Shadey Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 : [size=5; background-image:url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 8px 2px; padding: 12px 8px 12px 8px; border: 1px solid #DDD; margin-left: 0 auto; text-align: left; color: #fff; text-indent:50px; font-size:130%; width:50%;">Strength through Unity: The Jagdmarines[/size] Born of a warrior culture that prizes mental and physical strength the Jagdmarines have the backing of an entire society. They have become stalwart defenders and aggressive antagonists against Orks, traitors and any who threaten the security and right of man. On the Ultramarines “It is said that each member of the Ultramarines honour guard has earned more commendations and glories than a whole company of space marines from any other chapter.. yeh if we handed out commendations for stubbing our toes we would have as many as the Ultramarines too" – Unknown Jagdmarine In M35 the 185th, the 201st and the 279th Krieg regiments were involved in a protracted campaign lasting almost a decade in and around the Cimbrian Cluster of twelve worlds. In the process they earned numerous battle honours and distinctions. Having spent the last nine years pacifying this area and far from their native planet, the veterans of the Cimbrian Crusade were offered a home on the newly conquered Jutland. Massive land grants encouraged most of the veterans to stay. The regiments were given the planet as their own in response to their unwavering commitment to their duty and their superb and valorous performance.This created a core upper class of ex soldiers which naturally bled through to all aspects of society creating a very professional, organized and militaristic culture, one to rival Cadia. With an immensely proud military heritage numerous generations served with distinction in the Jutland Jaeger Korp Guard Regiments, continuing the tradition set forth by the original settlers. It was this unfaltering record over two thousand years, combined with the dire need for reinforcements able to take on the traitor marines that discharged from the not too distant Eye of Terror that the High Lords of Terra authorized the creation of a new Astartes chapter from among the most promising young recruit cadets of the Jaeger Korp with the help of veterans of the 1st Legion, the Dark Angels.Homeworld The homeworld of the Jagdmarines is a relatively safe and secure world, the few local conflicts having been ruthlessly suppressed. This security however comes at a price. Society on Jutland is very regimented, nationalistic and militaristic, with little tolerance for errant behaviour, even more so than the standard Imperial world. Between a rock and the Inquisition Midway through the 41st Millennium an Inquisitorial census listed more than 2000 active battle brothers in the Jagdmarines. Inquisitor Tuathal Jax with the backing of the Ordo Heriticus confronted Chapter Commander Augustine. At first recalcitrant the Commander was soon opposed with a decree of Acta Heritica(1) and risked Open conflict with the Inquisition and the …..(2) Space Marines who were supporting them.Augustine eventually agreed to a censure and was ordered to go on a 100 year penitent crusade while at the same time, disallowing induction of any new recruits until the Jagdmarines through attrition reached the accepted codex norms. Chapter inventory currently stand at close to 1500(3) Marines. One of the most controversial policies on Jutland is the requirement to obtain a license in order to have children. All applicants must meet strict mental and physical guidelines if they wish to procreate. The dark side of this is that mutants and handicaps are often culled. What challenge there is of this policy is spoken of in hushed tones lest one be declared a deviant or unpatriotic.(4)This is a symptom of a relatively close-minded government which allows little criticism of national policies, in turn leading to a social stagnation with little challenge of the status-quo accepted.The state enforced eugenics, combined with the nationalism and militarism however creates an ample supply of recruits for the Jagdmarines and the Jaeger Korp. Jutland has one of the highest ratios of any Imperial world of Marine suitable candidates. This also limits the population growth of Jutland but this is partially compensated for by a relatively high influx of immigrants attracted to the stability and security of the tightly run world. They too however have to pass strict controls and standards. Large families are encouraged with incentives both financial and otherwise. It is considered the duty of every family to provide children for the future security and the 'right of man' to dominate the galaxy. Great respect is attached to women and families that provide four or more children.It is considered a great honour for a son to be chosen for the Jagdmarines and to a lesser extent, a son or daughter for the Jaeger Korp. Families have long and illustrious histories of sons who have made the grade and became marines with great glory and prestige to the family. A large part of society is geared to the process of producing superior offspring, so physical and mental fitness are highly prized. Diet, exercise regime, everything is tightly controlled to this end.Jutland has a mandatory national service for its citizens and