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Dark Apostles

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I "converted" a Dark Apostle a few years ago when I had a false start on my WB army (which is now around 1.5k). I had gotten an older model Chaplain for cheap at a independent that was going under. I put the old Chaos Lord backpack on him and a chaos shoulder pad and arm. He looks unbelievably stupid but he is what he is. I'm going to redo him later when I get some time. My modeling skills haven't improved that much. I'll post a pic if I can find him.
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I made this one a few years ago that I like to keep posting all over the place ;). I gave him black armor because it sticks out from all the red, and it's like he wanted to keep it black because of what the Emperor did to whip Lorgar mentally. Plus, evil parodies of Loyalist chaplains is fun too.




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I'm in the long process of converting up the Fell Lord Esarhaddon, who is at least technically a Dark Apostle (though it's not a title I'm fond of). He's being made out of several different parts - torso from one of the knock-off Horus models that were all the rage a few years back, the legs of Lord Zhufor, the Talon of Horus with it's Storm Bolter filed off (a bit I've had for over a decade now), one of the bare, bald heads from the Empire Flagellants sprue, plus a few odds, ends and the inevitable tubing that will be poking out from his armor. Pics once he's assembled. :P


There's not a lot of official WBs fiction out there that I know of. I know Daemon World by Ben Counter had some Word Bearers in it, plus there's Aaron Dembski-Bowden's forthcoming HH entry, The First Heritic, which will chronicle the fall of Lorgar and Sons.

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Holy crap guys, I love these models.


Nihm - I appreciate the link, thanks. (Heh, just realized your a Chaos Legion(s) fan as well...)


Garou - I like the mace from the Empire kit, was planning on testing that out myself... I have a book bearing Icon Bearer model, who uses the DA boxe's book, but I don't think that is the same one you used. Where did you get the book, then?


Sword Bearer - If you ever find yourself lured to the faith of the Word Bearers... I would love to see you produce another Dark Apostle model. That terminator is fantastic.


Seahawk - World Eaters helmet thingies... nice ;) He also has one of the few decently sized crozious's/maces, GW (in both artwork and in models) tends to make them really short :cuss


Prophet - I could break down this model - the chest being resculpted, the extensive converting... but I won't. The model is truly beautiful. It's my kind of project :)


I don't suppose you guys have any fluff for these models?


EDIt - couldn't find a specific emoticon... blast.

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The book I used is from the Terminator lord/sorcerer kit. I plan on adding some seals and scriptures and whatnot to mine soon. He is the only one I have so i need to make him stand out more. The mace was a little tricky to get on just right. I have to cut the hand at an angle so that the fingers on the mace matched up witht he chaos hand and arm. It turned out great and it looks like it was modeled that way. Good luck with yours!
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i sort of have....



i use him as a termie champion, he was going to be a dark apostle but it didnt seem to fit the iron warriors fluff.

Since I did a Dark Apostle, I have to force myself not doing more of them, since there can be only one (in my force). You should make it - it's really fun!


Damn you chaps, you buggers; I was going to do those exact things! :P Great minds think alike, eh? (Or dumb people have no imagination)

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I take my name on here from my DA he is a basic Chaos Lord but I replaced the upheld sword or whatever he had with the top of Inquisitor Eisenhorns staff from the Inquisitor game I have to take some pictures should be this weekend.

I look forward to seeing it, fan of conversions myself (Case in point - this thread :rolleyes: )


The book I used is from the Terminator lord/sorcerer kit. I plan on adding some seals and scriptures and whatnot to mine soon. He is the only one I have so i need to make him stand out more. The mace was a little tricky to get on just right. I have to cut the hand at an angle so that the fingers on the mace matched up witht he chaos hand and arm. It turned out great and it looks like it was modeled that way. Good luck with yours!

Thanks for the tips, book identification, and luck. I wouldn't have attempted a finger swap, but I have to echo your sentiment that it turned out great. With this in mind, I'm sure you'll have no trouble adding purity seals and what-not to the model (hint, I have personal experience that the Death Company kit is great for holy bitz, if you have a buddy who does BA...).

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  • 2 weeks later...
Since I did a Dark Apostle, I have to force myself not doing more of them, since there can be only one (in my force). You should make it - it's really fun!

Well, you know, there's always Aspiring Champions and the like who could well be on the path. Let that imagination wild, man! :)

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Since I did a Dark Apostle, I have to force myself not doing more of them, since there can be only one (in my force). You should make it - it's really fun!

Well, you know, there's always Aspiring Champions and the like who could well be on the path. Let that imagination wild, man! :)


That's true! I was thinking of making an angelic first acolyte to go flying with some possessed raptors, but that was before the BA codex saw light, and now I don't like them anymore. My attempt at making the acolyte was almost done, but I did'nt like the outcome. With the new BA models, there is so many new possibilities that would probably work better, so maybe I'll make a try after finishing some other projects. But with this new prince, I think I will have to buy one and build something up first. It gives great inspiration to see all kinds of them here.

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I made this one a few years ago that I like to keep posting all over the place . I gave him black armor because it sticks out from all the red, and it's like he wanted to keep it black because of what the Emperor did to whip Lorgar mentally. Plus, evil parodies of Loyalist chaplains is fun too.


Is that a custom power-maul? Looks sweet! It looks like the blades came from a couple of 1000 Sons helmets...?

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  • 7 months later...

I did a half-bothered attempt a few months back to use as an "aspiring" DA. I now have a Daemon Prince of prior DA status in work, as well as a Dread whose prior life was as a DA before he got a kicking and was bound within a sarcophagus which was carefully decorated to be a walking cathederal of dark glory by his prior squad members in his honour.


The possibilities and the character you can add to this model alone are completely insane. Almost as insane as my Dread-Apostle. (suggestions for name needed and welcomed)


I'll edit this soon to add a pic when i take one, as I thought I already had. Apologies.

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I got two Dark Apostles, one in TDA and one in PA.






The reason they are black is because I started my WB army during 2:ed, and all that we were told back then was that they had Chaplains. Chaplains back then were black, so I painted mine black too.

Of course these have been made much more recently, but I just can't bring myself to paint them red. I like em black. :)


I'm not entirely sold on the PA one. I'm thinking about redoing him using a FW mk.V 'Heresy' armour as base maybe, but that is a later project.

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