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Whispery Nostraman


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So, in the newer night lords publications we are seeing the advent of something exciting. Not new, think Abnett tried something similer on a smaller scale with Chaos, but definatly cool. I refer to, of course, a new 40k language. Something diffrent from high and low gothic. Personally, I find this to be rather interesting and hope to see more in the future.


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  • 2 months later...
Wow I'm actually surprised that no ones responded to this. I do think that the runic language of the night lords. To be comparable to the mando tounge in star wars and of course hope that it develops a dictionary akin to it.
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Aside from Nostraman and Abnett's Chaos-speech from the Consanguinity (I think that's what they called it in Blood Pact), there's also been several forms of Eldar tossed about as well. One of them was straight Irish Gaelic, but a lot of the rest was derivative. I found a site once they laid out a good guide to Eldar language but I can't seem to find it again. . .
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Aside from Nostraman and Abnett's Chaos-speech from the Consanguinity (I think that's what they called it in Blood Pact), there's also been several forms of Eldar tossed about as well. One of them was straight Irish Gaelic, but a lot of the rest was derivative. I found a site once they laid out a good guide to Eldar language but I can't seem to find it again. . .


Was it this?

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Aside from Nostraman and Abnett's Chaos-speech from the Consanguinity (I think that's what they called it in Blood Pact), there's also been several forms of Eldar tossed about as well. One of them was straight Irish Gaelic, but a lot of the rest was derivative. I found a site once they laid out a good guide to Eldar language but I can't seem to find it again. . .


Was it this?

thats accually really neat ill have read further but thats kinda awesome eldar has a fan language lingo.

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I think Nostraman is mostly Latin. Ave dominae Nox is latin as are most of the other sayings from the NL books.


Having heard it in the Throne of Lies audio book I don't think it's latin, but I can't speak latin so can't be sure. Seems almost like a snake language with all those S's in it.


an example


Ashallius S'Veyval


If I had any idea how to spell what septimus said when he was swearing at Octavia i'd use that instead :)

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I think Nostraman is mostly Latin. Ave dominae Nox is latin as are most of the other sayings from the NL books.


Ave Dominus Nox is High Gothic, because it's essentially just Faux Latin, like all 40K High Gothic terms (Astartes, Excommunicate Traitoris, Occularis Terribus, etc.) I tried to make Nostraman sound very different from the Faux Latin of High Gothic, to represent another of the Legion's own traditions playing a greater part in their ranks than traditional Imperial custom. But Ave Dominus Nox was already established, and I wasn't going to contradict anything that came before unless I could help it. So their "Hail to the King, baby" chant remains in High Gothic.


Nostraman is smoother:


Asa fothala su’surushan,’ he said, dismissing her with a weak wave of his hand.


Vaya vey... um... I...’ she felt a blush rising to her cheeks as the words stuck in her mouth. ‘Vaya vey ne’sha.’

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Aside from Nostraman and Abnett's Chaos-speech from the Consanguinity (I think that's what they called it in Blood Pact), there's also been several forms of Eldar tossed about as well. One of them was straight Irish Gaelic, but a lot of the rest was derivative. I found a site once they laid out a good guide to Eldar language but I can't seem to find it again. . .


Was it this?


Yeah, that's the one! Thanks bro.

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Hmm this thread is interesting.


I always figured writers simply made up their new languages without concern for translation.


Didn't know about eldar language basis.


@ adb Also its good to hear more about Nostraman.


Though I'm personally more interested in what the script would look like.

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As a slight detatchment from what everyone else was talking about - which was very interesting, especially the Eldar stuff - but in response to isilvra's original post when he said:

I refer to, of course, a new 40k language. Something diffrent from high and low gothic.

I don't mean to discredit him or insult his intelligence at all, but I just wish to point out that there are supposed to be hundreds, if not thousands of languages in the Imperium alone. High and low Gothic are just the standardised languages used to facilitate interplanetary communication, and even these have variances. Many planets in the Imperium alone have thier own native language, and I dare say that there are variances in language and dialect between Eldar worlds/craftworlds, and certainly there would be different languages amongst Chaos forces and Chaos Space Marine legions.

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I just wish to point out that there are supposed to be hundreds, if not thousands of languages in the Imperium alone. High and low Gothic are just the standardised languages used to facilitate interplanetary communication, and even these have variances. Many planets in the Imperium alone have thier own native language, and I dare say that there are variances in language and dialect between Eldar worlds/craftworlds, and certainly there would be different languages amongst Chaos forces and Chaos Space Marine legions.


Well yes that’s true. I was more referring to the fact that it's actually being explored in the novels. Although these millions of different dialects and languages are referred to many times it's rare that one will actually get any meaningful attention. aside from the chaos language in the more recent ghosts novels and the Eldar language which seems to be based in elvish obviously, I can't think of many examples.

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