anyone unable to live up to the high standards demanded of the Jagdmarines must serve a year either in support of the Jagdmarines, usually as a serf or in the local Imperial Guard regiment, the Jaeger Korp, or working in one of the industries that supports those organizations.Jutland is the administrative and political capital of twelve worlds in a local cluster of systems. It was not the first planet to be settled but rose to prominence in M37 after the settlement by the Krieg regiments to become the local capital. Organisation Waaagh Skumdakka In the later years of the 41st millennium the Jagdmarines came into conflict with a local Ork warlord that went by the name of Maja Skumdakka Eadsmasha. Waaagh Skumdakka was in the later stages but still constricted to one system. The Orkoids were constructing spaceships in preparation for an invasion and these were marked by the Jagdmarines as targets of the highest priority.The first forays of the Jagdmarines met with great success and many of the Greenskin's vessels and much of their ship building capacity was dismantled.It was then decided that the Jagdmarines would destroy the Ork's unifying force, it's command structure. The level of resistance was however unanticipated. What was supposed to be a lighting quick assault on Skumdakka himself soon bogged down into a war of attrition, one which the Orks were uniquely qualified for.The Jagdmarines eventually had to withdraw leaving more than 200 battle brothers dead, their main goal of assassinating Skumdakka unfulfilled. The Marine forces were soon driven away by Ork inter-system craft.All though they failed in their main objective they had crippled the Ork ship construction facilities and had delayed the inevitable Waaagh for several years. Another assault is planned and the Kriegmacht are currently gearing up and training for the coming conflict, and the fact that the Greenskins are no doubt doing the same, is not lost to the men and women of the Kriegmacht. The Jagdmarines are based on the standard Codex Astartes organisation with a few name changes and small variations. They follow the Dark Angels example of specialization albeit based on different aspects of warfare. There are ten companies or Jaegertrupp. These Jaegertrupp have individual names as well as number designations. For example the third company is called Jaegertrupp Strassenwoelfe (Street Wolves). The chapter is designed to have a wide variety of specializations which complement each other allowing specialization yet flexibility.The first company Jaegertrupp ………….. is the same as as any codex chapter. Made up of veterans generally fighting in tactical dreadnought armour (the only ones allowed to do so). They do however differ in their paint scheme from the rest of the chapter going to battle in armour as black as pitch. This is a nod to the variant colour scheme to the Dark Angel's Deathwing.The second and third Jaegertrupp are basically standard all though their training leans more towards urban fighting. As such they make limited use of vehicles.The forth and fifth Jaegertrupp wear an alternate paint scheme more suited to their role as rural/wilderness specialists and infantry support of armoured units in field operations. They have a greater supply of vehicles using some of the second and third Jaegertrupp vehicle allocations. The forth and fifth are also designated as Panzergrenadiers, they train closely with the tanks of the chapter and are experienced in fighting in the open terrain conducive to tank operations. The sixth are an all assault marine force called the Fallschirmjaeger.The seventh, eighth and ninth Jaegertrupp as reserve companies are more generally trained prior to their transfer to the battle companies.The tenth or Nachtjaeger is a standard scout company.Combat Doctrine The Jagdmarines style of warfare hinges on disciplined, professional and well trained soldiers with a clearly defined and tactically flexible leadership. This has created an adaptable force insistent in offence and stubborn in defence. The Jagdmarines practice a combined arms form of warfare operating closely with the Jaeger Korp and the local Imperial Navy, known collectively as the Kriegmacht. It is standard tactical doctrine to be deployed with supporting elements of non genetically enhanced troops, the Jagdmarines provide the hammer to the anvil of the Guard and Navy. This allows them to accomplish feats that are hard or impossible for a standalone chapter.A favoured tactic is a fast assault with mechanised troops supporting concentrated tank formations backed up by artillery and air power in a combined team focusing overwhelming force in a lightning assault which keeps the enemy off balance. The Jagdmarines are especially suited for this and backed up by the rest of the Kriegmacht they have seen many great successes. Many of the Jagdmarines have relatives in the Imperial Navy and the Jaeger Korp and this shared heritage of their fellow Cimbrians creates a very close bond that helps inspire the combined arms operations.Beliefs The Jagdmarines follow the standard marine belief that the Emperor, while the finest example of man, is still merely a man, and not a god. Over the millennia religious rituals mainly established by the Dark Angels have dropped in importance due to the influence of their homeworld. On