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Chapter Master Gaius Octavian


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Well, he's fully assembled and passed his battlefield trial although better use of tactics on my part would have kept him alive longer, so here in all his suprisingly clear and well-lit cameraphone glory (amazing what a difference daylight makes), is my power-armoured Chapter Master.


~ Gaius Octavian, Chapter Master of the Defiant Sons ~

The Grim Saviour, the Master of Defiance, the Remnant.

None of these titles can truly describe the Chapter Master of the Defiant Sons. Clad in gold-chased ceramite and striding into battle with the somber Black Banner snapping above his armoured shoulders, Gaius Octavian is an inspirational sight not only to his warriors, but to all those who would call his Chapter allies. Armed with the wrist-mounted storm bolter Venger and a power fist wielded with consummate skill, Octavian leads his brothers in the never-ending battle to defy the enemies of Mankind.

Comments and critiques welcome and encouraged!


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Nice looking model you have there! I'm sure it would look even better with a more clear picture but we get the idea!


Your marines didn't happen to resurrect "THE" Gaius Octavian did they? I'm sure he would make one heck of a Chapter Master! ;)

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Thanks for the comments, folks! I put a lot of effort and love into that model and I'm rather proud of him!


Oh, and,


Your marines didn't happen to resurrect "THE" Gaius Octavian did they?


Naw, he's named after a different Gaius Octavian, who was based on the original Gaius Octavian, I'm assuming.


I've just about finished painting this fellow's Terminator armour variant, so I'll bop a new thread up for him when he's done. :mellow:





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I agree with Johnny - the Iron Halo shoulderpad is pretty sweet. Consider the technique ninja'd sometime in the near future. :HQ:


Overall I like the paint job, it's a very fluid model. The brown of the skull and parchment is getting to me, though, I feel like they should be whiter. Not WHITE, because nothing in the grim darkness of the future is actually clean, but, you know what I mean.


I also like the fact that you used the long, flowy, vehicle purity seal on the banner. It looks so right.

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First off, I salute you for naming him after someone from the Codex Alera. Those books are full of win (not that we should expect anything less from Jim Butcher). The only thing I don't like is the script on his standard. It looks a little too fake. I get that it's pretty difficult to make that kind of stuff actually look like writing, but I think that yours would be improved if you did the script smaller, so that it looks like it could be actual writing.


Come to think of it, a Canim-themed Space Wolf army would work pretty well.

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