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are you one of ahrimans renegades or magnuses followers?


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Ahriman, what had to be done, he did after Magnus betrayed our legion, he was not worthy of respect, he killed Uthizaar, one of our own, that Zarathustra of the Athanaeans shall not forget nor forgive as he puts his skills as former chief apothocary to harvest Gene seed from sorcerers to rebuild the legion, and to research a cure for the flesh change.

So yes, my warband are Ahrimanites.

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  • 2 weeks later...


If Magnus betrayed the Legion it was but a drop in the ocean compared to Ahriman turning them into dust.


My Lord Set'menes not only follows Magnus, but harbours grudge against his former Chief Librarian.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After finishing "a thousand sons" i have a great deal more respect for Azek, i suddenly have the urge to get those FW pre-heresy armor sets and do an old school army led by ahriman(i won't of course but i can dream).



Still loyal and trying to undo what Magnus did to the legion.....damn


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My warband follows the Daemon Prince known as:


Lord Icarus; the Changer, Son of Magnus and Sorcerer of the Legion, Ascended of Tzeentch, Magister of the Coven of Burning Wings, Master of Nevad Primus, Desolator of Tupile Prime, Scourge of Chall VII , the Corrupter of Faith, Defiler of Khazan, Desecrator of Aldethne the Maiden World, the Conqueror of Possibilities, Subjugator of the Heldon system, Bane of the Malleus and Destroyer of Lashkar


Who is loosely in the Magnus camp. :)

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My warband follows the Daemon Prince known as:


Lord Icarus; the Changer, Son of Magnus and Sorcerer of the Legion, Ascended of Tzeentch, Magister of the Coven of Burning Wings, Master of Nevad Primus, Desolator of Tupile Prime, Scourge of Chall VII , the Corrupter of Faith, Defiler of Khazan, Desecrator of Aldethne the Maiden World, the Conqueror of Possibilities, Subjugator of the Heldon system, Bane of the Malleus and Destroyer of Lashkar


or Dave to his mates

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My warband follows the Daemon Prince known as:


Lord Icarus; the Changer, Son of Magnus and Sorcerer of the Legion, Ascended of Tzeentch, Magister of the Coven of Burning Wings, Master of Nevad Primus, Desolator of Tupile Prime, Scourge of Chall VII , the Corrupter of Faith, Defiler of Khazan, Desecrator of Aldethne the Maiden World, the Conqueror of Possibilities, Subjugator of the Heldon system, Bane of the Malleus and Destroyer of Lashkar


or Dave to his mates


Yeah, he doesn't like too many people to know that though... :D

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Ahriman denied his brothers the ability to worship the one true god. He betrayed us all and for that he must pay.

But when Magnus tried to kill Ahriman, Tzeentch intervened and made it clear this is what he wanted to happen. Magnus acted against Tzeentch's plan (although unintentionally) and for that he is the one at fault. At least that's what I think.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Follower of Ahriman but I think people are a little harsh on Magnus. Betrayal implies fore-thought and intent. Magnus didn't cause the flesh change, he tried to fix it. Tzeentch just made him think that he had. Like Ahriman says at the beginning of the book, Magnus' greatest fault is his pride. (para-phrasing)
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  • 1 year later...
Magnus. He is our Primarch, our Father, our Leader. Ahriman is just a selfish and arrogant betrayer, as well as fool. He forgot his cause - to fight the rotten Imperium of Man, and he thinks he can become a new Chaos God. How ridiculous!
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I'm going to have to go with Ahriman.


What Magnus did to his Legion and Prospero was an immense betrayal.


Ahriman did what he had to and saved the Legion at a high price, while Magnus was ready to let it wither and die. He is an unworthy Primarch and a traitor.


Not to mention that, but Magnus was also a hypocrite. He was ready for his Legion to suffer through the Flesh Change and be destroyed by the Imperium, but when Ahriman saves the Legion and uses his Rubric, Magnus has him banished for destroying his legion.

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