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Lost and Damned army Blog

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So I've have always been interested in doing a Last damned army but with it going out of the loop this project kinda went under the rug. Just recently I acquired a free SM army from my friend who quit and decided it would be a great time to start the army now.


I got a hold of some the chaos mutants on ebay and start looking at some spare bits that I have acquired over the years and started making plans for such for the army. I decided I would do a fallen SW squad for fluff since this 13th SW is in there. I always like making very fancy Asp champs for each squad. So I tore up some ork parts and got the green stuff and came up with this guy.


That is the champ.




The SW squad is kinda bland but i don't really mind since they were free. One Meltagun and one missile launcher for now. I just got to get a hold of a rhino for them. I gave the Chaos glory mark.








I also made 30 mutants and 10 big mutants today. Gonna take awhile to paint those damn things. C&C is weclome.

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Got the pic of my mutants. not the best quality. I cant wait to get these guys painted up and on the table. I wondering how these big mutants will preform on the table. 30 wounds for 300 points is not that bad ,but also take in consideration that these guys are str 6 too. They can also pop some rhinos very well and wounds most things on anything but. The one question I have is it possible for them to ride in a transport like a rhino or chimera?


Regular mutants







Big mutants








Next I will be putting together my bask and some traitors. Im running some C&C traitors in a Chimera. Im thinking two squads one with pistol and close combat weaposn and the other one with shotguns. Each squad will have a Meltagun.


Just for the sake of making the army a very easy army to play against people in friendly game I am just going to put defilers in there that way their is no arguments with the Leman Russ issue. I've looked in a couple of websites on how to field the Leman Russ variants in a lost and Damned army and their are a lot of mixed opinions on how to do this.

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as promised here is the demon prince i also finished the last of one traitor guard unit too.














The traitors





The next thing that will be worked on is the big mutants. I'm not very sure what kinda scheme im going to do on the unit. I want to do a violator chaos marine squad too but i have no idea how to get that kinda blue on the models. Can anyone help me with this?

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I am very sorry but the LatD codex is no longer valid at official tournaments.

They also don't have any PA choices under Apocalypse, so modelling topics etc. involving them do not belong here on the B&C. :P


Please accept my apologies for not seeing this earlier.



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