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are you one of ahrimans renegades or magnuses followers?


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I think I'd follow Ahriman rather than Magnus.


The Rubric Marines are kinda the inspiration for my Traitor War bands' heavily mutated Marines, the Changed.

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It is quite humorous to see those of you quick to throw Magnus under the bus and jump on Ahriman's jock do not realize that the ideals and attitude of Ahriman regarding the Rubric mirror Magnus' when looking to solve the flesh change.


Both thought they knew more then they did, both regarded themselves without equal, both thought they had mastered the knowledge, and both failed miserably. The apple does not fall very far from the tree.

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It is quite humorous to see those of you quick to throw Magnus under the bus and jump on Ahriman's jock do not realize that the ideals and attitude of Ahriman regarding the Rubric mirror Magnus' when looking to solve the flesh change.


Both thought they knew more then they did, both regarded themselves without equal, both thought they had mastered the knowledge, and both failed miserably. The apple does not fall very far from the tree.


Not quite true...Magnus did indeed attempt to halt the flesh change that plagued the legion in its infancy and unknowingly made a pact with Tzeentch to do so but he gave up and sold out to Tzeentch entirely when he realized he had been manipulated all along.


Ahriman however did not submit and vowed to keep the flesh change from consuming the rest of his brothers. The rubric "worked" albeit not as intended, he prevented the legion from becoming tentacle riddled blobs of goo.


Yes, they both think themselves smarter than the average bear but that's immaterial when it comes to picking sides. Magnus ultimately broke and failed his legion by first deciding to let the wolves annihilate them and then by allowing Tzeentch to do whatever he wanted with the remainder of the legion. Ahriman refused to go quietly into the night and became more determined than ever to save his brothers.

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My (poor, neglected) Thousand Sons army has always been on Ahriman's side, as opposed to Magnus's, which must be something going on at least ten years now. The Chaos Lord (called Set'Leth) was a member of Ahriman's Cabal at the time of the Rubric and has since struck out on his own, creating all manner of mayhem for the Imperium. He currently resides in the Maelstrom.
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Exactly, I was saying least when the Primarchs kill their own marines it's because of conflicting loyalties/chaos maddness.

If Magnus had really felt that bad about what he had done, he should have explained, loaded the whole legion in the ships and headed to Terra to present himself for judgement/punishment by the emperor, handing over his legion for the emperor to decide what to do with, and tell the people of Prospero to surrender to the Wolves as soon as they got there.


Here here, that sounds more like a primarchly decision than the suicidal kiddy tantrum.

either break bad and become a chaothic dealer of entropy or do the goody goody noble sacrifice. Magnus took the middle sissy way out ... I actually feel kinda embarrased at that part of our fluff :D but the endless glorification of space puppies riles me up even more and drives me to crush the imperial lapdogs ;)

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