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New Blood Angel Brother

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Hello battle brothers...

A little about myself. Kinda new to the hobby kind of not. I have been familiar very much so with the 40k universe for about 7 years and have played for not nearly as long as that. I love the hobby just don't have a lot of people to play with so I'm a noob for the most part for the aspect of the game. Yeah... I really can't think of anything else.


Glad to be on Board.

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Welcome person with a State code I can actually recognise... :teehee:


Welcome to the baord, Brother.. I'm guessing you've already discovered the Blood Angel Sub-Forum, from your post count, so happy posting!


Yes I posted there first, then came here to introduce myself fully I presume. I figured most of my time would be with my fellow Sanguinites. Thank You.

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