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My DIY Pedro Kantor of the Crimson Fists

Cpt. Tiberious

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Well guys, this is my first actual post since my return to the forums, and I may as well start big. Back in the day, I had thoughts of playing a Crimson Fists army and I could think of no hero better than the great Pedro Kantor himself to lead his battle brothers into the fray in the name of the Emperor.


So, I set about making him, certain in the belief that it would look absolutely terrible, as I had a limited bits selection and almost NONE of the paints necessary to pull off the paint scheme. To my surprise, it didn't turn out half bad if I do say so myself.


Check him out.....



The blue is definitely a little to light for Crimson Fists. But it looks kind of cool in my opinion. It was painted with mostly Shadow Grey if I'm not mistaken, adding Skull White in varying degrees for the highlights. I stuck to hardline highlights with this one, but you can't really see them to well because of the horrible picture quality, lol.


All the Crimson bits, again a little to light or Crimson Fists, were done in the classic Red Gore base, with Blood Red over coat, and 1:1 Blood Red, Blazing Orange highlights.


The metal bits were done in Boltgun Metal, black and brown diluted ink wash, with Boltgun Metal drybrush, to give it that battle worn look.


Shot from the back.....



I free handed the Personal heraldry on his right shoulder pad, and I don't think to turned out to bad. The fists on his back pack and chest eagle were made from butchering the hands from a couple of assault marine arms I had.


Most of the purity seals and the loin cloth were made from PVA hardened tissue paper.


I wanted to do something creative with the model, in particular his gear. The holster for his old school master crafted bolt pistol, was made to look like a drop leg tactical holster, with pouches mounted on the leg strap. Looks pretty nice to me, and I may start using that method on all of my holsters in the future.


His Iron Halo mounted on the backpack made the model look to flashy, so instead I mounted it in his belt buckle. The Mk. 8 Style armored collar was made from a spare Chaos Marine Shoulder pad I had lying around.


I wanted to capture the feel of a Leader amongst his Soldiers with this guy. After all, we all know most of his chapter has been destroyed, and this man is trying to lead his troops through one of the greatest catastrophes a chapter can endure. So to think that he would be sporting brand spankin new power armor, lavishly adorned in banners and gold icons is just plain silly, in my opinion anyways.


Hope you guys like it. Again, sorry for the bad picture quality. C&C is welcome.


Cpt. Tiberious signing off.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good work on this guy I also think it's actualy better than GW one (i'm not a fan of the wrist mounted storm bolter)


actualy just a gun swap for a stormbolter (wich is pretty simple due to the position) would make him ready for his new stat block

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