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Kill Team Alpha 1

Calgar 2.0

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It's a good start, but I think there are quite a few things you need to do to bring these guys to tabletop quality.


Off the top of my head, you should thin your paints out and layer rather than glob. This is especially true of the white. You should also be washing to get shadows and recesses darker, and then doing highlights on edges/surfaces hit by light.


Edit: the GW site also has a FANTASTIC article on painting faces in their White Dwarf archive. It helped me get faces up to a good standard, so I suggest reading that too! :D

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There's not much in the way of complimentary comments I can make here in addition to what MattCrawford said above.


I'd say consult the GW website articles, and, if possible go and ask a GW staff member for a painting lesson- they're free and they're of enormous help to people recently starting out in the hobby. A few lessons in brush handling and paint application certainly wouldn't go astray.



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Eh, they look alright. I'm sure your painting will improve over time. You may want to try some dark-lining with Regal Blue in the edges to give your models more depth, then maybe another coat of white to get slightly better coverage, and then clean up in a couple spots with white and blue (like below the helmets' eyes, and where the white Aquila got on the collar of the far left Marine).


Right now my main tip would be to paint the edges of your bases either black, or the same color as your basing material (grey in this case). Having it the same color as their armor makes it look REALLY weird to me, and THAT is something you can see from several feet away.

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They look good mate, like the guys say its all about practice. Try playing with a few inks to get better detail. It will all come with practice fella.


Keep up the good work.






Here are my sterngaurd, maybe they can help you with your veterens.

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They look about how my first guys did. If your white paint is thick and gloppy (like mine has always been) try watering it down just a tiny bit. Helps with thin coats immensely.



That dude's plasma gun the first pic looks like christmas. Very distinctive with the green

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