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best layout for defiler?


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well. as the title says, iam wondering, what would be the most usefull layout for ye' good ol' defiler?

iam leaning towards an allmost pure CC build, due to fleet, and quite good CC capabilities from "nature's" point of view, especially as it seems it can get to 5 s10 attacks by taking two extra cc-weps, still leaving you with the big cannon


so what are you guys thoughts on a reasonable defiler build, and are they worth taking what so ever? or atleast acceptable per rule-of-cool?

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They are semi-viable in pairs but, the problem with that is that you lose the options of Obliterators.


As for setup,

Barebones or extra CCW (which is free) imho.


You really don't want the Lascannon upgrade as that would prevent you from firing the Big Gun.

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Agreed. I just added one to my roster this month and am having a lot of success with it. I usually do X2 extra CCW and hold back and fire the Battle Cannon until its either destroyed or something juicy comes within fleet range.




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I only use defilers and I like how they perform. Never pay for any of the "upgrades" as they are all a waste of your time and points. This walker exists for its cannon and its assault support. And of course to absorb incoming missiles and lascannons.
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  • 4 weeks later...

I actually gave up on the additional CCWs on my defilers. I tended to not get them into melee that often and when I did - the results aren't that great. Now I just run them with the TL Heavy Flamer and the TL Reaper ACs. People blow my battle cannon off all the time but now I'm still a decent threat.


That's whats worked for me anyway....

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I personally run a AC-Battle Cannon-Havoc launcher mix, and it's always treated me well. Even when I lose the BC (which I usually do every dang game :) ), I can still shred light armour and squads at a distance. Never had good luck in CC with the defiler, but that's just me.
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I run Heavey Bolter and extra CCW. Not because it works super well. It do okay. But because I leave the extra CCW not modeled. Ie that stupid looking flail. The model looks really clean, and slick.
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I don't bother with CCWs, as it always, ALWAYS gets immobilized or destroyed the turn before it charges. It has only been able to charge once out of the past 20 games or so...it always gets dinked otherwise. Even when it's been charged (which is often enough) the WS 3 hurts a lot more than one might realize; normally it loses close combats, even with extra arms and against IG. The autocannon/heavy flamer is the best outfitting, as far as I'm concerned. Reliably roast infantry, decent anti-transport, and splatta-gun for effect.
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CCW is tough to make work with the 3WS. It ends up meaning big penalties to hit, even if you can then swat them down with huge strength.

Hitting on a 4+ against almost every opponent in the game is not that much of a problem; there are very few things with WS 7 or higher, and most of those tend to be opponents a defiler should never be going into close combat with anyway.

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