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The Siege of Zalathras Commemoration Banner

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Greetings, Brother Graymantle.


May I first say that this amount of detail is truly very impressive, and I think your obvious dedication, attention to detail and time spent on this are a befitting tribute to that which you have dedicated it to. I wish you the very best of luck with the competition. I'll also bet that .TIF has quite a file size built up by now :whistling:


As a fellow photoshopper I was hoping you might give some sort of tutorial for how you did your wonderful purity seal, it looks far too good to not be used more often.


Kind regards,


- Turel.

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i thought id posted on here, must have psoted elsewhere instead??


anyway great work, and you have my condolences on your loss, you too Loken.


Infact great work doesnt cover the scale of beauty here.. this is freaking phenominal

Thank you for your concern greatcrusade8! - And Wow, that is quite a praise! :)



First of all you have my condolences on your loss.


I must say this is a great piece (spelling?) of art u did there :D . I wish i had the skills and patient to make something like that :whistling: . Im sure u can win that competition, good luck with it :tu: .

Thank you for your concern as well Captain Mick!

I'm sure that if you work on it you will have the skills to make something like this.

As for the competition however, I hardly think I made the finals. - I should have heard back from them by now if I did.



Greetings, Brother Graymantle.


May I first say that this amount of detail is truly very impressive, and I think your obvious dedication, attention to detail and time spent on this are a befitting tribute to that which you have dedicated it to. I wish you the very best of luck with the competition. I'll also bet that .TIF has quite a file size built up by now :P


As a fellow photoshopper I was hoping you might give some sort of tutorial for how you did your wonderful purity seal, it looks far too good to not be used more often.


Kind regards,


- Turel.

Thank you Turel!

As I stated though, I am afraid I am pretty certain I already lost the competition. - But I'm still glad I made this banner and that some of the people here on the B&C like it.

The unflattened PSD file is 2.22 Gigabytes, so yeah, It is a HEAVY file! - Yes I do have a machine I built specifically for working on graphics.


For tutorials, just Google "Photoshop wax seal tutorial" and you get plenty of tutorials for similar results.


And speaking of purity seals, here is the other one. - And no, still not 100% scale.



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Well, thank you for your confidence Captain Mick! :D

I'm holding off on being judgemental until I've actually seen the other entries though. - I am sure there are a lot of good entries, though it is strange that there are so few of them on the Internet.

I have found one reason why I might not have been considered for this competition though. Reading the rules again I saw that the entry had to be sent to them on the actual template, which mine wasn't. I used the template, but in my hurry to get my entry in (considering I was wondering if I might be to late), I didn't use the template with the logo and legal text on it.

I would hope this is a forgivable mistake though.


And speaking of mistakes. My combination victory laurel, sun symbol, 1st Company symbol also has a mistake in it that I didn't have time to correct before turning the entry over to the judges.

Internet cookies for the one who spots what it is first.


Oh, and here is the symbol close-up:



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Hello again everyone!


I am sorry for not posting up anything for a few days now, but the work load over at my new job has just been insane, so there had been a lot of over-time and I really haven't had the time or strength to give all of you the proper replies that you deserve.


As many of you have probably noticed by now, the winners have all been posted and I was not among them. - As I predicted.

Nor am I among the honourable mentions, so don't expect to see this standard over at the movie site at all.

But it's OK, because I still have the B&C to show you the work I put into this.

Thank you B&C! :)


I won't be posting up a new detail today, because there are so many posts to answer and I am uncertain if you even want to see more details.

Oh, and no one has come forth to collect the Internet cookies for spotting the mistake I talked about in the former post yet. :lol:

Now, there haven't been any replies in this thread for me to address, but throughout the rest of the forum, there have been a couple of remarks about my entry, so I have decided to collect them all up and answer them here.

So here we go!


I was totally expecting to see your entry on there... obviously it seems, yours ended up getting disqualified for your entry mistake. :ermm:


Also are they serious with number four... :lol:

Thank you for that Heru Talon!

It indeed seems I did not make it in on this competition, or the judges simply didn't like my entry.

