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Hi there I just join up.


My name is Angus and I live in Scotland. I've been a 40K player since the good old days (Rogue Trader) but have not played since 3rd edition. I sold off most of my stuff a few years back when I moved house and moved on to other games (Confrontation, Warmachine, Hordes, Infinity). Though I have not been playing 40K i have kept an eye on the game and recently discovered the Dornian Heresy, hence my arrival here.


Anyway, inspired by the Heresy I am again taking an interest in 40K or at least the modelling / painting aspect of the hobby, I have a long hate / hate relationship with the rules so am unlikely to ever actually play a game again, but I do love the fluff and collecting of little men ;)

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Just want to add that I'm a member of the Elgin Wargames Club that meets every Sunday from 7pm. We meet in the Trinity Church Hall @ 6 Trinity Place, Elgin IV30 1UL. (The AA have a meeting in the meeting room next door so make sure you get the right meeting :) )


Usually we play Hordes / Warmachine, but Warhammer 40K, Warhammer Fantasy, Aeronautica Imperialis and just about anything else you can imagine can be played by prior arrangement. We also have a sizeable number of historical gamers.


We would welcome new players for any and all games. So if you are in our area please get in contact with us ;)

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