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Epic 40k Space Marines


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So I have been digging out all my unused minis and found these so I thought what the hell - been awhile since I posted anything.

I was going to do a 40K marine army in same theme but decided to go another route -- It is a shame it is not a better supported game. Never even got to play a single game before they stopped supporting it.
















Thanks for your Time

Jason Moore

Micropanzer Wargame Studio


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Nice army! Are they supposed to be Imperial Fists or is this your own paintscheme? Also, how did you do the shading? Are they dipped, washed, blacklined?


And yeah, I also feel Epic to be one of the best games GW produced (second to the glorious Blood Bowl, all hail Jervis Jonhson :) ) but that's the way they work, WHFB and WH40K are the main games and the minor ones work by impulses. However, nothing stops you from playing it, some friends led a Blood Bowl league this year, and talk about GW not supporting a game!

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very nice.


almost makes me consider finding my box of stuff in the attic.


i bought an entire chapters worth of marines (and then some...) with full mechanised support detachments when they were pulling epic from the stores (big sale + staff % = very cheap epic B))


so far i've converted a Marneus Calgar (in PA), painted a couple of tac. stands and scout stands...... and that's it.....


in god knows how many years.


the rest of it is all in little ziplock bags by company.

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Nice painting there, i love a well painted epic army and your paint scheme works well with the models, even if some of them are facing the wrong way.


I was really annoyed i missed epic getting pulled and minis going cheap as i'd have brought a whole chapters worth.

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:) they are facing the wrong way to show that the back as painted.


I used a wonder wash mix of future floor polish and inks -- I see I need to go back and do some touch up here and there also -- bad thing about enlarged photos


Not imperial fist just marines --

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The dirty yellow/brownish color is the color im aiming for on my marines, although the shoulders will be dark green instead of orange, glad to see that the color works. Did you buy them before epic was pulled then?


I primed black painted on Vallejo 70914 green ochre for these on a larger piece I would mix in tan yellow or sand color for highlight before wash -- I bought way back when first released -- wish my 401k did as well as GW price hicks lol

The green would look really sharp -- originally was going for blood angels in desert colors --

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