I actually think it is rather charming that entry 4 was picked as a winner. It was probably made by a younger person (minimum 13 years by the competition rules), and I am sure it was a great moral boost for Jonathan!

If you read this, then congratulations to you Jonathan Eriksson!


Also are they serious with number four... :D
If it was the best for that region...


I didn't even know they were doing this contest. Ah, well. Anything I came up with wouldn't be much better than #4 anyway, probably. ^_^

Actually I am from that region (UK, Eire and Nordic Countries). - Still, I had to compete in the Proffessional category.

I am not actually a proffessional artist and the only art I do is pretty much what shows up here on the B&C, but seeing as I have 6 years education from arts & crafts and design, I had to compete in that category.

My day job these days however, is as as an assisting web publisher at a hospital.


I'm sorry you didn't know there was a competition Allerka! - It seems that somehow this competition was lost on a lot of people for whatever reason.

I am sure that you could have made a great entry!



The banner competition winners have been announced, and their banners put on display. I must say, I only really like the professional category and the North American category winners. The rest...meh.

Agreed.... And I really don't know how Graymantle didn't at beat THOSE. His is just waaaaaaay more awesome than any of the winners....

Wow, thank you TEC! - That is an amazing complement!

I think the winners are all ok, but I will have a closer look at them later on in this post.



Agreed.... And I really don't know how Graymantle didn't at beat THOSE. His is just waaaaaaay more awesome than any of the winners....


its a travesty, i think someone must have worshipped slaanesh with the judges

LoL - Oh my! :lol:

Again, thank you for the complement there greatcrusade08!


It could have been too busy, or too full of meaning/detail. As an artist that'd be my one critique, looking at what did win. They get their point across more simply, where you don't really even know where to start with our esteemed Graymantle's. All of the rest are more generic, and can be applied to pretty much any occasion, whereas his would probably be only an ornamental piece hanging in the one area (can't think of it now) they put all their banners.


At first glance one might not even recognize that it's an Ultramarines banner until you find the tiny chapter symbol; to me, the chapter's symbol should be prominently on display. For the winning entrants, only the first two are questionably small, but still the icon is not lost in the banner and thus can be easily seen. The rest proudly proclaim their chapter. One might think it's the Zalathras chapter of space marines, given the scroll's importance in placement and size. Lastly, I don't think I'm a fan of the seeming multitude of colors. By comparison, the best of the rest have few colors that complement and work well, with some spot colors. Yours looks to me to have too much green or red, and it's kinda all over the place.


Don't get me wrong, your banner is beautiful Graymantle, and I especially like the radiated threading on the agemo, but I'm just saying I can see how/why it didn't win, looking at what did succeed.

Thank you for your feedback Seahawk, I appreciate it!

Yes my banner is full of detail and that was a very conscientious decision. I wanted to make something that was based more on what I feel a banner might really look like if the 40k universe was real, rather than something with a reduced detail level because it was originally based on a miniature(game), or because it is only supposed to be seen from a distance. - A banner like this would be a great honour to make and to carry, and I believe that if they were real, then many of them would be full of details we don't usually see in the art and miniatures. - It would be an artificer's greatest honour to craft this type of artifact and a viewers great honour to get to lay eyes upon it.


The banner may lack a proper point of focus, but I wanted the banner itself to be the focus, as something that would just make you go "Oh my, the level of detail is just... Wow!"; so that the viewer is drawn into the detail and studying it more closely sees that the banner is really telling a story in a way that uses symbolism I am sure would be very familiar in the Imperium. - Much like churches in the old days used art to portray bible stories to the unreading masses.


Indeed this banner is a Commemoration Banner, rather than a Battle Banner; so maybe that is where I messed up.


I do agree that maybe the name scroll could have been smaller, but I don't think it is out of place in the composition and the name of Zalathras does belong in a prominent place on "The Zalathras Campaign Commemoration banner", especially considering that is would probably hang among hundreds if not thousands of similar Campaign banners.

