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Commision Rates

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Hi everyone, not sure if this is the right place, oh well :lol: .


I was wondering what people charge for commisions as I am thining of doing some.

I was planning for table top quality commisions for my local area only.


So, what do you think are resonable commision rates for table top quality?


Many thanks.

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Without getting bogged down into the debate about what is table top quality, when I put together my pricing structure I settled on £2 for each standard sized infantry mini (ie tactical/assault/devastator/scout squads) and £3 for terminators or 'characters'.


This price includes undercoating and all painting. It would also include basic basing with sand if the client asked for it.


I'm sure some will probably look upon what I've just read and think either 'that's cheap, it almost doesn't seem worth his time' or 'wow, the quality must suck for him to charge so little'. I'm only on my second commission just now, and while I'd love to be raking in mony from this hobby, I figured it was better to start small and build up than to aim too high too quickly.


If you're gonna be doing it just in your local area, would you (or the client) be picking up/dropping off the mini's in person? If you would bear that in mind as well. I couldn't find all that much info on commission rates when I was putting my price plan together, but if there's gonna be postage involved you'll need to bear that in mind.


Hopefully some of my babbling might help you mate :lol:



looked into this myself a while a go.


for "tabletop" i found the general description seemed to be (on average): undercoat, base coat, one shade level and 2 highlight levels, plus simple basing.


with "display" adding varying descriptions of the number of extra levels of shade/highlight.


commission rates seem to vary from painter to painter.


for the tabletop stuff it averaged around 50% of the miniature cost - which is roughly equivalent to what PoS was quoting. the most i saw was someone charging the same as the value of the model. :lol:


for the display stuff, i found no fixed pricing. most places simply list as "contact us"......


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