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Chaos Lords

the -J- man

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Firstly, what style of play/general gaming do u like most? Sitting back in your deployment zone and shooting everything? Getting up in your opponent's face with a crazy fast assault? Siege tactics where you slowly but surely wear your opponent down? Heavy tanks, Fast jet pack troops, or even summoning daemons??


That sounded a lot like I was trying to sell you something but seriously it all starts with what you like best. Start off with the Chaos Space Marine Codex and the Chaos Space Marine Battleforce. Total about $120 in U.S. currency. Battleforces are the main "starter set" for an army and they come with a good balance of stuff. Then get a Chaos Lord for your HQ choice. This should give you about... 500?? maybe 600 points of a good starting point. Oh and another Rhino or two. Can't have too many rhinos. lol


After you get those then just mess with them and their different weapons options for a while to get a feel for Chaos. Then take an aspect that you like and add a couple different units to fulfill that role. Raptors for an assault heavy army, Obliterators for a sit back and shoot type army, predator for a tank heavy army, or some lesser daemons for a daemonic army.


Note that if you decide to try out daemons you should actually probably start off with some chosen marines and a couple spawns. They're more generic than daemons, but easier to start with. And then make sure you know what each Mark does and what Chaos God you like best. Then you can buy the daemons that side particularly with that chaos god. Mostly just for fluffiness than anything else.

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ya sorry if it sounded odd, wasn't quite sure how to open up the topic. My style of play would be more along the lines of siege, good amount of shooting with assault units all slowly wearing you down. I got the codex all ready have been starting to plan out what I want and have already had some ideas as what to give the lord the lord in war gear. Just wanted to see what the other players on here are equipping their lords out with.
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you need to check out the iron warriors. Siege is what they do. I've always liked a chaos lord with wings, lightning claw, and bolt pistol. But for an iron warrior I'd probably say a Power Fist would be better. Maybe in Terminator armor. If you're going slow and steady might as well make him slow and powerful. I'm more of an assault focused player so Iron Warriors type marines aren't my specialty. :P
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Could we perhaps sway you into grabbing a Daemon Prince? In close combat it's hard to beat a DP with mark of khorne, on MEQ's you wound on a 2+, 6 attacks on the charge that ignore armor saves... and he can also rip apart a tank all by himself. Trust me it's worth the extra xx points


EDIT: oh, and don't forget the wings, cuz then he can move/charge 18" to wreck some face

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I have one with a daemon weapon and mark of tzeentch. Good for long range shooting!


One on a bike with a daemon weapon. Good for speedy slashing!


One in terminator armor with mark of slaanesh and daemon weapon. Good for leading terminators and character assassination!


And where possible they have other useful things like grenades and icons.

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thanks for the replies and ideas.

@Seahawk. Ya I have always liked the iron warriors and their fluff and I think thats the army I will go with :P


@possessed marine. A deamon prince is on my to do list ( whenever I get the funds :ermm: ):P but my only concern is how would you do an iron warrior deamon prince?

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I've run one with disk of tzeentch and demon weapon, but found him more effective as a sorcerer.


My current one was originally run as mark of slaanesh, demon weapon, wings, but I dropped the mark as I like the +1 strength of the unmarked demon weapon better than the Instant Death abilty.

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I run a foot lord with daemon weapon and combi melta, and a winged lord with a daemon weapon. They both do okay at what they do, which is smack down loyalist scum. The idea behind the combi melta is twofold, one it gives a normal CSM squad their second special weapon back(9 men and a lord in a rhino!), and two, the warsmith model has a very nice combi melta, and I couldn't resist using it. Yes, the combi melta is only one shot, but it's at BS5, which does help a lot.

I wouldn't take a powerfist on a T4 IC personally, even if it is fluffy. Moving a I5 IC down to I1 is a bad tradeoff IMO.

Best thing about PA lords is that you can always point to one and say it's a sorcerer, and since there's no real defining way to tell a chaos sorcerer from a lord nobody can say otherwise. Occasionally playing my PA winged lord as a warptime sorc is fun too.


IW have a bit of fluff for their daemon princes actually, In Storm of Iron the warsmith ascends to daemonhood the normal way, and in the LE Iron Warrior novel there's a dreadnought that is possessed by a daemon prince who goes on in The Chapter's Due to lead an iron warriors(and other assorted riff-raff) force.