- Still, it is something to consider. - It hadn't even occurred to me that it may be interpreted as a banner belonging to the Zalathras Chapter.


As for the colours, I too did question my amount of colours, but after having tested several dulled down versions, I decided to go for this one.

Too much green is a taste thing I guess, but do note that all the colours and colour variations are there to convey meaning, and I don't think any of the colours break the composition.

Given that this is a celebratory banner which belongs in a less dark side of the 40k universe, I don't feel the colours are out of place. - Still, a duller, more desaturated colour palette is something I will consider if I decide to make anything else for 40k in the future.


I am glad you liked the Agemo, and thank you once more for the feedback Seahawk! :)


Yeah, I also think Graymantle's banner is awesome but I can see why the winners won. The winning banners don't have as much detail, but they are more in the flavor of space marine banners from cannon sources.


That imperial fist banner that won the professional category is beautiful, and if I ever paint imperial fists I'd definately use it as a source of inspiration.

I also love the look of the Imperial Fists banner. It is well made and considering the group I had to compete in, it is actually the only one among the winners that I competed against.



I think that Ultramarines banner is just about the most generic banner I've ever seen.....
Which one?



I will refrain from jumping on that in case the UK/Nordic countries winner is reading this (because congratulations to all!), but I see your point TEC ;)
I for one hope that we will have one or more of the winners turn up here at the B&C so we can get to know more about their entries too.

I certainly hope no one has been intimidated away from answering or talking about their entries here on the B&C, and as I stated earlier, I hope more people will step forward and show us their entries as well.



Now, here is my take on the Winning Entries:


The first Ultramarine banner is good, though I think I would have placed the Purity Seals a bit less at random.

I think it would have been cool if the Ultramarine symbol had been the hilt guard of the sword and I would probably have placed the stars a bit less randomly as well. - Especially the one that partly disappears under the "frame" of the banner motif. - I also think it is interesting that both Ultramarine banners used this same frame.

I do like how the banner pole can be seen through the cloth and also the overall look of the banner.


The Storm Guardians Banner is well done, though it always gives me a bit of a chuckle, because it kinda looks like the fist just punched a knock-out on the eagle, who is now simply hanging limply on the gauntleted fist.

Naturally this isn't what is portrayed, but it kinda looks that way.

I also think it is interesting to see the Medusa Star used over for another Campaign. For those of you who remember it, this medal originally showed up for the Medusa V Campaign.

You can see my version of it here: http://www.codexguardianangels.com/medusa-star.htm

I also found a higher resolution version of this banner here: http://magnum117.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d2skjt2

And another entry of his here: http://magnum117.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d2skiuu

All in all a well made banner.


The Imperial Fists banner is without a doubt my favorite from among the winners.

It is well made and I especially like the scroll-work.

The only thing I am a bit uncertain about is the background of the large Imperial Fists symbol. It seems like padding to me.

All in all though, a strong banner composition that was well executed!


As I've already stated I think it is charming that the second Ultramarine banner was picked.

This banner has taken some flack and it may seem a bit unfinished, but all in all it is in good spirit.

My favourite part of this banner has to be the small shield icons on the right.


The Sons of Terra banner is my second most favorite among the winners.

It is well made and I think the purity seals are of an interesting variation.

I also like the Iron Halo that was put on top of this banner.

You can find more about this banner here:




As a conclusion to the Winning entries round-up, all I have to say is:

Congratulations to all the winners and to all the Honourable mentions as well!

Well done! ;)



If you want to see more entries, I found another interesting one here:



And one here:



And here:



As well as here:




I hope we have more entrants and even winners of the competition here on the B&C as well, because it woud be great to see and hear more about other people's entries as well!

And if you find any entries around the net, post a link here to show us all the hard work that went into this competition from around the globe.


So, are people still interested in seeing more detail from my banner, or are you all just fed up?

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The sons of terra one is quite nice.. As is the dark angel one you linked.


You and the dark angel entry went for a more untraditional style. Whereas all the winners look like GW could of made them. (errors fixed of course with some cleanup on a couple)


Bad luck CMG next time huh.


