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The Legio Cruentis


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It's been a while since I've posted much around here, so I thought I'd make a little gallery of some of my painted minis :P


Warlord Achaeus the Kinslayer



Achaeus has always been a warrior and a controller, keen on doing things himself rather than passing a task down to his subordinates. It comes as little surprise, then, that as a lieutenant during the Great Crusade he was considered a very reliable force commander. In retrospect, though, it's also little surprise that Achaeus desired complete control over the Legio after its creation shortly after the Battle of Skalathrax.


Banishing his former master and forcefully binding him to his dark-bladed axe, Achaeus now leads the whole Legio through his tactical cunning and strong arm.


Champion Validus



Validus is a warrior of the first class, preferring straightforward tactics and shunning underhanded or shady maneuvers. The Berzerkers under Validus' command are often encouraged to use pitfights to resolve disputes, and only the strongest of his followers ever survive. In battle, Validus is an implacable figure, advancing with powerfist and chainaxe in hand with which to strike his enemies down.


Champion Ferus



Where his brother Validus embodies strength and power as virtues of Khorne, Ferus associates more with the Khorne the Berzerker. Hailing from a non-Astartes techno-barbarian tribe within the Eye of Terror that originally opposed the conquests of the Legio, Ferus gained control of the tribe by smiting its former warlord with his own battle hammer. With his new position of power, Ferus offered his services to the Legio and was rewarded with limited Astartes augmentation. Due to his age when elevated to his position and the crude nature of his augmentation, Ferus is not as large nor as strong as his brothers. However, he makes up for this with his sheer ferocity with the Skullhammer and strikes terror into his enemies with black face paint, resembling some terrible spirit of war.


Champion Iaxidon



A swordsman second to none in the Legio, Iaxidon is a relative newcomer, having originally hailed from the proud and noble Astartes Chapter, the Lion Warriors. During a lost battle with the Legio, Iaxidon was left for dead by his former Chapter, his body broken and barely clinging to life. Normally, he would have been simply sacrificed to Khorne on the battlefield, but Achaeus – who was in search of allies for his upcoming rebellion against his then-master Bael – sensed his fury at being abandoned and offered him one chance at revenge. His body built anew with bionics, Iaxidon strives to perfect his swordsmanship so that one day he could be the one who destroys the Lion Warriors.


Chaos Terminators





The deadliest of traitor veterans, Chaos Terminators have been sighted in the Legio. They are currently few in number, but there will be more to come.


Armoured Support




++Predator "Vastator"++




++Predator "Mactator"++


Daemonically-infested tank support is reported to follow the Legio into battle. From prisoner interrogation, we have learned that these former Predator tanks of the Astartes are now completely corrupted.


The tank known as "Vastator" [High Gothic for "Ravager"] is distinguishable in battle by its giant, gaping maw replacing the position of turret commander - how the tank still fires and reloads its turret weaponry is unknown, though it is theorised that this is handled somehow by the Daemon infesting the vehicle. In battle, Vastator is used as a mobile altar to the false Chaos God, Khorne, its giant mouth used to deposit offerings of blood and skulls.


"Mactator" [High Gothic for "Slaughterer"] is noted as still bearing its binding chains, probably due to either being controlled by a weaker Daemon or having been more recently infested. Regardless, its battlefield capability must not be underestimated.




More pics of the army can be found here (56k warning!) at a recent tournament - the pics weren't taken by me.


All comments and criticism is welcome. I'm especially after ideas for adding some freehand details to the army, so any suggestions would be great ;)


Enjoy :)

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I love the predator with the Skull pit turret, If it is meant to represent a source of ammunition or powering of the vehicle I congratulate you on a unique idea to make a shooty unit fit in with a khornate theme.


Keep up the good work!



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Epic work!


I love the Deamonic Preds, absolutly excellent.


Have you thought about adding some of that blood technique to the lower skulls of the other hatch? I think that would tie the whole model together nicely.


Not a criticism at all, I think the models & army as a whole are superb!


Keep the pics coming!

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