While I haevn't assembled my prince yet, I'm planning on building a pair, one formerly in PA with the defiler helm head, and one as a possessed dread with a daemon head, daemon wings sprouting from it's back, and daemon arms. Interestingly enough, aside from the dread hull/legs and defiler head, everything I need is in the new prince box. :woot:

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None of which are a requirement, force weapons can be anything and a sorcerer doesn't have to be dedicated to tzeentch(horney head!), nor would any of those things look out of place for a lord or even a regular csm to be carrying. A space marine librarian on the other hand has blue armor and a psychic hood(often a toga!), which make it more difficult to just point to a loyalist captain and say "here's my librarian!".

In fact...all loyalist specialists; techmarines, libbies, and chaplains have unique characteristics that make it difficult to just point to a tactical marine and call him a specialist character.

In a CSM list you can point to an aspiring champion and say that he's a sorcerer of slaneesh and most people wouldn't say anything about it one way or the other.

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I am almost certainly in the minority with this, but I actually like to run a power armor chaos lord, with daemon weapon and plasma pistol. He' s relatively versatile, wipes the floor single-handedly with entire enemy squads in close combat, and fits inside most transports with a bodyguard of some sort for protection. I prefer not to use the TDA for my lord because he wont' fit in anyting but a land raider; if you put him wiht terminators its' a deathstar unit that the enemy will try to focus fire, and if you put him in with PA guys he stands out considerably as a huge threat that needs killing.

With just PA in a smaller group, or vehicle, the enemy tends to underestimate him until he's reaped many times his points value.

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I am almost certainly in the minority with this, but I actually like to run a power armor chaos lord, with daemon weapon and plasma pistol. He' s relatively versatile, wipes the floor single-handedly with entire enemy squads in close combat, and fits inside most transports with a bodyguard of some sort for protection. I prefer not to use the TDA for my lord because he wont' fit in anyting but a land raider; if you put him wiht terminators its' a deathstar unit that the enemy will try to focus fire, and if you put him in with PA guys he stands out considerably as a huge threat that needs killing.

With just PA in a smaller group, or vehicle, the enemy tends to underestimate him until he's reaped many times his points value.


I agree with Daeg in that power armoured Lords and Sorcerers seem to be much easier to field than Terminator armoured Lords and Sorcerers. I would welcome whatever could make Terminator armour the outstandingly better choice and anyone a fool not to take it. At the moment, however, the drawbacks of Terminator armour on ICs mean that power armour is a much more adaptable choice.

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The only reason I could see using a Terminator Lord is either cuz you made it look bada** or you're army is a heavy shooting army where the HQ acts as a protector of your gunline. But even then wouldn't it be much better to have your power armor Lord with a jetpack and some raptors storming the enemy lines? I would like it if Chaos had their own version of the runic armor of SM. That would be an insanely good outfit for a Lord. He'd have that good save and the ability to still move quickly.
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Daemon armour (the armour with the 2+ save) is always cool, but since (fluff-wise and in games like Dawn of War) Terminator armour is considered the best of the best, I would love to have a reason to take it over power armour. 2+/5+ is just not as special as it may once have been - like in 3rd ed.


...and that is a sad sad thing.

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I am almost certainly in the minority with this, but I actually like to run a power armor chaos lord, with daemon weapon and plasma pistol. He' s relatively versatile, wipes the floor single-handedly with entire enemy squads in close combat, and fits inside most transports with a bodyguard of some sort for protection. I prefer not to use the TDA for my lord because he wont' fit in anyting but a land raider; if you put him wiht terminators its' a deathstar unit that the enemy will try to focus fire, and if you put him in with PA guys he stands out considerably as a huge threat that needs killing.

With just PA in a smaller group, or vehicle, the enemy tends to underestimate him until he's reaped many times his points value.


You are not in the minority as termi lords suck even worse than power armor lords and the only reason anyone takes them is for the cool look. Oh and Chaos Terminators with a lord are a deathstar unit? Since when? You can only fit 4 termies + the lord into the LR, the lord punches himself 1/6 of the time, the terminators can't take TH/SS and each only have 1W at T4 and 2 whole attacks. Sure you can upgrade them to TWLC which makes them better, but after the first assault they are basically high and dry and will get annihilated, nevermind the fact that real deathstar units will usually gobble them up in CC.


Anyway if you must run a lord I recommend giving him wings and sticking him in a rhino along with a squad of berzerkers since for some reason winged lords can ride in rhinos. This way you can always detatch him later and fly over to assault a long fang squad or something like that by utilizing the 18 inch threat range that your opponent will not expect from a rhinoborne unit.

