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Look what i found!

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I was at my fathers today and i went through some of my Warhammer stuff from when i was about 6 or so!..Some of my first attempts at painting models!

These are my first ever attempts at painting when i was by my reckoning 6!






These were the last models i painted before i gave up when i was about 10! (Just getting back into the hobby now, 12 years later!)




These were some cool, un-painted models i managed to find!










My first big box of 40K! and some cool box fronts i saved!






And this is the coolest of em all!


Contains entries for things that don't even exsist anymore!..Full units of Chaos Dwarfs, Hobgoblins!!..Daft looking chaos knights!


(Not entirely sure this goes here...But i thought this was as good a place as any)

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Hahaha...I just spend so long looking in the "Hall of Honour" i just get really down on my abilities!!


I actually have some black templars waiting to be painted up, im gonna use Army Painter stuff on some of them...and the others im gonna go traditional black and highlighting!

<_< well I have to say the LR looks easily salvagable a Badab black wash over the pannel lines and a small touch up and good as new, Holding off on my old Raider until My local store gets me a LRC/R sprue because I made the stupid mistake of buying the stock one :( and like hell the Fleshtearers need a Lascannon LR to get them to the front lines.


But yeah for the Templars it would be much the same as painting up Death co so black base with a Very watered down codex grey drybrush and then a light wash with Badab black* god that stuff is made of win* just to tone down the grey a little then colour the rest as needed.

Aah the good old dayz....... i remember them weel; the old catalogue looks mint. I found an old 1986-1991 and a 1997 catalogue in a local charity shop for buttons along with the old paint sets (stiil got many unopened pots) some of the old colours rock!! Even the artwork on the boxes is kewl. will post some pictures if anyone's interested or contact me.



The old Chaos Dread with the power scourge is a timeless classic so is my personal fave the blood angels dread. powerfist and multi melta....now point me at the tanks!!

The old Chaos Dread with the power scourge is a timeless classic so is my personal fave the blood angels dread. powerfist and multi melta....now point me at the tanks!!


old? isn't the same thing that's being sold now?


I DO believe it is, but hopefully not for long :confused:


and you were really lucky with these finds, helbrecht! I haven't collected 40k as long obviously...


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