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Arena of Death Battles

Brother Tyler

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Here are the matchups:

The members have 24 hours to submit their battle-specific special instructions to me. I'll validate each character and then will fight the battles.


If anyone other than the members that submitted characters is interested in running battles, let me know.

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Ooh er, He looks pretty tough. ^_^

Going to have to mathhammer some tactics here...


( sends dice with no ones to brother Tyler )


Special instructions : Eat face with 9 str 5 attacks each turn :(

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  • 2 weeks later...
Sorry for the dealy. Real life has been kicking me in the groin lately with regard to free time. I've had time to fight out the battles, but not the time necessary to write the batreps (which take considerably more concentration and time). However, I will very shortly have a lot more free time and will be able to post the batreps and we will see overall progress. We'll see all of the batreps and some advancement as early as tonight, but no later than Monday night.
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The Black Legionnaire Terminator halted twelve paces away from Warsmith Ironclaw, his weapons not quite threatening the Iron Warrior. The rest of the warrior’s squad stood behind, fanned out in a battle-ready formation that had all four of the veterans’ weapons ready for danger from any quarter. Ferrous Ironclaw recognized the warrior as one of the Warmaster’s chief lieutenants, Gunthar. He was an experienced veteran of the Long War and doubtless a masterful warrior. The Black Legionnaire made no pretense of courtesy as his deep voice rumbled through the vox caster in his horned helm, “the Warmaster demands your presence aboard his flagship.” There was no mistaking the menace of the terminator if the Warsmith refused, though he was not obligated to answer Abaddon’s summons.


Ferrous Ironclaw stared at the terminator impassively, deliberating prolonging his response in order to agitate the messenger. Fiercely independent and still harboring resentment at the bitter failure of the Primarch Horus’ final gambit, the Warsmith was of no mind to submit himself to anyone other than his own Primarch, Perturabo. Finally the Warsmith answered, “you may tell your master that he may call upon me here aboard my own vessel.”


“You will come now” roared Gunthar, his patience spent. The smell of ozone filled the air as traces of energy danced across the claws upon the terminator’s gauntlets.


The Warsmith’s bodyguard readied their weapons, though they were immediately motioned to stand down by their lord. “Do not presume to come aboard my vessel and give me orders. I would not tolerate such from your First Captain.”


“You will learn humility,” spat the black-armoured terminator, advancing forward and bringing his weapon up to shoot in a smooth motion. Ferrous Ironclaw had been prepared for this, though, and he leapt to the side, evading the terminator’s fire and shooting back with his own weapon. The bolt exploded harmlessly upon the thick tactical dreadnought armour, though.


Within the audience room there was chaos as the warriors of the opposing sides attacked each other. The leaders ignored the surrounding battle, though, trusting their respective bodyguards to handle the other underlings.


Both of the Chaos Lords charged, Gunthar advancing and firing relentlessly within the heavy armour. His bolter fire was ineffective, though, as the pace of the Warsmith’s charge deflected the bolt off the left pauldron. As Ferrous Ironclaw closed the distance, though, he switched his fire to the underslung meltagun, the superheated fire of the combi-weapon succeeding where the bolter could not and penetrating the thick terminator armour. Intense pain washed over the Black Legionnaire as his right chest was cooked.


Ferrous Ironclaw continued his rapid advance, charging forward into assault range where his heavy claw and servo arm were of use. Thra’Gath Gunthar was barely able to bring his chaos blade to bear in a feeble effort to fend off the Warsmith’s attack, but to no avail. The Iron Warrior’s left gauntlet thrust a wicked metal claw forward into the abdomen beneath the daemonblade as his servo arm thrust down into the shoulder of Gunthar, both weapons succeeding in penetrating the armour.


An errant bolt from the battle raging around him pinged off his greave, though the Warsmith ignored it, instead focusing his attention on driving the form of the Warmaster’s lieutenant to the deck. When the terminator’s massive combi-weapon slipped from his grasp, Ferrous Ironclaw pushed forward fiercely, driving the servo-arm down through the terminator armour as he ripped his left-hand claw out. Thra’Gath Gunthar’s corpse slumped down to the deck heavily, the massive terminator armour stopping motionless as the Warsmith spun about to deal with the rest of the battle.


Only two other Iron Warriors remained, facing the last Black Legionnaire. Seeing his leader dead upon the floor, the last Terminator fired off a last salvo before disappearing as he teleported out.


“Activate the shields and get us out of range of the Warmaster,” commanded Warsmith. It was good to finally give Abaddon a comeuppance, but it was never wise to anger him directly. “Prepare for transition to the Warp. We will return to Medrengard.”



Victory to Ferrous Ironclaw


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That was the single most epic battle report I have read in a LONG time... Thank you for taking time out to write this.


And Gunthar? Good fight! I really thought I wasn't going to survive this, but I guess my underhand "shoot you in the face with my Meltagun when you least expect it" tactic really did work!

