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Ultramarine 4th company redeemer


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I finally finished my redeemer, seems that pretty much everytime I post a battle report with pics someone knocks my scheme on the 4th company, "too much colour".


To be honest I was a little disappointed. I always thought that the whole idea of the this site was to inspire and to encourage other members. Anyways here are the pictures of the model.


Thanks everyone









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First off, nice painting. I think it looks quite good. It is nice to see something different from the standard boring blue that everyone else does. Your paint scheme will really tie in that it is a Land Raider of the 4th company.


Secondly the nice think about warhammer is you can paint your stuff whatever colours you want. As long as you are happy with screw everyone else. I have had some weird comments about some of my stuff that I have painted, but I stuck it out and said that I liked it the way it was.


Keep up the good work

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I'm guessing that what other people were commenting on was that on the vehicles, the green looks less like a trim color and more like a secondary color scheme color. However, I like it and think it's an interesting use of it. Looks great, and the Land Raider is definitely cool looking, as well as the other models.


Cool stuff! Keep it up. <_<

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Looking great mate, I can see what people are saying in terms of the Land Raider, there is a bit too much green on that for it to be a trim, but as for the other stuff those guys are obviously just not man enough to handle the colour <_< .

Your colours are very crisp and clean though and your models do look stunning, not to sure about the aquila under the aquila on the Drop Pod though. Looking forward to more.

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That is one thing about Space Marines that I don't like, i.e. the solid colors covering the whole model. I like your scheme a lot. It makes the 4th seems a little more noble, proudly wearing their colors (colours for some of you) for all to see. Especially in more recent fluff it seems this is the way things are going with Space Marines. It seems a lot of the fluff has Marines with their own flair or a uniqueness to their armor, even though they are still uniform with the rest of the squad. So I say two thumbs up!
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I think your army LOOKS good, but the issue I have with it is that as far as the fluff is concerned it's just completely wrong.


For example: Land Raiders, Terminators, and Veterans all belong to the 1st Company, and there's no such thing as a Sergeant with a Heavy Weapon.


As long as you like it that's all that really matter tho, right?


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I like the green - you don't see the 4th Company of any chapter really, everyone seems to go for the 2nd with Ultras or the 3rd and 5th with regards to Imp. Fists, so a little something away from the herd is always refreshing to see.

It may be my wonky eyesight playing up again, but it seems to have the effect of making the blue more vivid in a way.

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I respect your comment, after all we are battle brothers. The idea of the heavy bolter was to represent the red devestator scheme. Maybe I went over the tiop with the colour? If you look you will also see in the same phote a sagent with a powerfist and no helmet also he has the gold trim to represent his rank.


I simply introduced more colour to the chapter to make the company unique.


Thanks for the feedback brother :)

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Firstly thank you all for your kind compliments, I am very greatfull, Im sure you can all understand how much a nice comment means after hours of painting. . .lol. :huh:






secondly brothers I would be honoured to share my techneque. Its a combination of Darkangle green, snot green and scorpion green. All gradually built up using 1:1 mix's and blending shades.




I and also starting a Salamander chapter, with the assistance of forgeworld. What do you think?? :)

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I like it. The painting is really well done, which for me is like 80% of what makes a mini look good in my books. Maybe some people have a problem with it because there is so much of a colour that typifies another chapter (salamanders). But like i said, it looks wicked.
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