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Finally decided there was no point having this model unless it was proudly displayed on the shelf - so without further ado:


Many thanks to The Shadowguard for supplying this timeless miniature as first prize in a DA comp many years ago ;)

And yes i painted him like a zombie because well.. he pretty much is ;)

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Dude that is sooooo sweet! That is an awesome paint job! Only last week I managed to aquire me this lovely model off of eBay (much to my wife's displeasure) for a small kings ransom. I am waiting until my painting abillity is at several levels better than it is before I attempt to paint it. How many layers did you paint? Must have taken a few days to paint?! Nice one!!!!
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Cheers for the kind comments!


To answer a few questions: The Banner is GS and is the only part of this classic model i slightly modified, It was tempting to cut the tab off the bottom and give him a fancy base but the imprint reads "the damned!" which is cool and just had to stay. I am still debating whether or not to add some black flecks to the bottom of the flames for a bit more contrast and detail, some sort of charcoal/ debris.


Paintwise it's interesting because i had already half-painted him a while back (sans highlighting, chainsword arm and a few other bits).I had actually painted the flames "backwards" originally ie: red base to yellow tip, which annoyed the hell out of me so i repainted those too. The bone includes pure skull white highlights and no inks/ washes (which i usually do) which might explain its cleanliness :blink:


I am hoping to put a squad of RT beakies together with him but considering whats on my workbench and how long it takes me these days to finish anything that could take a while...

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