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Ardus considered his options. The relic he sought, the bejeweled skeletal hand of Narcasos, was nearby. With the hand finally in his possession he would be able to return to the scene of his greatest failure – the fortress monastery of the Tigers Argent Chapter where he had once walked as an aspirant. He would have his vengeance upon the Chapter Master.


First, though, he had to secure the Hand.


This would be no easy task, for the Hand was protected behind potent wards that would dispel any but the most powerful of magicks. Worse yet, the guardian of the hand was not a being to trifle with.


On the planet beneath him, within a tower that no one had ever succeeded in penetrating, Ardus’ destiny awaited.


“Target the top of the tower,” he ordered. “On my signal, fire once. I will teleport in. Fix on my signal and teleport me back when I command.”


The thralls that served him were incapable of speech, their vocal chords having been removed long ago. The two minions bowed obsequiously, their shaved heads almost brushing the black iron decking of the ship that Ardus had stolen in his escape from the Tigers Argent. Ardus turned and exited the command deck, shortly thereafter marching into the teleport chamber. Once he stood upon the teleport pad, he gave the signal.


Elsewhere aboard the ship, other gunnery thralls reacted with precision borne of terror – they knew that failure would cost them their lives. As the massive weapons of the ship fired once, the corrupted battle barge shuddered. A projectile the size of a baneblade was spat forth, the surface of the warhead bursting into superheated flames as the friction of its supersonic entry into the atmosphere encountered friction. The shockwave of its passage through the sky distorted the storm clouds that covered the continent upon which the tower stood.


Meanwhile, the thralls in the teleport chamber initiated the transit sequence. Instants after the orbital projectile slammed into the tower, Sorcerer-Lord Ardus Wynn materialized within the ruins of the tower. Gathering in his surroundings in a moment, he spied the guardian of the hand. A fellow sorcerer and renegade of the Adeptus Astartes, the gold-armoured figure stared at Ardus’ terminator armour-clad form with undisguised fury. Ardus Wynn lurched forward, firing his combi-meltagun at the guardian as the other sorcerer attempted to pull his leg from beneath a pillar that had fallen upon him in the attack. How the guardian had survived the orbital bombardment without more serious injury was a feat that Ardus Wynn could ascribe only to sorcery. The bolter shot ricocheted off the pillar, deflecting off the chest armour and exploding harmlessly as it sped past.


As the golden foe extricated himself from the pillar, Ardus Wynn continued his charge, firing as he bore down on his foe. Again his shots exploded harmlessly, this time pitting the chest armour of the guardian with fragments. Almost simultaneously, armoured wings snapped into flight position and the guardian burst forward with a speed that Ardus Wynn couldn’t hope to match in his heavy tactical dreadnought armour. In an instant, the golden-armoured sorcerer had closed the distance and both of the psykers engaged with their force weapons.


The battle became a whirlwind of psychically powered weapons, the two sorcerers using all of their martial prowess and psychic power to speed their battle motions. The silent guardian wielded his flailed staff with speed and precision while Ardus Wynn used his spiked force staff with power. Both of the combatants succeeded in landing blows on the other, each bleeding for his efforts. Continuing the melee, Ardus Wynn brought his force weapon down upon the shoulder of his adversary, feeling the golden armour crack beneath his attack. At the same time, though, the guardian reversed his weapon and drove the spiked butt up into Wynn’s abdomen, pushing the weapon further into the chest of the Sorcerer-Lord.


Ardus Wynn’s grip on his own weapon slackened as the golden-armoured sorcerer rapidly pulled the spike out and spun about, bringing the ends of the skull-tipped flails around in a whirring arc that wrapped around the spikes of Wynn’s helm and ripped it from his armour. As Wynn brought his own weapon up in a thrust at the now-exposed chest of his opponent, the winged guardian brought the flail up, around, and down into the Sorcerer-Lord’s skull, crushing it and killing Ardus Wynn.


Finally halting his motions, the guardian withdrew his helm and stared down at his vanquished foe, cobalt eyes narrowed. Finally his scarred face cracked into a rictus grin and the guardian spoke to the dead Sorcerer-Lord, “I am Agemo of the Dark Chronos and the hand of Narcasos is mine.”



Victory to Agemo of the Dark Chronos


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I hope to run the battle tomorrow night. Since I'm short on time currently, I'm only going to write batreps for the forum championships. Since this is such a battle, there will be a batrep (which means you might not find out for a day or two, or maybe not until this weekend, depending on how much free time I have).
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I hope to run the battle tomorrow night. Since I'm short on time currently, I'm only going to write batreps for the forum championships. Since this is such a battle, there will be a batrep (which means you might not find out for a day or two, or maybe not until this weekend, depending on how much free time I have).

That's good to know. Thanks once again for taking time out to do this.

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