Just blame the lack of template usage eh.

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I think that Ultramarines banner is just about the most generic banner I've ever seen.....
Which one?

Both of them actually :P


The first one just seems like proof of a very basic grasp on Ultramarines heraldry.


The second one is quite nice.


The third one is very nice and seems like a legit Imperial Fists relic straight from the Great Crusade.


The fourth one is basically the EXACT same as the actual 2nd Company banner... Just tacked on a couple shields and some stars....


The Fifth one is well made but has a disjointed bunch of stuff on it. It says Tempestus and Sons Of Terra, which just seems contradictory. It has a big "II" which I assume must be the Company number, but then it also has a "XIII" which can only be a Chapter number because a Squad number doesn't go on a Company Banner...and the Ultramarines are Legion/Chapter XIII, and this does not appear to be an Ultramarines banner. IF it is an Ultramarines banner then the appearances of "Sons Of Terra" and "Tempestus" both make no sense at all.




Yours is full of stuff done right and proper attention to detail. It may be a bit of an odd choice of thing to make a banner entry about, but you sure got all the bits right (that I can see) and it looks great.

I really don't know how you didn't beat these guys.

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The sons of terra one is quite nice.. As is the dark angel one you linked.


You and the dark angel entry went for a more untraditional style. Whereas all the winners look like GW could of made them. (errors fixed of course with some cleanup on a couple)


Bad luck CMG next time huh.


Just blame the lack of template usage eh.

Well, thank you Yogi!

I hardly think there will be a next time though.



I think that Ultramarines banner is just about the most generic banner I've ever seen.....
Which one?

Both of them actually :P


The first one just seems like proof of a very basic grasp on Ultramarines heraldry.


The second one is quite nice.


The third one is very nice and seems like a legit Imperial Fists relic straight from the Great Crusade.


The fourth one is basically the EXACT same as the actual 2nd Company banner... Just tacked on a couple shields and some stars....


The Fifth one is well made but has a disjointed bunch of stuff on it. It says Tempestus and Sons Of Terra, which just seems contradictory. It has a big "II" which I assume must be the Company number, but then it also has a "XIII" which can only be a Chapter number because a Squad number doesn't go on a Company Banner...and the Ultramarines are Legion/Chapter XIII, and this does not appear to be an Ultramarines banner. IF it is an Ultramarines banner then the appearances of "Sons Of Terra" and "Tempestus" both make no sense at all.




Yours is full of stuff done right and proper attention to detail. It may be a bit of an odd choice of thing to make a banner entry about, but you sure got all the bits right (that I can see) and it looks great.

I really don't know how you didn't beat these guys.

Thank you TEC!

I hadn't even noticed that entry 4 was the 2nd Company banner, but you are indeed right!

Oh and speaking of Ultramarine heraldry details... Just for that I am posting up another one at the bottom of this post. ;)



Not even an honorable mention? *scratches head* huh?


Nice work. I can see you put a lot of time and effort into it. It deserves more than just the B&C Hall of Honor.

Thank you Zynk Kaladin! B)



Yours is far the best off all, but there are more things in the world that is unfair. Congratulations to all the winners ;) .
Thank you Captain Mick! :D


Actually another reason the banner may not have made it is that it may have been delivered too late.

Like I said before, the reason I forgot to use the template is that I was in a hurry to deliver my entry, because I wasn't sure I would be able to deliver it on time.

The reason for this is that the rules state: "entries must be submitted by Midnight GMT on 27 June 2010. Late entries will not be considered."


My friends and I interpreted this as that the entry had to be delivered before the clock ticked over from 23:59:59 GMT on June 27 2010, to 00:00:00 GMT on June 28 2010.

This also made sense because it meant that it had to be delivered before Monday (the next work week), rather than it having to be delivered before a Sunday.

So late on in the evening of the 26th, I was going to start correcting the errors I knew of on my entry and to add a few more details, when I noticed the template saying:

"Submitted entries must be uploaded to www/ultramarinesthemovie.com/competiton by 00:00 GMT on June 27th 2010."