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I dunno, 4 chaos terminator champs with MoK and twin claws is what, 230pts and puts on average 3 unsaved wounds on the charge on hammernators. Before they get to strike. Of course Abaddon goes first and instant deaths the chaplain attached to the hammernators. :lol:

505 pts(not counting transport) to kill a 300 pt deathstar unit is awesome.


EDIT: the 4 terminators alone on the charge would put on average 9 wounds on a squad of tactical marines. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!

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Yeah but you're missing the point. If your opponent gets those Khorne termis into combat with a walker or MC they will get eaten and do not much back due to S4. Sure 4 termi champs with TLC and IoK is "only" 230 points, but a LR is another 220 and the lord will be ~150 and Abe is 250 or 275 or whatever, so yeah Abe and 4 termis with IoK will probably beat 4 hammernators and a chaplain, but that's because they are about double the cost. Heck I'll even concede that 4 Khorne LC champs will beat 4 hammernators, but too bad nobody takes that setup. Loyalists buy Crusaders to carry their assault termis and therefore usually mix in TLC termies into their TH/SS squads which will strike at the same time as the Chaos terms, but the loyalist will soak wounds with 3+ saves and you take 5+, oh and assuming it's the loyalists that get the charge you're really up the creek as that chappy will give them litanies of hate. Oh and speaking of crusaders and charges, that PotM multi-melta is quite good at killing your LR if you try to do a LR squad duel so chances are you will be the one getting charged.


Chaos on the other hand can mix in powerfists to counter walker/MC but as we are hard capped at 5 termis to fit in a LR and assuming one is a lord we will lose a high percetage of those I4 LC attacks that make us competitive toe to toe with hammernators so it's a catch 22, and one that loyalists can sidestep due to the larger space in their crusaders and the fact that TH/SS is far superior to a powerfist. Oh and yeah 4 Khorne termis with TLC would rip apart a tactical squad, whoopdie bleeding doo, a squad that costs 550 points (including LR delivery) can kill a squad that costs ~200 and isn't ever geared for CC. The fun part is when that Khorne squad gets charged by a 150 point dreadnaught and proceeds to resort to vulgar gestures and harsh language as their LC's are useless against A12. No good deathstar unit should be this ridiculously easy to counter. Trust me, I've tried to use TLC termies as a CC unit due to their awesome aesthetic, and they are garbage.

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I guess sarcasm doesn't translate well over the internet, my mistake.


Chaos termies do have a lot of things going for them in the customizability department, but the rigid standards of loyalist termies(5-10 men only, assault or shooty, no mixing) is made up for because they're cheap and can pack some 3++ into an assault unit.

While you can't get a 3++ on chaos termies, you can give them twin claws and a 4++, or I5, or an extra attack, or T4(5), or LD rerolls. You can even give your "assault" termie squad a heavy flamer or chainfist, or some combi weapons. Still, because they're really expensive and we lack a good transport for them(corrupt machine spirit where?), they lay unused on people's shelves.

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I currently have 3 Lord models set up myself right now. One with Mark of Khorne, terminator armour and daemon weapon, one with dual lightning claws and wings, and another with just a basic daemon weapon. I've only tried using the terminator in a game so far however.

But man, did he ROCK.

Deep-struck him against my brothers' Dark Angels, (with a retinue of 5 Termies), and he clove through 2 tactical squads SINGLE-HANDEDLY. My other terminators didn't even get a hit in! He met his end towards the end of the game, when his own weapon rebelled, but managed to also kill Ezekyle in the process! ;)

Seriously, Khorne daemon weapon might be risky, but with that amount of dice you're almost certain to get results. I understand that "BatLords" are quite good, but I have yet to try mine...and I modelled the other mainly for looks. :P

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I've run one with disk of tzeentch and demon weapon, but found him more effective as a sorcerer.


My current one was originally run as mark of slaanesh, demon weapon, wings, but I dropped the mark as I like the +1 strength of the unmarked demon weapon better than the Instant Death abilty.

What? Instant Death = ignores toughness = not need to roll for strength/to wound at all... Not to mention it being a power weapon, so all you have to do is hit the target. It also ignores those Tyranic high toughness/ignore instant death nastiness, as it says in the profile description "Wounding regardless of toughness". This is because it attacks the targets mind, causing all of their nerve centers to go crazy, making them feel like they are in intense pain, at the least incapacitated for the rest of the battle.

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