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Dave's Various WIPs

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Since I start up so many projects, I decided I'd do the board a favor and shove them all in one thread. Here we have my built-on-a-whim Master of the Forge. Like many of my projects, it started small and snowballed. The explanation for the huge arm is that he lost his original arm in battle, pulled a new one off of a dead ogryn and enhanced it. ((Aside from that, I have no thunder hammers in my bitz box)) This guy's the kind of techie that likes to turn himself into a massive living weapon, moreso than an astartes already is.





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meh ill bite.

althogh it looks a little odd with the big 'enhanced' arm i can see the reasoning behind it and its not to hugely oversized. also the hammer looks a litttle like the body of a storm bolter,is it? Id need to see this fella painted before i could comment futher.nice cocktail stick harness btw


damn it azeral 240 you beat me by a minute ;)

I don't realy like the ork arm but I do like the Conversion beamer.


also the servo arme definitivly need some cable/hydrolic and some polishing around the pince.



I just see the back torso used as a front, that's a great idea!


get some guitard string and cable that guy a little so he can earn his title of master of the forge.

Thanks for all the comments folks. Glad to see at least one of my conversions turn out right. Yes, the hammer is a Drop pod's missile launcher cut down to make it smaller, since unmodified it was far too big. The tank commander's back as the front is an idea I got from my friend's Huron Blackheart conversion which used the Chaos tank commander's back as the front. I actually used the chaos guy's back as the back, so this guy has no "front" breastplate. I tried him on normal power armored legs, but the torso was way too big to look good on it. I think this is shaping up to be my most ambitious conversion, surpassing the "works in theory" elf-to-Scout conversions, which still need finishing.
The connection point for the conversion beamer and the servo arm look very flimsy and need more bulk. The front chest plate looks too much like back plate, and needs more wires and techy bit to reduce this look. There is a tentacle on his side, which looks out of place and should be removed. The ork arm looks silly and has to go. The hammer head looks way too big to the point that it looks like it has come right out of a Loony Toons cartoon. The wrap around the hammer haft is too think and looks like a scarf as a result. The servo arm clamp has no means of showing that it works. Use some guitar wiring and more plasticard throughout to improve the look.
  • 2 weeks later...

No update on the Techie this time, but we have some other goodies.


Epic win!



Or.... not. :whistling:



The return of my elf-scouts. I'm well aware there are still scaling issues and always will be. My GS-fu is weak, so it's not something that I can fix effectively.







Next update, these guys will all have their cloaks GS'd in and their rough, leather boots finished. Here's a size comparison of the regular boot and my ugly, GS'd bulked out boots




And a Black Templar Crusader I did for fun. He's showing his manliness to the Emperor Almighty by going to war with his massive muscles fully exposed.


  • 4 months later...

Long time no see, WIP thread. You almost went the way of my ill-fated blogging attempt. This phenomena is usually caused by me preferring to actually do modelling as opposed to writing about it.


So it turns out that the one-shot Templar I did became a 1500pt army after a few secondhand dealings, and here's what I have to show for it. Hold onto your bandwidths because this update's a biggie.


First up is one of those glorious conversions of necessity. For less than one US dollar, I made a cover for my rhino which turns it into a Vindicator. I see this as one step up from proxy, which is to say better than nothing.






Also comes off when you want to use the Rhino underneath.

Mind you this is only a stand-in until I get a job and can buy all the goodies I can find.... Or pay for college, whichever seems more appealing at the moment. And since I don't plan on entering any tournaments in the next few years, I'm positive the quality is good enough as far as my local group is concerned. Wouldn't be the strangest thing they've let me use...


A gift for the DM of my Star Wars game, I made a Mandalorian soldier from a CSM and a Scout.




I suppose I should highlight the cloth armor eventually.


More in the following post...


Moving onto my newfound interest in Templars, starting with a tank crew acting as a tank's Stormbolter and consulting his auspex on the eternal question: "Where do I start shooting first?"





Then we have my Christmas gift, an Assault squad which I re-appropriated, along with various bits and a few DC into a Command squad, which in its first run on the table, managed to freak my opponent ((Dark Eldar)) out enough to avoid it like the plague. For those curious, that squad was the only thing standing at the end of the game, which likely says all it needs to about the outcome.









Standard Bearer







Doc: Not shown due to me not having worked on him yet


All of them, except maybe the Doc will be receiving some type of cloth vestment. ((And by the Emprah do these legs needs slotta-tabs))



Next up we have the Marshall to go along with the squad, bionic leg recipe taken from this very board, though I wish I had smaller tools to do it properly with instead of the messy adaptation you see here.






A test model for my Sword Brethren.





My Emprah's Champion, sporting blue gemstones as opposed to the standard red. Needs some touching up and a wash on the gold before I call him done.





And now we get to my 2 favorite models. I start with an Ultramarines bug-hunter and end up with..... High Marshall Siegenandus! ((Counts for Helbrecht))





And I start with an assortment of scrapped Terminator pieces and a few spare bits and end up with a Terminator Grand Chaplain.






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