy weapons (like missle launchers) so you need not worry about getting shot while reloading.

The two-tone colour of purple and green ink (while ventris however doesn't show the purple well) is form of connection between the two, it was their families main colours for armour and such like (as to help merge into the jungle of Llabpain).

C&C these pieces of work. I do admit though I put them in WIP and didn't give progress, I have a bad habit of it!

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I like the shield, I might be forced to steal this idea.

The colour scheme is cool but by the looks of these pictures, you might benefit from washes and watering down your paint( not that I'm one to talk :lol: )


I too would like to shamelessly poach ur idea with the shield; its a fantastic idea Kudos for the inventiveness

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Don't mind yous taking my idea, I personally thought of it while mucking around in my bitz box when I came across chaos knight shields (yes, I play chaos in fantasy) while getting bits for ventris and thought they'd look great as a pavase for Kayvaan. Took a while to knock-off all the icons and such (and even prior finding a shield that had minimal icons).


As for watering down my paints: no chance. I have watered paints down only for a wash look and even then I personally don't make it too thick. one thing I hate seeing is paintjobs that look horrible only because of the fact you can actually tell theres like 1-2mm of paint on the model. I did wash them as well with badab black however Ventris's right hand and power weapon along with his storm bolter got a running over of devlan mud for dryed blood/rusting (the storm bolter had both washes whereas the right hand and power weapon didn't).


Interesting fact about sarge regonition: all my sarges have green eyes, not red!


Oh and again, glad to know the shield/pavase idea went well. I just found a little too 'boastful' about power armour for heavy weapon guys, gonna trade fire with heavy weapons, better be sure your armour can take it and that shield just helps make it harder to hit kayvaan (not to mention makes a great back rest! :P)

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