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3 daemon princes? AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!


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a guy at my gaming club uses 3 daemon princes :D . any tips on how to kill them easily. (i use normal codex, sometimes dark angels).

A question how do you feel about using Daemonhunters? Also can you give info like what upgrades (By 3 I'm assuming this is Codex:Daemons, unless you mean 2DPs and a SGD?)... but shoot them is good... I've found plasma is good at killing MCs... I would think Sternguard could make a hole even without plasma... take a libby with nullzone if he hasn't got ironhide and if he has nulzzone him and plasma him :D or melta who cares... Actually if you could post up lists and how you like to play or even better if you can give a rough rundown of his list.


Because by trying to kill the princes you can risk being destroyed by the gribble which can often be more dangerous...

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Ultimately, there are two answers which address every question; Sternguard and Vindicators :(

X and Y being the equation to solve, where X=# of Sternguard and Y=# of Vindicators :P


However, forget about the points... 1 massive Deatch Company DeathStarUnit...I read somewhere you could easily go over 1.5 k xDDDD Jump packs, TH/SS, a few plasma pistols or infernos...

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Death company are only good until you read their rules. Thanks to the rage rule, you can lead them on a merry chase around the board with an empty rhino and they'll do jack all day long.


As for the original question of how to deal with Daemon princes, shoot the bums. You should have multiples of at least one of these in your army: autocannons, missile launchers, multi-meltas. Pour fire into the Daemon Princes, slow them down with some skirmishers (bubble wrap / speed bumps / sacrificial units / whatever else you want to call "feeding rhinos full of tacticals to the princes to slow them down while you shoot them to death).

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Anth the villagers lamented and cried out for a saviour from the daemonic hoardeths that plundered the landth and out of the sunlight stepped a mighty knight clad in gold and histh name was Lysanderth.
and he smacketh the fell Princes of Chaos atop their heads, to the sounde of ye olde Emperor's Organ, aka the Bolt Gun (aka volume of fire) and the fiste of glorious power.
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Ultimately, there are two answers which address every question; Sternguard and Vindicators :P


You forgot Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield Terminators as the trifecta of "this is how you solve the problem in three easy steps".


Seriously though, if your army can't handle three daemon princes, you're going to have issues with any 3 monstrous creature army.


And it's not about what units you have so much as how you use them. Field a force that allows you to concentrate firepower to bring one down relatively quickly, or a force that allows you to avoid your opponent's most effective use of them.


Not knowing what's in your list, I can't provide specific advice.

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someone already said but got it half right.


Don't care if you have 30 sternguard, Lysander just tells them his nickname is barndoor so long as they don't let him lead them! even then he's a barndoor who hates you, is made of pure solidfied lysander rage and just doesn't die! Lysander: Apply directly to the forehead!


As for the death company: yes it can go well above 1500 points. Add lemartes and it's game over for EVERYTHING on the board. Also: as for the rage rule i have found a curious query. however I will post that seperate!

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Princes are really a joke once you get past the whole "ZOMG MC in mah face" they go down to krak missiles and heavy bolters like no ones business, her's th catch. They're either T6, T5 with $up invul, or Higher I. Most players go with Nurgle. Your answer? Tons of wounds (Sterngaurd, HB speeders, Typhoons, Riflenaughts) or Everything meant to kill Transports (LC's, ML's, AC's) princes want you to get close, don't dump a Meltagun tactical squad in front of one to stop it. Just be smart and know that it is really not s scary as it looks.
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I agree that saturation is the answer but... winged DP will move/assault 18 inches and not many units can out-run that.


Just big numbers: S5 weapon, WS4 vs T5 and 4 wounds and 4+... you would need something like 24 shots. I'd say that in the best of cases that is devoting all of your armies firepower for one turn to take down a 100 point miniature...


... and that is assuming he doesn't have FnP or Tzeench re-roll for armour.


However, I agree a melta squad upclose is not that good of an idea neither a power fist due to his initiative.

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Well if you run Mech (Like every does these days) you should easily be able to put a few wounds on it before it assaults a Rhino, hitting on 6's. What's that? Your five attacks missed? Oh T3h n0es! Really, just don't have any foot marines around for it to assault, and it becomes another semi-easy kill point. Oh and Dreadnaughts don't like it Either.
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