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Chaos Lords

the -J- man

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My next Lord will be a throw back to how I ran things in 2nd Edition. He'll have jump pack/wings, twin lighting claws, personal icon, and the Mark of Tzeentch for the 4+ Invulnerable. No daemon weapon for me, tried it twice, always end up rolling ones at bad times. That is my unique ability, the ability to roll ones at really bad times.


Here is the last Lord I ran at Astronomi-con Vancouver last weekend. He looks cool, but even with his right hand man Lefty, he is fairly easy to kill in H2H due to striking last.



Da Kan Opena by Muskie McKay, on Flickr

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I've run one with disk of tzeentch and demon weapon, but found him more effective as a sorcerer.


My current one was originally run as mark of slaanesh, demon weapon, wings, but I dropped the mark as I like the +1 strength of the unmarked demon weapon better than the Instant Death abilty.

What? Instant Death = ignores toughness = not need to roll for strength/to wound at all... Not to mention it being a power weapon, so all you have to do is hit the target. It also ignores those Tyranic high toughness/ignore instant death nastiness, as it says in the profile description "Wounding regardless of toughness". This is because it attacks the targets mind, causing all of their nerve centers to go crazy, making them feel like they are in intense pain, at the least incapacitated for the rest of the battle.


I'm pretty certain, you need to wound first to cause Instant Death, even with the Slaanesh Demon Weapon. Which is the drawback, because it only has a strenght of 4.

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I've run one with disk of tzeentch and demon weapon, but found him more effective as a sorcerer.


My current one was originally run as mark of slaanesh, demon weapon, wings, but I dropped the mark as I like the +1 strength of the unmarked demon weapon better than the Instant Death abilty.

What? Instant Death = ignores toughness = not need to roll for strength/to wound at all... Not to mention it being a power weapon, so all you have to do is hit the target. It also ignores those Tyranic high toughness/ignore instant death nastiness, as it says in the profile description "Wounding regardless of toughness". This is because it attacks the targets mind, causing all of their nerve centers to go crazy, making them feel like they are in intense pain, at the least incapacitated for the rest of the battle.


I'm pretty certain, you need to wound first to cause Instant Death, even with the Slaanesh Demon Weapon. Which is the drawback, because it only has a strenght of 4.



Against T6, that can be a problem.

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I've run one with disk of tzeentch and demon weapon, but found him more effective as a sorcerer.


My current one was originally run as mark of slaanesh, demon weapon, wings, but I dropped the mark as I like the +1 strength of the unmarked demon weapon better than the Instant Death abilty.

What? Instant Death = ignores toughness = not need to roll for strength/to wound at all... Not to mention it being a power weapon, so all you have to do is hit the target. It also ignores those Tyranic high toughness/ignore instant death nastiness, as it says in the profile description "Wounding regardless of toughness". This is because it attacks the targets mind, causing all of their nerve centers to go crazy, making them feel like they are in intense pain, at the least incapacitated for the rest of the battle.


I'm pretty certain, you need to wound first to cause Instant Death, even with the Slaanesh Demon Weapon. Which is the drawback, because it only has a strenght of 4.

Indeed, there is nothing in the Blissgiver's rules that indicates it bypasses the normal wounding rules; all it states is that if a model equipped with a blissgiver causes a wound with said weapon, then that inflicts on the target regardless of it's toughness. The wording of the blissgiver and the Instant Death rule both make it fairly clear that you follow the normal rules for determining if you've inflicted a wound before Instant Death comes into play.


Managing to wound a T6 model with a blissgiver is certainly doable; you need a 6+ to wound, but a charging blissgiver lord can theoretically have up to ten attacks, and against most opponents your WS 6 means you'll be hitting 2/3 of the time. The odds aren't great, and most things with T6 are very dangerous to get into close combat with, but if you're lucky it's certainly doable.


Personally, when it comes to Lords it's down a choice of risky Daemon weapon or reliable lightning claws. Personally, I tend to go with claws on Khorne and Slaanesh Lords (Bloodfeeder is too risky for my tastes, even if it is fun, while the Blissgiver's Instant Death is way too situational; there are a lot of lists where it won't do much or any good) and Daemon Weapons for Tzeentch, Nurgle, and Undivided (The Deathscreamer has a nice shooting option, Plaguebringers are great for killing anything, and it's hard to say no to strength bonuses).

