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Gift of Chaos

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The power description itself is very clear on this point: "as no wounds are taken, no saves apply" (p. 88, Chaos SM Codex).


As others have said, a Librarian with a psychic hood provides an extra layer of defense. Also, since Gift only has a 6" range you should be able to keep your HQ units away from the enemy psykers using it if you make that priority.

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blah, I never use psykers. ever. maybe I'll invest in one, probably not lol


thx guys

A bone-standard librarian is a darn good HQ these days, to be completely honest with you. It fits into a lot of the strong Marine Combat Doctrines these days (classic Mech and Razorback Spam without a doubt, but even more exotic armies can benefit from one... Hybrid Bikers, without a Command squad really like having a libby as the second HQ, etc.). A naked Librarian is where I tend to start my list-building in the HQ Force Org slot.

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can I suggest using something with a better Ld than 8? Such as adding two hierophants or using a lord (with the 3 obligatory bodyguard). Otherwise, is the Gift of Chaos a shooting attack? If so, getting in close combat is a solution.
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can I suggest using something with a better Ld than 8? Such as adding two hierophants or using a lord (with the 3 obligatory bodyguard). Otherwise, is the Gift of Chaos a shooting attack? If so, getting in close combat is a solution.

Gift can be used while in close combat.

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yeah best option sounds like a 45pt unlimited range inquisitor hood :rolleyes:

Except that, as Bystrom pointed out, that model comes with Ld 8 standard, which would make the hood pretty useless. You need to add a pair of Hierophants as a retinue to bump him up to Ld 10, or take an Inquisitor Lord (which costs more and has a mandatory retinue).

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Gift of chaos is a pretty crappy power IMO.


First off, it costs 30 pts.

Second, it's used at the -start- of the turn, before any movement, assault, or shooting. You can't jump into assault and use it for instance.

Thirdly, it has a 6" range.

Fourthly, it requires a test on the targets unmodified toughness, with a natural 6 always succeeding. Vs a T4 marine this means you'll fail 2 of 3 times.


So it's reasonably good for a second power on a tsons aspiring sorc(say, for killing hidden fists) or maaybe a daemon prince(still would prefer warptime and nothing else there though)if you have an extra 30 pts leftover, but I wouldn't bother bringing a direct counter, as it's a fairly useless(albiet powerful) power.


If you're worried about psychic powers in general bring a hood, or keep your expensively kitted relicblade captain out of CC with a chaos psyker with gift unless you can kill them for sure in two rounds of CC, as gift would be used at the start of the next player turn.


As a sidenote, turning people into spawn is about the most awesome thing ever, even if it is a poor overall use of 30 pts+a psyker. :)

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lol actually you cant take all the glory, its a combination of you and Klaus; the demon player.


One game I played him and I was boasting a little too much about how my Relic Blade stormshield captain has slain innumerable amounts of Daemon Princes... so I was like hey Klaus My Captains callin you out come get some. His Prince then flew over to me next turn and turned me into a spawn :P I said wait dont I get my 3++ Invuln save?! he said no :P


LOL but yeah I think you got me with gift of chaos as well one game.

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