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i just finished a bit of tweaking for my DIY marine chapter.


Our local league runs at the 2,250 points level so this is the full army. originally i ran it with podding dreads and a grey knight grand master, while it was fun and pretty efffective i have gotten quite fond of going without pods, and turning my GK into an epistolary librarian (with gate and avenger powers) this freed me up enough points for s second scout squad and a land speeder storm for the other scout unit. provifing me with much needed mobility.


This is what i consider a table ready army, i am not looking to win any painting competitions with it, but i also want it to be painted to be presentable.


With that i present Hans(librarian) and Frans(master of the forge) with a contingent of the panzer brigade.











Hey! you over there with that camera, what are you looking at?




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At a glance they look unpainted, but its just the colour scheme, would you be able to upload squad shots to get a better look at them?

Oh they are most definately painted, the early warmacht scheme may have been just a bit darker grey but i was matching colors and this is as close as i could come between my main paint and my foundation touch up paint colors.


I didn't think to get squad shots so i will have to add that next week when i get back over to the game store.

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With that i present Hans(librarian) and Frans(master of the forge) with a contingent of the panzer brigade.

Where's the panzers at? ;)


Looks like a very nice army, but I wouldn't mind more close-up shots. How's the rather low model count working out for objective-based games?

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Where's the panzers at?

Those big stompy robots are in effect walking tanks ;)

and given thier fluff they do not use ground vehicles at all, only speeders and what can be dropped by a thunderhawk(or storm raven if thats a future possibility) they also turn most of thier fallen into dreads so they are in effect a brigade of tanks. hence the names.


How's the rather low model count working out for objective-based games?

It varies, i find most battles with objectives come down to a fight over 1 or mabey 2 in most normal games. as such if i can contest the others all i really have to do is take 1 for myself.



I always find the best looking armies the simple style ones.


For 40K i always find the ones that look the coolest are the winners for me, even if they are not WAAC super effective builds.


I got a buddy that runs a tough crimson fist list. it's very effective but kind of 'meh' to look at.




Scroll down and read his batreps he seems to win a lot of his games.

Sometimes people loose sight of the objectives. in my first game against the khorne army (4 land raiders, 3 berserker sqauds, termies and kharne at 2K ;) )

I wasn't going to win the game in CC , and i was going to have a tough time cracking raiders even with my firepower. fortunately i got my boys onto an objective and he didn't shoot my storm down so it zipped in and contested the one he held.


It also helped that i went second. in the end a good bit of tactics even in a game as simple as 40K can still eek you out a win or a good game reguardless. having been an old school DW player it helps that i am used to small elite armies.

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By simple I mean the simple colourschemes.

Somethimes I see armies that are over the top with colours, my army is also very simple in the colour department but nicely done and good looking.

I want my models to look good on the table but I always look at my marines the Spartan kind of way.

Simple but effective fighters :wub: and your army got that style nicely done.

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Hey there, nice army! I agree with the others, better(to show some details) would be great. :)


And a little suggestion: "Frans" is spelled "Franz" in German - only for your information, in case you wanted to hint towards this name. :)




I thought it was spelled with a Z i just couldn't remember which was right :FA:



I'd especially like a close-up of the commander, that shield looks pretty cool, at least from that distance.

it is actually pretty cool and a bit of good luck on my part. when i was looking to convert my GKGM into a storm shield toting epistolary i went through my bits boxes and could not find a shield that really suited me. then i found something odd, something that fit perfectly over his storm bolter and looked like a big spartan style shield.........the center dome console from a FW drop pod kit. a little highlighting and some paint and it looks great. i have a couple of them sitting around as i don't model my pods with open doors for transport reasons, and that i use them for dreads not troops so they don't need seats and such.



I will get squad closeups for you all next weekend, the lighting at my house sucks or i would do it now.

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As requested-some closeups


The HQ section:





1st company venerable dreads:



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Next up-

2nd company tactical squad(combat squads seperated by knee color blue/red&no cap)





3rd company-assault squad




3rd company land speeder typhoon:

Side note, i suck at painting faces so i didn't even try, i also do not like to put my marines on the table without thier helmets on( a personal pet peeve) but i gto this old metal/plastic space wolf speeder off a buddy for cheep so i just got it painted up for table play.



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4th company ironclad dreads:




5th company (and last for this half strength chapter):

scouts and land speeder storm:






I forgot to pack in my scout snipers so thats it for the closeups and update......



I want a FW cestus for my army now!!!!


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  • 3 weeks later...
Is this the "Wehrmachts"-Sign as your chapter symbol?

Indeed it is, but it is more acurate to say the tutonic knights cross symbol since they had the symbol oh several hundred years before the german army decided to start using it instead of the iron(maltese) cross during the 1930's


I specifically was going for the early wehrmacht scheme. althoguh the gray isn't quite as dark as it should be the overall effect is what i was going for- simple, functional, and clean.

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