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Painting Noise Marines


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I recently inherited about 40 old school Noise Marine models, complete with sonic blasters and blastmasters. Getting ready to paint them, and having a hard time conceiving of a paint scheme. The pink and black colors that have become popular recently are somewhat repulsive, and I am thinking about doing something more elaborate but don't know where to start.


My understanding is that the original fluff described their armor as highly ornate and individual to the marine. Noise marines armor was riddled with garish color combinations and possessed lot of distinctive features like leather, fur, etc.


Does this sound right? Are there any good examples out there of earlier color schemes? Does anyone else loathe the pink and black?



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and I am thinking about doing something more elaborate but don't know where to start.
Right here of course!


My understanding is that the original fluff described their armor as highly ornate and individual to the marine. Noise marines armor was riddled with garish color combinations and possessed lot of distinctive features like leather, fur, etc.
That is correct, they used to be in all sorts of crazy schemes that included pastel and strong (as in neon strong) colour variations of orange, green, yellow and blue.


Does this sound right?
Yep, the early Slaaneshi renegade models had everything from feathered plumes, leather gloves and ornate shoulderpads.


Are there any good examples out there of earlier color schemes?
pink and black, blueish, personally I'd go crazy, like this


Does anyone else loathe the pink and black?
I don't, but I know many who do. :D



NB. There is also a few ideas in this old thread

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Here are some pics of my guys - perhaps you might get a few ideas...
















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  • 3 weeks later...

I've tried several times to replicate Steve Vai's dipped Ibanez Jem guitars, but the results were unsatisfactory.



I'm in the process of trying for a tie dye scheme as well. If they look any good, I'll post one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went with the purple and gold, but have done a few in black and pink and really come to love it. I like how the dark contrasts with the bubble gum pink.


Purple and white also look good. Anything goes, though as EC/NMs tend to be very individualized warbands. A pastel blue with pink would also be pretty neat. Or gow with neon green and orange for maximum contrast!

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pink and black would look good (sadly its beyond my painting ability to pull this off)
I doubt that, those two colours are among the easiest to pull off. Practice practice, you'd be surprised how easy it is. :)
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Purple and white also look good. Anything goes, though as EC/NMs tend to be very individualized warbands. A pastel blue with pink would also be pretty neat. Or gow with neon green and orange for maximum contrast!


I wonder how black and neon green would look?

Kind of a Matrix/Necron look to everything.

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White undercoat, paint up the black parts first, then go in with the pink in the white sections.

As a bare minimum a Tabletop standard should be doable in no time, the painting that is, not the cleaning, basing, assembly and mould line removal, that stuff takes the most time to do. :tu:

Edited by Brother Nihm
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With a white base coat, you can use GW inks. Red or purple for example. They covered the white but no so deep as paints. The red ink will give you a pinky final colour, and the purple ink will have a soft purple/blue finish. You can later add more ink to have darker tones or even so some shadows in some parts of the armours.

This technic is easy and will give you nice colours and contrast with the black parts.

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I work from black primer and for pink, I start with a magenta undercoat. Thin use pink to lighten and wash magenta for smoothness. Pale flesh is then worked in for highlights. For extreme shadows, I use some thinned violet.


Black is pretty easy. Basecoat is primer. Start highlighting with panzer grey, work up to a medium grey highlight and light grey at edges/tips. For "shiney" black I tip in white, just like a gemstone highlight. Washes of thinned black keep transitions and shadows smooth.

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