Naturally I went "Oh, Emperor's Teeth!" and scrambled to get a low-res version saved and sent out, but the upload timed out on me a few times before I got a white screen. - Earlier I had also read on their FaceBook page that other people had had problems uploading, but I kept at it and finally got feedback saying that my entry had been successfully entered (so I would think it was, but it may not have been after all).

I am however uncertain about whether or not the clock had gone over 00:00 GMT by then, so if it had, I guess my banner just went on the scrap-heap.



But still, at least the B&C'ers got to see it, and that is quite a few! ;)



And speaking of potential mistakes. The mistake I thought people might see in the sun laurel symbol, is that in my haste to finish this banner, I didn't pay proper attention to my "light-source", and so the shadow and light falls rather at random throughout the symbol, making some areas look like they are embossed as raised details and in other areas as sunken details. - They were however all supposed to be raised.

- I may go back and fix this at some time.

Hm... - No cookies for you! :P



Note how The Emperors Champion speaks of attention to detail on the heraldry of the Ultramarines.

I actually had a bit of a read to freshen up on that, and read among other things: The Ultramarines Codex (2nd edition I believe) and the Insignium Astartes.

Like TEC says, the Ultramarines are the 13th, or XIII Legion.

This can be seen in a few places on the banner. One of them is in the left purity seal detail:




And speaking of that detail, I forgot to translate the text on it:


Hail the Space Marines, full of grace,

The Lord Emperor be with you.

Blessed are you among mankind,

and beneficent are you in all that you do.


Holy Marines, Sons of God

Do Battle for Humanity.

Now and until the hour of death


So it be!


-- ℧ --


Saintly Marneus Augustus Calgar,

defend us in battle

stand as our defense against the wickedness

and temptation of Chaos.

Until the God Emperor casts it out.


We humbly beseech you,

O prince of the heavenly host,

by the power of the God Emperor,

bring death to all forces of Chaos, aliens and daemons,

that lurk throughout existence, seeking the ruin of our souls.


Make it so!




Note though that this is Imperial Gothic, not actual Latin. - Though it is based on Latin from well known prayers.



Also, as we talked about Ultramarine heraldry; Here is the first detail I made for this standard. - The 1st Company heraldry.

If you look closely, you can even see the stitches I made to "fasten" the emblem to the banner.

Oh, and for those that thought the white bordering the outer parts of the lower triangle sections was just white... Well, now you can see that it is in reality a form of rope pattern.




Well, I hope interest hasn't fallen entirely away.

There are still a few details left if the interest is still there.


Thanks for your time! :)

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Well, thanks again guys!

TEC, yes indeed! - This is probably the most detailed (high-resolution) image I've worked on.

The source file isn't 2.2 Gb for nothing. Madness! - I know, but in a goood way! :(


Actually I don't think the submitted standard banners will be in the movie at all Captain Mick.

Would be cool if they were though. - Maybe they will be in there as bonus material.


Ok, so for my next detail, it may not be the most interesting thing, but it still deserves some small mention I think.

The Moon ans Star symbol is the second detail I created for this banner and originally I had planned on making something a bit more fancy, as you can see from the idea sketch I posted earlier.

Eventually I decided to go with something simple though, as it isn't the most important symbol and it, plus the darker background is there to show that Calgar fought through the night.

At first I was planning on making something photo-real with this banner and I made the moon symbol as an experiment on how far I could take this, but in the end it ended up looking too real and I decided I wouldn't have the time to put that amount of effort into each symbol. So I cut back on the realism a bit.


I have no idea how many surrounding "threads" I made on this, but in the end I did set up an action that created a new thread, flipped it at an angle and moved it to the side, to help me speed up the process a bit.

Still took a while though and there are some areas I might have made look better if I had the time, but it is good enough for it's purpose I think.


So here is the detail:



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Well, yet another late update, but here you go.


Don't understand why yours didn't win, it deffinitely should have beaten the 4th banner :tu:
Well, thank you Justicar Valius!

