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Furioso or death company dread...

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Hello all.


I've almost finished my first 500pts of Blood angels and I started to think what to put in my army next for my other 500pts, I currently have a libby, tactical squad, 6 death company with a razorback and that's my 500pts. I recently modelled this morning a dread that could either be a death comp. Dread or a furioso but I don't know which would be better for my list... So advice would be great! Thanks




Ps If it helps in the 1000pts I intend to put another tactical squad and a dev squad with 3 LC and 1 PC... Also are blood talons worth it??

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I prefer the DC Dread as it doesn't take an Elite slot. Plus it has Fleet and None Can Stay My Wrath. Equip with 2 Blood Talons and a Drop Pod and it scares the crap outta people.


*edit: Blood Talons are worth it when killing lots of enemy troops. S6 wounds most things on a 2+ and the possibility of numerous attacks based on how well you wound on your initial charge makes the DC Dread a killing machine. Just be cautious of the Rage rule and use drop pod placement or deployment of the dread to your advantage.

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I thought the DC dread, as I play orks mostly. Though wouldn't the dread be S7 because of furious charge...





Yes, on the charge the DC Dread has S7 with Blood Talons. But I am not totally convinced of the Talons. S10 is quite better and the 'wound effect' of the Talons is only with 2 of them. One weapon destroyed and the fun is over. Also you might get a problem against other Dreadnoughts and heavy amour. So normaly I would go with the Furioso and Blood Fists. AV 13 and no Rage sounds not so bad to me. ^_^

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I gotta say Furioso all day long.


I know it takes up an elite but the DC takes up an (non-scoring) troop slot - which is much more valuable imo. And you still get 2 more elite spots to have either 3 priests and a Sanguinary guard or 6 priests etc...


That aside, for me it bowls down to 2 things: the dc dread has 'rage' which is a pain in the butt often and any smart opponent will make him his b*tch... And the Furioso dread is armour 13! - which really helps keep marching dreads alive; give him extra armour and he can still move and assault!


All of the bonus for the DC dread are really almost non-factors... the 'fleet' is not bad but it only matters on the turn you assault and it's only a D6... The Furious Charge is totally useless because the strength bonus is (most of the time) redundant and insignificant, and the initiative bonus is rather pointless too... as most weapons that can hurt the dread strike at Initiative-1 anyway.

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Hm, I don't know. How many wounds do you cause with the Talons averagely? 7-8? I think the Talons are great against hordes and light infantery but nearly useless against other dreads or heavy tanks. So I would still put the Blood Fists above the Talons in most cases. And go for the Furioso. ;)
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Well you definitely can't go wrong with fists, they certainly have the advantage on tanks and dreads and insta-killing multi-wounds... but talons will blow through entire units of just about anything very quick. Unless they have a really good invulnerable save (thunder hammer & SS termies for example) they will just keep dying. For the most part, every 'hit' will nearly always cause a wound with no armour-save to keep the ball rolling, and he hits most infantry on 3+... But yeah I'd say 7-8 is a good average (against pretty much any infantry though).
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Ive found if I want to tank or counter dread hunt, I would rather use guys with meltaguns. A dread with blood talons can (and often does) wipe out an entire squadron in close combat, even if there are 2 guys remaining, they flunk their leadership in all but a few rare exceptions and run off the board or get sweeping advanced.
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I am thinking that a DC Dread with talons will be the better choice, the underslung melta gun is a lifesaver against being kited by something with a high AV.


I did use to thing that a DC dread should have the Bloodfists so it can deal with anything that catches its attention, but after a couple of games I am thinking that if you have 5 DC standard in your army the DC Dread is just too funny not to have.


Oh, I would consider dropping one of your Death Company in the Razorback in preference for a Chaplain, the Liturgies of Blood rule is amazing and down right scary. I have been been regulary getting 8-9 wounds from 10 attacks just with the 2 power weapon guys. The powerfist rarely gets to swing on he charge.

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Wow, thanks for all the help guys, I've decided to go for a Furioso as the points are the same and I'd rather have the higher WS and AV. I also intend to give him blood talons as it would work nicely against all those orks I'm likely to face whilst playing my mate. To be honest I like both dreads so I may get another and have him a DC one. Thanks again.


Slightly off topic, but I've got a tactical squad, 6 DC with bolters + PF/PW in a razorback, and a libby for my 500pts. I plan to put my dread, Astorath and my sang priest in the army next, but do you guys have any advice on what I could use to build off this core, I plan to use more infantry and dreads more than tanks but I do have a normal anti-infantry pred and a typhoon. All help apprieciated



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It's a tough call b/w Furioso and DC dread. DC dread has the rage drawback, 1 lower WS, and its FRONT (and only front) AV is 1 lower, but it has 1 more attack, fleet, and None Can Stay My Wrath. The really nice thing is the DC dreads is Furious Charge, giving them I:5 on the charge, they can put some serious damage into a unit before the unit even has the chance to fight back (assuming there are any left). Taking one over the other is a matter of your list composition. If you have no DC, then obviously you don't have the choice. Personally, I prefer taking the DC dread to give myself the extra elite slot for chaplain, sang guard, sang priests or any number of other options.


And honestly, if you can't deal with the kiting issue, you shouldn't play a BA army. Yeah yeah, I'm a jerk. But seriously, the whole point to a BA army is speed, if you can't position another unit to intercept/intervene with the kiting unit, then you're not playing to BA strengths and fielding enough speedy units. Not to mention that your opponent may shoot himself in the foot and kite your dread right by another of his units, allowing the dread to switch from the kiting unit to a new target. Rage is closest visible enemy unit, it's not like stubborn, where they fixate on whatever unit they see first. Plus, if a kiting unit is kiting, it's not doing anything else, effectively taking that unit out of the mix. Kiting takes a lot of resources and effort that could be better spent fulfilling mission objectives. I'd rather dump a few lascannon or melta shots into a dread than kite it - heavy weapons fire would solve the problem more quickly and more decisively than kiting.

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I really like the double fist furioso with extra armor and flamer (I also throw a grapple in just to deny tanks their LoS). There's still some horde weakening ability and you can still tussle with a tank or an IC/MC.


I've always felt that talons are a one trick pony and that DC dreads (while the most hardcore of all dreads) just don't match up in usefulness to other options we have available.

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Talons regularly work great for me on my DC dread. genestealers, hormagaunts, you name it !


In a planetstrike game, the melta popped a fortress of redemption and then the talons shredded everything that came out.



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