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Mark III armour on sternguard?


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Hi All


I really like the look of the Mark III armour thats just been out'ed by Forge World and thought that I could build a Sternguard squad with Mark III armour, from a fluff point of view is this out of the question.


I would also like to kit them out with combi-meltas anyone know of any good conversions out there with the BA B&C forum seal of approval.





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it is most certainly not out of the question. i am planning on doing this myself to but from a fluff point of view the MK III is quite rare at best but if u play the blood angels chapter AKA the 1st founding they keep the armor for ceramonial purposes because it is like a link to a time were the primarch walked the legion into battle so it is like a relic link to their primarch. to the wearer this would be the greatest honor (besides termie honors). also from a protection stand piont this armor would be able to stand up to power armor( so it would be fluffy for them to still have the 3+ save) due to the fact that that armor had increased frontal protection and makes the wearer a " unstoppable juggernaught" because of it. but at the cost of rear protection


this armor was actualy made for enclosed spaces like space hulk and the squat worlds so if you dont want to read all the above yes you can use it and yes it will make since. hope this helped and for the melta things just google combi melt conversions. never be afraid to use the internet.


PS. are the models good? they look fantastic

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I've actually been considering the MK III for a unit of sternguard. I think it fits with the sternguard's mentality of setting up somewhere and holding it down.


I know Chapterhouse Studios has a magnitized combi-weapon kit, it may be worth looking at.

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There should be plenty of threads in the PCA area of the board with conversions on how to make combi-weapons.


Personally, I made my sternguard out of DC models (Trying to make all my vets with either DC models or SG models) and used the combi-weapons from the Space Marine Commander box.

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There is a good combimelta conversion in the tutorial section, posting this from work using my phone so cant provide the link, that I used in my sternguard. It basically entails shaving down the top of a bolter and cutting down a melta to fit directly on top of the bolter, its relatively simple and looks quite good. When I get home and have a proper computer I will find the thread and link it here for you.
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Thanks for all the responses, I've just placed my order for the my first five Iron Armour marines soon to be Sternguard. I have two combi-meltas and two combi-plasmas so far. I'm spacing out the purchase of commander boxes so it might take me a while to arm all ten.


I don't know what to load them up with, on Sunday I proxied 10, with 10 combi-meltas in drop pod combat squaded them between two tanks, killed one and imobilised the other. But they got shot up the next round, not sure if having a Sang Priest with only 9 Stern would have helped.


What sort of weapon load out do people usually run their Sternguard.

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I've only used my sternguard once so far. Mine is set up with 6 models (so they can fit in a razorback) with 3 combi-plasmas and a sergeant with lightning claw and combi-melta. Basically I wanted a plasma heavy squad for blasting big stuff and terminators, but didn't want to risk overheat killing the sergeant.
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My Mk III armour arrived on Friday, and so far I have built two combi-melta and two meltagun Sternguard boys. I haven't painted them up yet, I have two in primer and two with nothing on. I will post pictures at some point.


This is the first time I've bought anything from Forge World and the service was quick to Scotland (Ordered Wed arrived Fri). The kits are really good, first time working with resin, went together really well. Only one small area of porosity on one leg but green stuff fixed that.


Won't be painting them for at least a week as I have an assingment to complete.


My only question is the last marine, should I risk combi-plasma as "gets hot" has killed me in the past when I have used plasma, and killing the guy with a one-shot plasma weapon would be horrible.



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Here's a couple of pictures of my Sternguard (taken on the obligatory cutting board). One is naked resin with a melta, the other is primer with a combi-melta.



Heads and the combi and melta are pinned and removable for painting.


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  • 4 weeks later...

You can make Sternguard with any "mark" armor type you want.


Look at some of the Ultramarine artwork in the "vanilla" codex, for example. There is a good number of II's and III's in them.




Badass looking models you got there.


Like to see them after you paint all their marking on.



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Don't do freehand markings as I am crap at them. I'll probably do some oath of moment scrollwork on the sholder pads etc, but as for BA symbols mines always end up looking like ink blot tests. I really need to take the time to practice on a bit of plasti card or spare rhino hatch.
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  • 11 months later...


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