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Deathwing terminator test model

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Hi all,

I decided to start a detachment of deathwing terminators to add to my DA army.

I made this first model as a test model.


The base will be done once I am happy with the mini itself. I'm not too sure about the shadows on the model, they seem a bit extreme. Also I am thinking of skipping flesh wash and only use devlan Mud or sepia as wash.


Let me know what you think, suggestions are more than welcome.












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Love the armour, really well done - my only change to the model would be the red on the Storm Bolter, looks a bit to bright to me, almost pinkish - I assume it was undercoated white? maybe paint the weapon etc black before applying the red, or maybe just a simple wash may tone it down.


Good job though

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Looks good, the bone is nice a flat and crisp and I don't think the shadows are too extreme. I would agree with the comment about the storm bolter, it looks far to bright for a killing machine. Is that a free-handed symbol on the shoulder? If so that's really neat and tidy, but it looks chipped on the middle of the sword.
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Nice model, only points of criticism would be that you should highlight the edges with skull white and give the storm bolter a wash of baal red (it really looks a little pinkish)


Nonetheless, very clean and crisp painting!

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Thanks for the feedback!

- The comments on the red on the bolter were a bit unexpected, since in real life and on my computer screen it looks like normal blood red. However I watched it on my comp at work and there it looks like pink indeed (horrible! :P)

- regarding the company marking: the deathwing marking is suppossed to be a chipped sword with wings, so good spotting, but it is kind a suppossed to be this way (eventhough the sword is not totally straight. I will try to improve that on the next model)

- regarding the highlight, I tried a second HL with pure white, but it did make it pop too much imo, so I only added a fine highlight on the edges with a 50:50 bone: pure white mix.

- I finished his base and added a little battle damage and some additional writing to make the large bone colored areas a little more interesting.


Now for the new pictures of the finished model (taken by daylight this time, so hopefullt the red will look more natural and not pink anymore)


C&C again more than welcome









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Thanks for the feedback!

- The comments on the red on the bolter were a bit unexpected, since in real life and on my computer screen it looks like normal blood red. However I watched it on my comp at work and there it looks like pink indeed (horrible! :cuss)

- regarding the company marking: the deathwing marking is suppossed to be a chipped sword with wings, so good spotting, but it is kind a suppossed to be this way (eventhough the sword is not totally straight. I will try to improve that on the next model)

- regarding the highlight, I tried a second HL with pure white, but it did make it pop too much imo, so I only added a fine highlight on the edges with a 50:50 bone: pure white mix.

- I finished his base and added a little battle damage and some additional writing to make the large bone colored areas a little more interesting.


Now for the new pictures of the finished model (taken by daylight this time, so hopefullt the red will look more natural and not pink anymore)


C&C again more than welcome


Hi perfectionist :-)


As a dedicated Dark Angels fan myself, I'm quite pleased to see the nice result on your Deathwing termie. I think it looks really good and I can't wait to see the whole squad.


A possible suggestion for improvement would be to use some sort of heraldric embellishment of his powerfist and his shin, which is more or less just plain bonewhite,


On the powerfist, you could, for example, do a diagonal red stripe to break up the pattern of the bone. On the shin you could perhaps paint his squad-number since you're obviously gifted in regards to freehand.





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Great looking DW termy. Base is excellent too and takes away some of the brightness of the model. The brown battle-damage chips look a bit crude – you could try putting a tiny sliver of boltgun metal into the centre of each to lighten the contrast with the rest of the battle plate and it'd make the damage look 'deeper' too.


On the hand-painted DW icon, the B&C has some excellent decal sheets in the Downloads section (here) or have a go with these should you fancy not painting an armies worth freehand :)




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Thanks all for the nice comments!

I won't upload new pictures of this guy since I only changed real minor things however :

- I changed the battle damage a little: in the picture I used boltgun metal as a metal in the brown, I changed that to mithril silver, since as some of you noticed it didn't show in the pictures (or in real life): definately looks better now.

- I kept trying to find some nice things to put on the plain bone parts of his armor, but didn't realy come up with something that would make sense. I decided that it probably won't be a problem once the rest of his squad is finished, he will just be the "boring guy" ;)

- Also thanks for the link to the decals, however I don't like using decals, I think they look too perfect, which makes the model look less attractive imo. Also I figure all the free hand practice you can get is a good thing! ^_^


- One question: I was looking in the DA codex, as well as trying several internet sources, but couldn't realy find an answer: How are deathwing squads designated? Do they use the same gothic numerals as do the regular tac/assault/dev squads? Or do they follow different "rules"? And where are those designations usually applied?


I am currently working on the squad sergeant and will upload pictures of him once he's done. I tried to incorporate all the things I learned from the test mini and the comments you guys were kind enough to provide.




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A common naming convention is Squad X where X is the name of the Veteran Sergeant. Squad markings may be displayed on the shin/knee or front corner of the Chapter insignia corner (from what I remember from Insignium Astartes).



Gothic numerals may be used though the Codex Astartes (via Insignium Astartes) explicitly states that Chapters should commonly cycle through different designation designs in order to fluster enemy intelligence (i.e. use what you find aesthetically pleasing). Some people like to use squad heraldry for Deathwing, especially if the entire squad has those little should shields. Weapon stripping on the power fist is another method of squad designation. The old Space Hulk: Deathwing art is a good source for inspiration.

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