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Black Templars from my Crusade.

Marshal Wilhelm

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This is where I intend to share some of my miniatures.

















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  Redfinger said:
I wanna know where the helmets came from, I have been looking for medieval helmets for a while. They look good, but i am not sure the fur pelts are very templar-ish...



The Templar stuff is at the bottom


The first two helmets are Khorne Berzerkers ~ with bunny ears cut off

The Helmet on the Large Chain axe and 3 Terms is from Maxmini, a Polish company. I would provide a link but their site is down at the moment....

Termintor 4 has a Chaos Warrior's helmet with the horns cut off

Terminator 5 and 6 have helmets from the Bretonnian Knights range.


GWs own Knights Panther and Knights of the White Wolf both wear pelts:Wiki entry on Empire Knights

In RL, Crusaders came back wearing fur pelts of weird and wonderful beasts from the Middle East, as well as bringing apricots and other exotic fruit back to Europe.

  Lone Scout said:
I want to know where you got your dice from :)


I had them made by Chessex, an American dice company. They were 75¢ each, but I bought $40 worth and then it was $10 to get them sent to Australia, iIrc....


Here are also some from Darkseer's blog: SPACE WOLF GREY

I was struck by how some thought how Wolfy parts of my guys are.

I had always wanted to weave in SW stuff and given that Knights of the Wolf and Knights Panther already wear pelts, I have already warmed to the idea.


Maybe in time, my brothers will too ;)

I mean, the DA stuff is more Monkish than Knight, and yet people have always been advocating it for kit-bashing :D


My next entry is my one Truescale Knight. Term legs, arms and front torso, with Marine back torso, head and backback.

He is a head over regular Marines :)

  • 3 weeks later...
  philsminions said:
Question: How did you go about attaching the cloaks to the termie fronts? I found the steam knight helmets lot of 10...not sure if all the types in the lot would look right, but definitely makes them stand out.


You can specify which helmets you want. The ones I use [which look like Iron Warriors helmets] are very good imo.




As for attaching the PA-tabards to the Terminator torso:

Glue Term front and rear torso together ~ you can use the Chaos fronts as they have a spikey halo ;)


After that has dried, get a razor saw [GW sells these] and cut down from the neck of the torso and out through the bottom of the "belly"


Then get your Tabard torso. Place it on the cut-Term torso. If you lay it down on the table and compare it to a Term torso that hasn't been chopped, you'll see that the Tabard one now sticks out a long way ~ like a beer gut! :huh:

This shows you that you need to cut/file the back of the Tabard torso so that once glued to the cut-Term torso, it only sticks out a little further than the usual Term "belly"

Glue the tabard front to the cut-Term torso.


Term legs. They have a dome that you stick the torso onto. You need to cut the front of the dome so that your new tabard torso sits properly. Cut it until it sits in the normal position. You might even have to cut the belt buckle off too.


Once the legs dome is suitable, now Green Stuff the join between the cut-Term torso and the Tabard front. You want a bit of a "floppy" look to it as it is also cloth like the Tabard. Mould "gather" lines [perhaps one or two] into the GS.

It will be fairly obscured by the Terminators arms, but the better job you can do, the better :)

Also add some GS around the collar area if there is a gap.


After your GS is done, glue your new torso to the legs.


*The angle of your cut will determine what angle the Tabard hangs down on, but you can also gently bend the Tabard forwards or backwards into a position that is pleasing.


Voila ~ Sword brethren Terminators :huh:

Well yes, I am not especially speedy on the painting stuff front.

And I have used a few of my brothers Marines on the TT, even when I go to the gaming club.


Who knows, they might even be done by the time our not-on-the-horizon-Dex arrives. <_<


Thank you one and all for your kind words and encouragement. Even though I do not post a response, I am glad that you share you like them.


Thank you2

  • 1 month later...
  Marshal Wilhelm said:



Awch. Don't say this is the all-creepy Thunder-hoof Cavalry? Don't remember Codex:BT having such unit... Or this is biker?


Btw, why not the bretonnian range? Their horses are much more "knightly" and I believe You can mount a SM mini on them (I can check that btw, having a huge lot of bretonnian for sale now).

Badass Templar knight there Wilhelm. I thought about doing that with a pegasus knight (as the peg is quite beefy) but he just looks mean and nasty on the chaos steed. The chunky armour on the horse suits the power armoured rider so much better.
  Roesor said:
Hmm...Templars with wolf rules...15 thundermounts...4 'Marshals' on thundermounts....and three iron priests on thundermounts...


22 Thundermounts...that Brothers, is some terrifying cavalry force.


The proof of your contamination is really piling up, brother. We may have to revoke your Champion status should it manage to continue.


Paddlings and a flea check are already inbound.




All the same, that is a pretty gnarly model. I still prefer good old fashioned bikes, but I admit the horse has a certain charm to it. Well done.


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