Jutland religion is still a part of most peoples every day life, however it is seen as a weakness to overly rely on it. Jagdmarines could be better described as professional soldiers rather than warrior monks. It should be noted however that the Jagdmarines do believe in the right of man to rule the galaxy and enforce that belief with a religious fervour. The Jagdmarines see themselves as better in many ways than the local populace but at the same time know they are there to serve and defend the people. Their ranks have seen much arrogance but also much humility and selflessness.Gene-seed Being relatively young and based on the Dark Angel's template they are free of mutations. Motto/Battlecry The Emperor is with us (Imperator est nobis/Kaiser mitt uns) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadey Posted August 19, 2010 Author Share Posted August 19, 2010 I had originally intended to spend a few more days on this, it is definitely still a work in progress, but I got the urge to post it and see what people think. (1) Not sure on the name and level of Inquisitorial decrees. (2) Looking for a loyalist DIY marine chapter (active in the segmentum pacificus) to reference here. Feel free to suggest yours. (3) The 1000 Marine myth (4) Not the words I'm looking for? Not happy. Questions: Not sure on the colony worlds/Cimbrian cluster. Should I make them from a Dark Angels successor? Not sure on the betcher's gland mutation. Seems popular. Not sure on the name Jutland or on Cimbria, maybe Cambria? Personally, I have to mention that I really dig that I tied in my SoB army, my Guard army and my Orks. It really adds depth and gives a feeling of my own little corner of the galaxy. Any help in answering these questions or ideas for improvements would be greatly appreciated. More questions/ideas to follow. Notes (this section includes details left out for reasons of brevity, I may add these in as I find a place for them): They are from Dark Angels gene-seed but are not part of the Unforgiven, and know nothing of tragedy of the first legion. They also have a strained relationship with the Dark Angels who think the Jagdmarines have strayed from the their teachings. They have no experience with the Tyranids, the Necrons, the Eldar and the Tau. Jutland and the Jagdmarines have been censured by the Ecclesiarchy for their religious views. In order to appease the Ordo Hereticus a major Adeptus Sororitas convent was established on Jutland and continues to offer spiritual and life guidance for many Jutland citizens. The chapter master has cultivated ties with the Ad Mech? and the Ordo Xenos? In order to avoid another censure. This included giving one of the planets in the local cluster to the Ad Mech to have it developed into a forge world. There has also been extensive forays into Ork worlds in support of the Ordo Xenos as well as many Jagdmarines serving in the Deathwatch. A massive part of society is dedicated to supporting the Jagdmarines and is a primary motivator of industry and society in general. There is tremendous peer pressure for boys to train in preparation for a potential induction. Being a relatively young chapter they have few dreadnoughts. Finally, I am having trouble coming up with a symbol, latest idea is a winged dagger ala the Dark Angels, but with a the dagger going through a skull. Feel free to suggest others. Change log: Removed the reference to servitors Removed the Betcher's gland mutation Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Espada Azul Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 Kind of busy right now with schoolwork to do any serious commenting, but I can help at least with locating possible neighbors you could reference: The Liber Astartes Galaxy Map Yeah, the same one on my signature. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadey Posted August 20, 2010 Author Share Posted August 20, 2010 Thats a nice map, thank you. I can see the Angels of Perdition and the Delphic Order are both close to my world. Been working on some concepts for my symbol. Considering stretching the wings to make them wider, more in the shape of the Imperial Eagle, also thinking of ditching the sword and having a winged skull. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Espada Azul Posted August 20, 2010 Share Posted August 20, 2010 Keep into mind the scale though: 1 pixel = 20 light years. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sons of Erebor Posted August 21, 2010 Share Posted August 21, 2010 I think this is well written, but i have a few comments, a few things dont feel right with me. I was under the interpretation that ALL DA successors were part of the unforgiven, i could be wrong, but thats what i thought. Also, why DA, part of me thinks it's just to justify the unorthadox company organization, but that could be easily justified by saying they just aren't codex. Also, why over 1k marines? There just doesnt seem a reason to justify it other than; hey, 2000 marines?!?!?!? SWEET. :), but i think youve got something here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vor Posted August 25, 2010 Share Posted August 25, 2010 Servitors are mindless drones, programed to complete a set of tasks and nothing more. They're either vat-grown or humans mind-wiped as punishment for crimes committed. You wouldn't serve as one during a years national service. Not read much past that yet, but I do like it so far. