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Shooty DP


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Why did GW not make Rules For a shooty prince?


If you think about it, you are a champion or lord who has killed enough people and pleased the gods enough to grant you the honor of being a DP, throughout that time you may have loved to melt innocents faces off in close range combat with your melta or even champion who lived behind a Missle Launcher or Auto cannon. When you become a DP why would you not want to have a long range weapon to continue killing as you see fit. Even in the codex there is a picture of Doombreed with a bolter.


The only real option i see is WoC but it doesnt specify a Range, or even Template size to use.


What do you all think on it?

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I'd love to see more shooty princes. A tzeentch prince can be shooty able to use Bolt of tzeentch and Doombolt/Wind of Chaos every turn, thats about as good as a shooty prince gets.
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I'd love to see more shooty princes. A tzeentch prince can be shooty able to use Bolt of tzeentch and Doombolt/Wind of Chaos every turn, thats about as good as a shooty prince gets.



i am picturing a prince holding a giant cannon like a ork shock attack gun but instead of shooting snotlings through the warp the prince can pull a demon into the breach and shoot it at troops. or somethign along those lines.

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The daemon prince picture in the Chaos codex is holding a gun, but it's not a legal option. That said, even though it was possible in the last codex with the Kai Gun it was still a waste as demonic stature caused you to become BS3 if I remember correctly, and in any case the dreadaxe allowing you to ignore invulnerable saves was probably the most popular option as it made the DP an amazing character killer. Hell, I remember a case of my old DP killing a GK grandmaster and 5 GK terminators all on his lonesome because of how hilariously overpowered he was as I used the entire 100 points of gifts. You could say that the Daemonhunters became the Daemonhunted :D
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Why did GW not make Rules For a shooty prince?


If you think about it, you are a champion or lord who has killed enough people and pleased the gods enough to grant you the honor of being a DP, throughout that time you may have loved to melt innocents faces off in close range combat with your melta or even champion who lived behind a Missle Launcher or Auto cannon. When you become a DP why would you not want to have a long range weapon to continue killing as you see fit. Even in the codex there is a picture of Doombreed with a bolter.


The only real option i see is WoC but it doesnt specify a Range, or even Template size to use.


That's actually not Doombreed, but a different Prince named "Dhar'leth".


Details, I know.



Also, check the rulebook, if you have it. When it says "Template", it means the flamer template.

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I'd love to see more shooty princes. A tzeentch prince can be shooty able to use Bolt of tzeentch and Doombolt/Wind of Chaos every turn, thats about as good as a shooty prince gets.


Tzeentch DP can use TWO psykic powers per turn?

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I miss the Pandemic Staff. Sure the Manreaper was better; but against hordes, it was like having an extra Nurgle's Rot that was fun to use!

Mind you, that was when there was Death Guard, and Chaos Legions; instead of everybody hugs and gets along with a Nurgle and Tzeentch DP side by side...





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since i have to add some troops and i am thinking i will go with a Iron warriors style army has anyone made a terminator style prince, or a prince clad in some sort of armor and instead of wings, a giant jump pack or mechanized style wings?
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since i have to add some troops and i am thinking i will go with a Iron warriors style army has anyone made a terminator style prince, or a prince clad in some sort of armor and instead of wings, a giant jump pack or mechanized style wings?


well. i happen to be working on one atm, for my dark-mech army... i used an ork warboss in mega-armor torso (i think its from a character of sorts) added a plastic termie-front where his head used t obe (yes, hes that big) and made a custom jumpack from termie-backs as intakes, and defiler leg-parts for thrusters... iam still not sure about the arms and legs though, i think i will go for beefed up sentinel legs or something, and perhaps scratchbuild arms...


also slightly more on topic. yeah, if i could, i would had made this guy a shooty-beast... its just more mechy

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