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Maverike Primes Conversion challenge #3

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Greetings to all. As some of you are undoubtedly aware, I had previously announced a Conversion Challenge that had a huge turn out and there's been a drive to hold another such challenge. Well here it is! Conversion Challenge #3!


I am announcing a new Conversion Challenge! For those of you that have been following the original discussion thread, or saw either of the prior challenges and want to take part in a new challenge, I know what you want to know. Who is the required character?


The character in this challenge will be: Mephiston, the Lord of Death!


That means for the model to be complete you must represent the following wargear in some form:

  1. Artificer Armor (2+ save)
  2. Plasma Pistol
  3. Force Sword
  4. Frag Grenades
  5. Krak Grenades
  6. Psychic Hood

Those are the items that MUST be represented on the finished model.


For those of you who are new to this challenge, and want to know more about it, here is some information. If you have any additional question after reading this information, please post them in this thread: Interested in a conversion challenge?


Rules and Information for the Challenge:

What is this Conversion Challenge?

This conversion Challenge will be a 30 Day challenge where in each participant will create a converted model within the guide lines set down for the challenge. In this challenge, the guide lines are to represent a particular character.


The Challenge is recorded has having started Friday the 13th of August, at 9am eastern time. All entries MUST be submitted prior the end time of September 13th, 9pm eastern time. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS!


Limitation 1:

The final conversion must be able to legally represent the required character. This means you must adhere to the concept of “WYSIWYG” (What You See Is What You Get). If the required character is equipped by Frag and Krak grenades, you MUST models 2 different styles of grenades on the character. Like wise, it is unwise to model something that is difficult to represent something else such as the model having a power fist and counting it has a power sword.

If you choose to model a character with a long cloak, cape or robe that may obscure the final view of some required wargear, you are advised to take work in progress pictures showing the required wargear.


Limitation 2:

The conversion must be appropriate for this forum (Remember, we are on BolterandChainsword.com after all)

Limitation 3:

All submissions should be based on game appropriate bases, in this particular case either a 25mm base or a 40mm base. Try to avoid putting the conversion on bases larger then 40mm.

Limitation 4:

The conversion can NOT make use of any metal bits. Resin conversion bits are fine, and green stuff is fine, but NO METAL parts. You can't take the existing Mephiston model, do a head a swap and call it a day for example.


Those are the only limitations.


When is this Challenge?

The Challenge began Friday the 13th of August, at 9am eastern time. The challenge will run until September 13th, 9pm eastern time. By September 13th, 9pm eastern time, ALL entries must be in.

How do I submit my conversion?

Post pics of it. There are several free image hosting services available online including Photobucket and Flickr. You can upload your pictures to those services and then post links to them in a thread on this forum. If you encounter difficulty in getting the pictures uploaded, I encourage you to ask for help. For additional information on taking good pictures of your miniature, We suggest you take a look at the B&C's Photoshop Tutorial: Profession Pics of your Minis.


What do I need to submit?

Pictures. for simplicity sake, I ask that you submit 5 shots of your conversion.

1) Front or head on shot

2) A shot from the left side

3) A Shot from the right side

4) A shot from the back side

5) A 3-view shot from the front-right, or front-left. You're choice.

Here are Examples of Each shot:

head on shot


The Camera is looking directly at the model and the model is facing right toward the camera.

Left Side shot


The Camera is looking directly at the model and the model is facing To the left edge of the frame. This helps give the judges a sence of the depth of the model. What may look like a flowing cloak from the front, could be shown to be a flat panel from the side

Back shot


The Camera is looking directly at the model and the model is facing directly away from the camera.

Right Side


The Camera is looking directly at the model and the model is facing To the right edge of the frame. This helps give the judges a sence of the depth of the model. What may look like a flowing cloak from the front, could be shown to be a flat panel from the side.



This is the "Damn! Does this guy look hawt!" shot. It also helps give the judges a better sence of the model as a whole.


if the judges need a different shot of your conversion, we will contact you and ask for a specific shot.

Where do I send the pictures?

On this forum. Submit a post in this thread.


What were you saying about the character for this challenge?

