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Ulfs runestones


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This is old brother Ulf of the Tor Marines. He would probably use the rules for Bjorn in a game. Not 100% sure if i will call him old brother..


Anyways, the runestones next to the sarcofagus, do they help him looking cooler or are they bad? the left one says "the emperors enemies dies" and the right one "Ulf raised this stone for his brothers now at the emperors side" with his brothers meaning his old pack..


The wolf claw, are there better blades to use? I have used big ork swords from the black ork box..

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Love the concept but as noted above he looks a bit monochrome. I would have recommended painting the stones to look like stone but since you've now decorated them (nicely) it would be a shame to paint over them. If you painted the edges a sort of pale sandstone colour then they would look like stone slabs with the flat face painted but the contrasting edges would make them "pop" a bit more.

What colors, or combination of colors, do you sugget for the stones?

I used figure bases since their texture is bumpy, not sure that is the right word.. But would a flat surface, simply plain plasticard work better?


And yes, chaining the stones to the body would be cool, but not sure how to do that.. Ropes would be easier, but would probably look to fragile. Perhaps make it look like spikes has been driven through the stone into the body of the dreadnought?

the colour would look great if you were an ultra player. I really like the way you have done the blue. as other have suggested the runes would look better in stone colour. What would have looked even better would have been if you have filed the sarcophegeous and inserted the runes directly. Sort of like stone armour



I need tips on how to paint the runestones, to make them look more like stones, the runes and such can be repainted..


Beef, i dont understand what you mean by "filed the sarcophegeous and inserted the runes directly. Sort of like stone armour "

the stones would, in my opinion, be a pain.


An undercoat of dark grey, followed by drybrushing a light grey sporadically on top of it, followed by the runes.


Painting just the areas around the runes might be possible, but youll have to do some touchup on the runes anyways.

How could i make a glowing effect then? First black, then white, then red/blue? Kinda hard with such small runes, for me atleast.



Start with a dark blue, then paint a lighter blue inside it, then paint a lighter blue inside that. Maybe try like one of the foundation blues (dont remember the names) then enchanted blue inside it, then ice blue inside that.


A better painter than me probably has a different approach, so I would see what other have to say aswell. That is just what I thought of off the top of my head.

but before you start on the glowing runes give it a try on a spare base or so, just to get the hang of it before you start doing it on the dread;)


edit; you might also want to put some sort of pin etc on the stone tables to make it look like they are pinned on the armour(or rope and tied to it because now it seems like they are just floating there. offcourse you could always say the stones are superglued to the dread;)


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