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Captain Hwarang

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Hey everyone, I'm a fiercely loyal ork modeler/painter who has recently decided to actually paint the AOBR marines, rather than trade them for more orks. In the process of doing this (I'm still in the very beginning stages), I decided that I actually like the space marines, and that there are some cool conversion opportunities available for the army.


I've got all of the codexes, even that paper thin one with the crimson fists cover, and I really like the models, so I think I'm gonna actually do this and put together an army. Of course, my bad moonz will take precedence, but hey, once an ork, always an ork.


Anyway, I've been involved in this hobby for over fifteen years, but have only ever played 8 games, all within the last 2 or 3 months. One thing I like about the space marines is the speed with which a sizable army can be put together. With orks, there's just no end in sight to number of models I've gotta paint, but for the space marines just a few extra boxed sets could give me 1500 points.


I've lurked on here occasionally, and have been impressed with depth of content and devotion to the game I've seen here. I also was impressed with Brother Tyler's cordial and sincere involvement over at the Waaagh! recently, regarding the upcoming Baltimore Games day.


I've got a good idea for a chapter, I hope, I'm just not sure my modeling skills are up to the task. Soon enough I'll be posting some WIP builds and paint jobs. I'm looking forward to getting some good advice.




-Captain Hwarang

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It's a DIY chapter, but the draft paint scheme is sort of uninspired I guess. I've gotten decent at painting yellow, so I''ll be painting my marines yellow, although I don't want to commit to calling them Imperial Fists. They've also got large blocks of red and black on there, which distinguishes them a bit from imperial fists. The first test model is almost done, but I ruined his feet trying to paint some weathering effects. Once I get that part cleaned up, I'll post it and hopefully get some feedback.


Anyway, the idea for the chapter might be kind of radical, so I don't want to post much about it until I've got a good grip on the fluff. The DIY section on this site was kind of intimidating actually, so I don't want to post anything without a good basis for the chapter (which doesn't even have a name yet.)

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