The thing is though, that I competed in the professional category, so unless I have misunderstood something, I only competed against the Imperial Fists banner.



Amazing detail again, u keep suprising me with every detail your posting ;) .
Thank you once more Captain Mick! - Let us hope I do not disappoint you.



Just flicked back and saw Greymantles awsome banner. That should have won. The real banners marines use would be that ornate. Marine banners are ornate with lots of detail not just some generic Ultra banner like one of the winners.
Thank you Beef! - I too feel that most Astartes banners would be very ornate.



And well, with that, let us have a look at an ornate detail: The Eagle pin.


I was actually intending to create two different sorts of pins and holes for the top part of the banner. These were to be ornamental and functional at the same time, serving to fasten the banner to the banner pole. Unfortunatly though I didn't have time to make them and this one, which I ended up using, I actually intended for another project. I didnt get to finish this as well as I had hoped either, as I wanted som Ultramarine iconography in there, as well as sapphire eyes, but they still work well enough I think.



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you already know my views on this banners awesomeness, but i think it should be adopted by this forum and stickied.


all in favour say aye :P

Thank you greatcrusade08! - Maybe the Ultramarines sub-forum will adopt it for something.

Or maybe I will think of some other way for the B&C to use it. :P


Ok, so for my next detail, you will have to click it to see the full size (well, not 100% scale, but still...). - Separated in from the banner background here to let you see it without all the mess around it.


The name scroll is one of the details I used the most care with; getting the shadows and light just right.

Originally I had the letters in gold, but I thought it got to low in contrast to the red background and didn't show well enough from a distance.

The letters are based on a font called EddaCaps, but I redrew most of them completely to better emulate the look the fonts you usually find in Ultramarine Banners have.



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Ok, so I promised you a version printable at the right size for use with a Standard Bearer miniature, so now I've created that.

I removed the purity seals as those should be easy enough to model on there if anyone wants to use this.

Here you are:



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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I thought I would bother you with another detail today. - After all it has been a jolly long time now.

I am very pleased to see that Philip Sibbering likes the standard banner. - At least that way I know one person working for GW likes it. - And a talented artist at that. :)


I haven't been able to find any more entries to the competition on the web, but if you know of any, then please share.

Other than that I guess we will have to keep waiting for the official site to show us the rest of their favourites.


Today I figured I would start on the first of the triangles on the bottom of the banner. The blue one that shows WHO were involved.


As you can see, the 1st Company of the Ultramarines - 13'th Legion, lead by Marneus Augustus Calgar were involved.

To the left of the "Legio XIII" text there was supposed to be an Imperial Aquila, as a symbol of the Imperium, but I never had the time to finish it, so that is why the lines of text are set up the way they are.


Then the second section shows that the "City of Zalathras" was involved:

Viva enim mortuorum in memoria vivorus est posita.

The life of the dead is remembered for posterity by the living.

Allegedly, 6 845 300 soldiers and conscripted citizens were masses to aid in the conflict.


And the malignant Orks are shown in the colour of the enemy - red.

15 654 Orks were killed before the gates of Zalathras itself. - Allegedly Calgar himself held the gate and was the key factor to this death toll.

In addition to this, 231 Ork vehicles were destroyed before the gates.


A good death toll for a Chapter Master's night shift. :)


And here, finally, is the image:



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Thanks guys!


Yes you can indeed see the stitching and these images are reduced from 300 to 72 dpi, plus that they are shown here at approximately 40% scale.

So quite a bit of time used to create quite a bit of detail. - Hopefully I will finish the last bits I intended for this as well and print a full sized banner from it. ;)


Anyway, for the next part, we have the red triangle of war, which tells us WHAT happened:


In the year 797.M41.

In the City of Zalathras.

Marneus Augustus Calgar held the gate and bridge of the city alone for a night and a day.

Single-handedly he fought against the green tide of beasts.

Valiantly he fought to secure victory for the Imperium, the Emperor and the Ultramarines.


+ + + + +


Remember his Victory!



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