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Battle of hero's


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Hi there


The other week I took part in an epic battle that was 12000pts and included the laget charcters in the codexs, ans only they could kill each other. :P


Chapters united to include Ultramarines, Bloodangels and spacewolves. they all battled to wipe the ch ;) aos scum from the battlefield. Mojor worriors included lord Calgar, Ragnar and som,e proprer ard Bloodangel dude. Enermy characters included kahn, abadon and some other chaos prince.


It was a fantastic battle and the 4th company Ultramarines did the bissiness with the aid of their fellow battle brothers. :cuss


Hope you enjoy the pics, I have loads more and will add them latter, thanks













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-Steps in-


The "proper hard Bloodangel dude" was infact Chapter Master Gabriel Seth...And we were against Ahriman, Khârn and Abaddon.


Was good fun, the Captain with jump pack in the first picture held Ahriman up a for a few turns, mainly with help from a Space Wolf Rune Priest nearby, nullifying Gift of Chaos a few (thousand) times.. Also a funny event was when (my) Death Company Dread was charged in close combat by the Greater Daemon and blew up quite sensationally, killing quite a few Chaos bods.

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Was a great game mate, when our chapters combine we kick arse!!! Final battle between abadon and calgar was good. Calgar kicked his arse and took the hand of horus as a trophy. . . lol.


great game mate


Was a great game mate, when our chapters combine we kick arse!!! Final battle between abadon and calgar was good. Calgar kicked his arse and took the hand of horus as a trophy. . . lol.


great game mate

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Who's Ultramarines are they? Sideshow's?


Either way, they look pretty cool. An interesting take on the 4th's colors. You really went to town with the green :P

You should drop by the Ultramarines sub-forum some time and introduce yourself and your army. :D



Those are some freakishly...uh...bright...Chaos Marines and demons you fought there. Glad to hear you gave 'em a good beating.

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Sure the Ultramarines are mine. Some people have commented that I use too much green, but the way that I see it they are my version of the 4th chapter, so I painted them how I liked.


Thanks for the positive feedback and I will be sure to drop in on the ultramarine forum.

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As promised I have some more pictures from the epic "Clash of heros" batttle, enjoy.






My 95% painted redeemer.




Lord Calgar and a squad of assult terminators armed with lightening claws and thunder hammers to tear abadon a new arse.








4th company stergaurd vs iron worriors



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Would ask where lysander was but that would of made the game more like 'how far can lysander bat abby' so yeah, smurf master smurf needed to go smurf some other smurfs to feel smurfy!


(lysander was probaly busy anyway trying to find a challenge, currently I hear he's finding out how many thunder hammer strikes it takes to knock over an emperor titan, he so far has demolished 5 of the machines and has come up with the average of half a swing each so far!)


However I like the idea, BIG apoc battle where the heros can only be killed by heros, that would get the boys stuck into to real fighting!

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Dude, sideshow, I like your Marines and all, but damn...they're crazy colorful.

Your Veterans and non-4th Company units (Land Raider, Terminators, Predator) are all green too...and that simply makes no sense to me.


Company markings maybe?




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Thanks, thats exactly what I aim for. I love the ultramarines and the 4th companys books, I just wanted them to be my company too, so that no one else had the same designs. They are unique they are "MY" 4th company.


Thanks for all the constructive feedback, I will take everyones advise onboard, but they are unique.









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