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Bloodstone's Vanguard Veterans


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Hi all, a new series of models i decided to paint recently were the Vanguard Marines, yes i know they've been out for a donkey long time, but no, i never got around to getting my own until recently.


So i decided to add them to my army in a different way, rather than paint them the colors of my chapter's sky blue or dirty white, i decided to paint them the colors of other chapters and give them white helmets, the color of my chapter to symbolize these veterans as warriors who have fallen from grace from their chapter and banded together to join the renegade Hollow Eye Clan. Without further ado.






Blood Ravens




You can see more of my other works on my deviantArt , while i continue to finish painting the remaining members of the Vanguard. Suggestions for which chapters to paint next are welcome, all critique and comments are welcome as well.

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i would say Dark Angels, i dont see space wolves using vanguard veterans (perhaps thats why they where kicked out :cuss) and blood angels would look to much like the blood ravens.

you could also do Imperial fists, or one of their succesors or raven gua........


ok, what im saying here is do anything but blood angels, cos they would look to much like the blood ravens (if you do BT you shouldnt do ravenguard or vice versa, for example)

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