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Mortanix's Black Crusade


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Funny that I'm the first again to reply :(

As always, your conversion skill are just awesome :D

The bases are just perfect and Typhus is just :P

No doubts you'll create a killer Black Crusade to behold!


Keep it up mate, i'm cheering for you xD

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Oh my Dark Gods, I laughed myself to the floor when I saw that banner. I've read Mr. Culexus' stuff before and that brought a smile to my face that I'll need plastic surgery to remove. Please tell me you'll have Dranon as a guest Lord.
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My thousand sons are going to be on desert, keeping the Egyptian/Pharaoh theme in it. Otherwise, Tzeentch is pretty much mutation, so tentacles coming out of the ground seems pretty close to him. You could also try something with crystals from sprues, and paint them mystical colors ==> Tzeentch his home is made out of crystals.

Or a combination of crystals with tentacles on a desert floor? :sweat:


Maybe same as your daemonettes, but in pyramid sandy colors and with egyptian writings on it...


Just giving some ideas that pop up


Good luck, and as always, keep up the good, impressive work

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ahh, the old Khorne champ power claw. I have a metal version attached to my Iron Warriors Auxilia's Aspiring Champion. It gets a lot of looks. :devil:


I am in lust with your Plague Tower. Don't fret about there not being many comments, or commenting as often rather, due to us all being too busy drooling over the conversion pics. You'd be surprised what's being inspired with all your posts. B)

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