Unlike prior challenges where the participants were required to use a particular part in their conversion, this challenge will be a character challenge. Here is how it will work. I have picked a character. Lets say I picked Seth, Chapter Master of the Flesh Tearers. Disregarding the rule that you can only use Seth in Blood Angel armies, you would convert a model to present a different character but that would still use Seth’s rules. Perhaps you want to model a Khorne Lord with the Blazing Axe of Bloody Retribution. So long as the finished model has equipment to represent a 3+ Power armor save, Frag Grenades, Krak grenades, an Iron Halo 4+ Invulnerable Save, and the Blood Reaver you could model a Khorne Lord with the Blazing Axe of Bloody Retribution



What about painting? As already stated, this is a Conversion contest. Not a Golden Daemon or Golden Bolter. You will receive no extra credit for a good paint job. In truth, painting your conversion before we announce the winners will probably hurt your chances at winning as painting tends to hides a conversion.


If you have any questions regarding this Challenge, please post them in this thread: Interested in a conversion challenge? This thread is to be used ONLY for submissions to the challenge.


Check out the prior challenges: Challenge 1 – Kronus’ Torso Challenge 2- Lysanders Body


Last note: Remember, this Challenge is about converting a "Counts as Mephiston". The objective is to take the rules and stat line for Mephiston and create a different character. We're even going to ignore the fact that you can only use Mephiston in a Blood Angels Angels army. Blood Lord of Khorne blessed with the gifts of Deamonic Flight, Sword of Slaying, and Words of Blood (Sanguine Sword, Wings of Sanguinius, and unleash rage) anyone? Lets see if anyone can figure out how to make a Mephiston for the Black Templars now. he...he...he...he

it is my honor to yet again introduce you all to my favorite Librarian: Wortle (Mk2) ... forty years and 30 levels later B)


with his bolt pistol (what i will use in games)






with his plasma pistol (actually the bolt pistol with a removable front. I'm cheap, i know :P )





and ... well... he's an exorcist, he's exorcising :D



"got your deamon!"


you have to be a lvl60+ to do that, of course B)


very pleased with how he came out, gonna be a pain to paint, but still pretty happy :D

  • 3 weeks later...

Ok here is my entry...


Dornian Heresy "true scale" Thousand Sons War-Psycher... counts as Mepheston, Lord of Death.


I may have to retake some of these pics as the depth of field is letting me down a bit.


All comments gratefully received.




Some extra pics with (hopefully) better depth of field.



Well Im in.

Behold, Kerlum the sorcerer of decay and sickness.

He is a True-scaled Nurgle sorcerer (count as mephiston) the head is a FW renegade head that a friend of mine gave me a long time ago. He does have 2 kinds of grenades, but you cant see them for his side fat.(I can barely make out a frag grenade on the Front pic on his left hip)














Close-up of guardsman



Well I hope I didnt feth the pics up B)


C&C appreciated

Well I hope I didnt feth the pics up B)


Well you did feth something up, but it wasn't the pictures. That has got to be the single most disgusting model I have yet seen. In a good way I mean.



Anyway. Time is now up for the Challenge. All entries have been submitted and judging will be complete some time this week.

sorry for the delay folks. I went from having about 23 hours a day to do basicaly whatever the hell I wanted to having... um what day of the week is it? Literally I've gotten a total of 14 hours of sleep since Monday. Starting 2 new jobs, Started working with the School paper, working on my school assignments... yeah there just aren't enough hours in the week.


The entries we got were seriously top notch. I haven't had the time to really sit down and compare the entries yet. I'm sorry for the delay. I really am. I've got wednesday off, and I'm only working a few hours at one job with 2 minor assignments due in class monday. I should have the time to make a judgement.

plenty of time to sleep when you're dead man.


yeah well, if I don't start sleeping I may just be dead.


Anyway, I have judged. I thought with fewer entries it's be easier to pick a clear winner. Well... this is one of those times I like being proven wrong. All 3 entries were striking and I'd be hard pressed to find a reason to try and say any of them wouldn't stand up being a stand-in Mephiston. But ultimately, there can only be one winner.


WarInHeaven, I gotta tell you. Your dude ripping the Chaos Marine apart is what did it. While I wouldn't recommend using that particular addition in an actual game, from a model stand point, if a Librarian ripping a dude out of his own body doesn't qualify for Mephiston's stat line, I don't want to see the model that does.


Congratulations WarInHeaven



thank you all, had to say that of the concurrents had me worried, both great models


but looks like i did won the badass truescale spyker showdown :D


I look forward to facing you down in the next contest

bring it on, brother. i sill have enough madness up my sleeve to give you a run for your money


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