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Dipped Imperial Fists[Pic heavy]


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So these are just basicly very quick and simple, completely dipped models. They are my very first dipped models so they have big clumbs of quickshade on them on some parts. If i'd do it again i'd use brush-on technique for sure :cuss



They were painted with:


1. White undercoat

2. Super yellow wash from Coat'd'arms + simple one color painting(no highlighting)

3. Army Painter Quickshade (the medium one, cant remember the name now)

4. Army Painter anti-shine varnish



Bases were done with:


1. Black Undercoat

2. Drybrush/overbrush of Codex Grey

3. Drybrush/overbrush of Fortress Grey

4. Drybrush/overbrush of White

5. Added some GW Dead Grass




Anyhow here are the HUGE pics :P :































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look really nice mate, just make sure you dont let the army painter pool on the flat parts of your models. ;)


yeah i would do it quite diffirently now with some experience with the quickshade ^^


prolly gonna do brush-on instead though, seems easier to control the amounts that i want to add up

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Very nice looking models! Amazing what you pulled off with such a simple method. What colors/procedure did you use for the red? Some of the images look like they have highlighting, but I suppose that could just be the army painter (amazing if that's the case).



Thanks! :D


Red is just simple GW Blood red, the quickshade makes everything to look like they have been highlighted. However now that you mentioned it.. i did do few highlights on the sergeants face.. but thats it :)

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amazing results for such a simple process.... it's almost maddening than you can do this and get such a great effect.


I don't know if I could give up such control over the appearance at the whim of army painter dip.... but you definitely pulled it off.


I would suggest painting the armour creaves, in the armpits, elbow joints etc, personally. This method definitely seems to emphasize that you must be diligent in removing all flashing or it pools on either side of the flashing giving a very prominent effect to mould lines.


I think you picked a great army to do this to. I am sincerely jealous at your ability to display a complete army in (what I imagine is) such a short time, while I toil away on my Space Wolves, seemingly forever waiting to get a squad done!

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