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Suggestions for a Scenic Base


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Recently, I started an Imperial Guard Regiment that I acquired through a GW auction. Part of the army was a Valk which came without a flying stand. So naturally, I ordered one from GW, but when I got to the shop that sold it to me, an employee came out with the flying stand I needed. So I though of using the thing to base some type of diorama for an HQ unit. Does anyone have some suggestions as to what it should be? Any suggestions will be put into this post. Also, a few dimensions- the widest point is around 4.5" and the longest at 3.5". Everything else curves in from there.



By Durus:

A Chaplain affixing purity seals on kneeling marines, a pre-battle scene

Apothecary collection gene-seed and serviotors collection wargear, a post-battle scene


By my FLGS' manager:

A Salamander at the forge, working on a weapon of some type

Because I also play IG, he also suggested I do something like vets rappelling down from a Valk or building.


By my FLGW manager:

Squad Diaroma of sgt. ordering troops to move out

Former Golden Demon Entries

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Some kind of pre or after battle scenes would probably be interesting to see for a change.


So a chaplain affixing purity seals while the marines kneel and swear their oaths of moment with the chapterbanners waving in the background,




An apothecary collecting Progenoids and chapter serfs collecting wargear, while the marines carry their fallen and harvested brother-marine's bodies from a muddy battlefield scene.


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