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force commander equipting options


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if you roll two 1's to wound with relic blade then your just destined to lose that combat LOL


Considering the bipolar nature of the dice gods and the law of averages, I wouldn't be surprised if that happens at least once with extended use of a relic blade captain. However, that storm shield disagrees with that lost combat destiny ^_^


As for the OP, a ws6 s6 a3 i5 dude will smack the crap out of pretty much anything you enemy fields against you. Once you bring the pain your opponent will be like WHAAA and try to nuke the crap out of him. However, your 3 wounds of 3+ armor and invulnerability saves will put a fan in front of the :P he unleashes upon you. Catch my drift?


But with any unit you field, you MUST play him/her/it/them smart. That means no stupid moves unless you are 100% sure it is so BA that it makes up for such an awesome tactical error. I like to run him with a x4 plasma gun command squad. This squad hits hard at range and close combat and the apothecary improves the squad's overall survivability substantially. Put them in a rhino and you're set. Like always, make sure he synergizes well with your army.


I've been keeping count. My ability to hit and wound with melta weapons is about 25% over the past six months. It should be around 55%. The dice gods hate me. My relic blade also rolls lots of 1s to wound. Of course I'm still not willing to spend points on digital weapons.

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I've been keeping count. My ability to hit and wound with melta weapons is about 25% over the past six months. It should be around 55%. The dice gods hate me. My relic blade also rolls lots of 1s to wound. Of course I'm still not willing to spend points on digital weapons.

If you buy the Digital Weapons you'll never roll another 1 to wound. It's totally worth the points :P

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