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Knightly Bike Captain - Planning

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Reading some Arthurian legend, particularly Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, I was hit by inspiration for the bike captain I've been wanting. Here's a link to the sketch since it's a tad muddled and a very high-res scan. The parts rundown is as follows:


-Bretonnian Horse, will be converted to look mechanical

-Mk6 Corvus Greaved Legs

-Torso to be GS'd into Mk3 Iron Armor with gorget

-Company Champion Power Sword

-Grenade Throwing Arm, will be GS'd into holding reins

-Eldar or Blood Angel Head, because they're so much more handsome than your standard marine

-Company Champion Shoulderpad

-U with Skull Shoulderpad

-Captain's Eagle Backpack

-Green Stuff for the various modifications I'll need to do, including a big cape


The heraldry on the shield is to be a star with Guilliman in the center, representing the 5 knightly virtues and the Primarch (Undecided on the Fleurs). The captain wears a green sash (made from GS) and the command squad will all wear green baldrics (also GS)

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