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Artwork: Generic Space Marine!

Ethnic Minority

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Looks good man, although some proportions are off a bit. The head is too short/squat, the shoulder pads are to small and both guns also look tiny, get those fixed and it will be rocking with awesome


haha thanks for the input. I honestly have no idea about space marine proportions, 40k artwork doesn't really provide for a standardized set of proportions across codex art/novel covers/graphic novels.

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The waist up looks really nice, the perspective is good, but the legs look just like cylinders. Try adding some rounded angles and bending the rear leg at the knee just slightly. But overall, it's a great job.


Oh one more thing, the "marine mohawk" thing on his helmet should come down a bit lower to his mid forehead so he doesn't look so bald. IMO.


edit: and also his rear leg seems to be twisted because of the kneepad position... i'm not sure whats up with that.

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Its pretty good.


It looks to me like you spent ages on the torso, head etc and rushed the legs.


I agree with the above crits on proportion.


I'll also add that the feet don't really have a foot shape.


A while ago DV8 gave me some really great advice with drawing (aswell as many others). The thread is here... http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...t=0&start=0


Check it out if your interested.


Also on the legs for example the highlights are quite stark, If you wanna learn an easier way to blend them and just help with painting in photoshop then I recommend this tutorial, its like 18 parts, but the examples what I'm talking about in the first three.




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Hmm you're right, I was planning on adding livery to the shin armor in order to offset the bland cylindrical shape but nothing came to mind, and the feet was pure laziness on my part. Though I will defend the leg rimlighting as a faint reflection of the muzzleflash.


A good art tutorial I used back in the day was here. It shows a lot about drawing reflection/lighting on different kinds of textures/surfaces, from plastic to metal to flesh.


(edit: oo, here's another good tutorial I've used is here )

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