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Kitbashing the old and new Daemon Prince

Kor Megron

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"Brothers of the Dark Faith! Hear me! I, Kor Megron, have decided to take on a grand project in the name of the Ruinous Powers!"


Yeppers, I'm gonna try to kitbash a Daemon Prince of old with the new one, it's not gonna be a huge kitbash really, so I don't need much info, though my DP will cost me like $60 to make, but hopefully it'll be worth it.


The main thing I am concerned about before going through with this undertaking is whether or not the new upper body will fit the old lower body? Or will I need to call upon the Dark Gods to send me green stuff to make it work?


Edit: Also will the shoulder guards from the old metal DP fit on the new plastic arms?

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I've been doing the same. :yes:


The upper body fits, but it is bigger than the metal one, making him more apelike.


The metal pads are a bit smaller than the plastic ones but with some fiddling they can still make do.


Hope that helps you.

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I have also done this conversion (dang I thought I was being original), the torso will fit, but you just need to shave off the sides of the belt which were made to fit the wider hips of the new mini. Other than that, if the hips seem wonky to you, just use those armor plats for the legs to beef up the metal DP legs.

pictures of my version here.



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  • 2 months later...
I kinda kitbashed the arms on them. Used the right big-hand arm on the old Daemon Prince and put the new shoulderpads on both his arms- more or less the look I was going for is the Daemon Prince shown in the 4th ed. Chaos Space Marine Codex. Used the old shoulderpads on the new arms. Looks decent. Still didn't look very power armored so I gave him kneepads from Chaos Terminator shoulderpads. It looks okay.
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I had to elongate the new Prince's torso to fit to the old Prince's legs, but it came out pretty decently.
I did the opposite, I removed the square stub on top of the metal legs and sculpted up the sides of the plastic torso to match. <_<
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I had to elongate the new Prince's torso to fit to the old Prince's legs, but it came out pretty decently.
I did the opposite, I removed the square stub on top of the metal legs and sculpted up the sides of the plastic torso to match. <_<


Oh, the stub went out the window. I needed the extra space for the pins and ended up adding about 1/4" of green stuff to make sure it held. :lol:

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