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I've run one with disk of tzeentch and demon weapon, but found him more effective as a sorcerer.


My current one was originally run as mark of slaanesh, demon weapon, wings, but I dropped the mark as I like the +1 strength of the unmarked demon weapon better than the Instant Death abilty.

What? Instant Death = ignores toughness = not need to roll for strength/to wound at all... Not to mention it being a power weapon, so all you have to do is hit the target. It also ignores those Tyranic high toughness/ignore instant death nastiness, as it says in the profile description "Wounding regardless of toughness". This is because it attacks the targets mind, causing all of their nerve centers to go crazy, making them feel like they are in intense pain, at the least incapacitated for the rest of the battle.


I'm pretty certain, you need to wound first to cause Instant Death, even with the Slaanesh Demon Weapon. Which is the drawback, because it only has a strenght of 4.

Indeed, there is nothing in the Blissgiver's rules that indicates it bypasses the normal wounding rules; all it states is that if a model equipped with a blissgiver causes a wound with said weapon, then that inflicts on the target regardless of it's toughness. The wording of the blissgiver and the Instant Death rule both make it fairly clear that you follow the normal rules for determining if you've inflicted a wound before Instant Death comes into play.


Managing to wound a T6 model with a blissgiver is certainly doable; you need a 6+ to wound, but a charging blissgiver lord can theoretically have up to ten attacks, and against most opponents your WS 6 means you'll be hitting 2/3 of the time. The odds aren't great, and most things with T6 are very dangerous to get into close combat with, but if you're lucky it's certainly doable.


Personally, when it comes to Lords it's down a choice of risky Daemon weapon or reliable lightning claws. Personally, I tend to go with claws on Khorne and Slaanesh Lords (Bloodfeeder is too risky for my tastes, even if it is fun, while the Blissgiver's Instant Death is way too situational; there are a lot of lists where it won't do much or any good) and Daemon Weapons for Tzeentch, Nurgle, and Undivided (The Deathscreamer has a nice shooting option, Plaguebringers are great for killing anything, and it's hard to say no to strength bonuses).

Erm, my bad.


Still, you only have to wound once, with 3 +D6 power weapon attacks. + 1 more on the charge, along wiht +1 initiative. Not sure if thats enough to strike first though.


So, yes, wounding may be difficult, but it isn't impossible! Far from it, in fact. And once you do, that's one less major threat.


I may slightly overrate them though, as I tend to think in "Would it be good against Tyranids?", simply because my main gaming partner when I learned to play used Tyranids.

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I was thinking of a Lord w/ MoN, Daemon Weapon, and a Palaquin of Nurgle. That's T5, W4, and up to A11 on the charge, with always wounding on 4+ with the ability to roll on T4 or lower(so just about any basic troop or all marines) all for around 180, and unlike other Daemonic Steeds, he can still fit in a Land Raider if you want to throw him in with some Chaos Termies Champs with MoS and PoLC(I would prefer MoS over Khorne as Champ status gives them all +1 att already so 5 per on the charge and MoS ensures they will go before most marines, at the same time as most marine ICs, and at the same time as most Eldar or Nids. MoS is also half the cost of MoK).
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The biggest problem you will face with the Lord in terminator armour is how you get him to the fight, and not so much how you equip him.


Unless you are fielding 2 HQs, I would say that a Deep Strike (even with a bodyguard) leaves him high-and-dry for a turn and is thusly out of the question.

Walking is also a no-no for such a character unless you make him Tzeentchian with a daemon weapon, and in either case he must have a bodyguard to stop any would-be party poopers from taking him out early.


Deep Striking being out, as well as walking, that leaves transportation - which he can only have in a Land Raider. If you don't mind paying the price, however, the Land Raider is golden.

As for his necessary bodyguard, I actually favour sticking him with Power armoured troops over Terminators firstly because it frees your terminators to be somewhere else, and secondly because a standard Chaos Marine squad (marked or no) benefits enormously from the Lords killing potential (whereas Terminators already have a good killing potential of their own) and the 8 Power armouer bodies provide him with enough protection from almost any attack.

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Chaos Lord w/TLC, mark of Tzeentch in Rhino w/9 Chaos Marines w/powerfist, Icon of Tzeentch.


(Mix of Tzeentch fluff and combat-like goodness)


We also have 5+ invulnerable saves just like termies! And the lord has 4+ like Vanilla Marine Captains.

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