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DIY Chapter blog

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Greetings all,

I've been trying to get myself back into the groove of painting again before I head back off to University for my second year, so I decided to get to work on the Whirlwind I've had unpainted and unprimed for the past 6 months. Shameful I know... :) I intend to purchase another in future to make a Surpression Force.

This blog hopefully should get me in my painting mood over the next few weeks so expect some more work in future on my Sons of Doom and some older images to show progress from my very early beginnings in 2007.

So without further ado, the Sons of Doom Whirlwind "Gladius" from the 9th Company:





Comments appreciated.


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Ah, the legendary Sons of Doom. I love how you have been able to stick to one Chapter all this time. I also love how well the colour scheme comes off. Nice work again, Bro C and I look forward to seeing some more progress in the future.


They're legendary?!? :lol: Well it's been easy to stick to my ugys with the aim to make a full Battle company (which I am VERY near to completing) and these have been the guys I started with from the very beginning of my time in the hobby, so my army is quite literally a plastic tapestary of my painting skills improving over 3 years. More will be coming I assure you. :P


Very nice to see you concentrating on the Sons of Doom again Brother Cambrius!

I really wish you would spend more time on this DIY Chapter.

In a few months, maybe you could have a proper huge army on a snowy field ready for a Nestir V model thread?


Be excellent! - And take care! :lol:


It's nice to be working on them again as well CMG. :) I do secretly spend more time on them, within the deep recesses of my mind. :lol: They're IA's due for a massive revamp. Well I do have quite a sizeable force already...just need to paint it all. :P Hence this will be my challenge!


Coming in the near future you will potentially see my Sternguard finally painted fully, a Land Raider and also the Chapter Master himself Cambrius Dolomitus wielding his "Fireclaws".


Until then, stay tuned!



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And so after getting my camera back online again, I've got my other new vehicle ready to display to you all! :D This is my Razorback/Rhino that'll be used to transport the I will complete in the next few weeks. It was fielded for the first time last night and it did quite well deploying my troops before a nasty bunch of Chaos Terminators decided to play "tin opener" with it...It did it's duty though and i'm proud of Razorback Decimus. :D






Comments as always are appreciated, more coming soon including some foot soldiers.


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Another update, I managed to finish my new Veteran Sgt last night after around 6 hours spent purely painting him over the past 2 days. so here be Veteran Sergeant Mirus:





And this is an older Sergeant I made who normally fits into my command squad or leading a tactical squad, Sgt. Athiair:





And finally a series of pics showing my progress over time since I first ever painted marines to today (oldest from the left):





And that is all for now, I'll be uploading pictures later of some things oyu may have seen before, including my vindicator and 2nd Predator Annihilator.

Until then,


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More work has been done in the past week including work on a few ground troops (Devastators and Termie Librarian) and I thought I'd show one of my recent paint ups, which was another Ebay refugee who needed some love and a lick of paint. :tu: I had it as my Librarium Challenge vow earlier on this year.

Without Further ado, my second Predator Annihilator! :lol:




And finally this pic to compare my first Predator to my most recent.


Comments as always appreciated.


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U really did a fantastic paint job on that models, the paint scheme is really stunning to, keep up the good work :D .


Thankyou very much Capt. Mick. Unfortunately there'll be a lull from me for an indefinite time with this steam powered pc deciding to give up the ghost on registering any USB sticks etc. So no new pics coming. :P I need me a techmarine stat!



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