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadey Posted August 25, 2010 Author Share Posted August 25, 2010 Vor, you are of course correct. It completely slipped my mind. The article has been updated. Sons of Erebor, I was under the impression of the opposite, the Dark Angels along with the Angels of Vengeance, Absolution and Redemption were the only chapters that could call themselves the Unforgiven. Upon your remark though I dug out my old Dark Angels codices and in the 3rd ed codex: Quote Dark Angels gene-seed has since been used to create other 'Successor' Chapters, most famously the Angels of Vengeance, Absolution and Redemption. Along with the Dark Angels themselves, these Chapters are collectively known as the Unforgiven Emphasis mine. So it appears I mis-remebered. I will change it to make them part of the Unforgiven, after all, its not a bad thing it's an interesting plot hook. This could actually tie into idea I have about the Dark Angels hmmm. As for the 1000 marines I actually had much more conservative numbers but revised them when I read the 1000 marine myth thread/librarium article. It is not cannon, but it does make a lot of sense. I see the Jagdmarines growing past standard codex size to do (in their minds) a better job. The pragmatic more Marines = more strength basically. Thank you both for catching my mistakes. Espada Azul, duly noted. I placed Jutland 5000 lightyears from Hydraphur but dropped that detail from the IA. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Leonaides Posted August 25, 2010 Share Posted August 25, 2010 Quote The pragmatic more Marines = more strength basically Though this sort of thinking is very very close to Marines = Better which leads to Marines = better than humans which leads to Chaos. An interesting possibility to mention/hint at in your IA maybe, that some inquisitors are suspicious of the chapters thinkning here, and seeing the seeds of heresy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vor Posted August 26, 2010 Share Posted August 26, 2010 Leonaides said: Quote The pragmatic more Marines = more strength basically Though this sort of thinking is very very close to Marines = Better which leads to Marines = better than humans which leads to Chaos. An interesting possibility to mention/hint at in your IA maybe, that some inquisitors are suspicious of the chapters thinkning here, and seeing the seeds of heresy. 'There's strength in numbers' is an old adage. I can't see it leading to Chaos if they follow it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Leonaides Posted August 26, 2010 Share Posted August 26, 2010 Quote growing past standard codex size to do (in their minds) a better job. The pragmatic more Marines = more strength basically. So, they're already prideful enough to disregard the writings of a Primarch. Ignore the bedrock of the imperium's survival. And then they start thinking, "there's more of us nad that makes us better at what we do. We're better than those humans over there. Why should we care what they ask us to do. They should be doing what we want them to do." And eventually they end up wanting lordship and dominion over mere humans. Which is round about the time that they get excommunicated by the Inquisition. Those numbers in the codex are there for a reason. To stop any one chapter growing so large that it becomes an overwhelming threat to the Imperium. Any transgression isgoing to be looked at very very suspiciously. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadey Posted September 1, 2010 Author Share Posted September 1, 2010 At this point in time I have decided to go with symbol 3. Here it is applied to my Jagdmarine painter image. Yeh I think I might up the arrogance as per your suggestion Leonaides. Maybe some of the beleifs of the upper class of Jutland have filtered through into the chapters philosphies, combined with their own arrogance at their 'superiority'. Maybe they want or have Lordship over the normal people. Wether we see it lead to chaos or not though I don't know. I have already included censure by the Imperium but I do like the idea of an Inquisitor or two looking very suspciously at the Jagdmarines. Seems those ties that the chapter master has cultivated may be put into use, will it be enough to help them? we will see. :lol: Edit: Added in the finished symbol. May adjust at later date, the red seems a little too bright for my tastes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wicced Posted February 11, 2011 Share Posted February 11, 2011 Shadey said: Motto/Battlecry The Emperor is with us (Imperator est nobis/Kaiser mitt uns) i guess youre trying to translate: the emperor is with us into german with the second part. its not quite correct and doesn't really make sense like this. the correct translation would be : "der Kaiser ist mit uns" or "der Imperator ist mit uns" because in the german fluff the Emperor gets mostly translated as Imperator. otherwise nice fluff :o Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ecritter Posted February 11, 2011 Share Posted February 11, 2011 Looks oddly familiar. But I still like it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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